Madonna~is she a copy machine???

...and she is laughing her way to the bank!
errr-errr...what do you think ?
-Images found via Madonna Revelations


  1. Gosh, I'm crazy for Madonna's look, but now I have a dilemma. Interesting post! haha! :)

  2. Yes now Lady Ga Ga is taking it to the next level all over again too!

  3. cheater cheater pumpkin eater!!!!

  4. Good artists copy, great artists steal.

    I stole that sentence, by the way!

  5. This is such a great post! I love Madonna more for her music than her style. But... I have to say that she still looks good and I love that about her.

  6. amaziiing!
    where do you found qll these pics?

  7. Wow. Some of these are blatant copies. What a fantastic post Lenore!

  8. Great post. I would say that she is a fan of the homage.

  9. Hmm... I really don't know what to say. To compare Madonna to Audrey and Princess Di? Hahahaha...

  10. always been a fan of madonna & her music. but this is a interesting post

  11. I will always be her biggest fan. I love Madonna! xoxo

  12. Absolutely! She's a total bower bird - a little bit from here and a little bit from there! She is the master business woman too. Great post sweetie! XOXO's

  13. Is ANYONE ever a true original? It's ALL been done before, and it will ALL be done again... and again... and again...

    I think that if we're lucky, we figure out a way to mix it up so that it's fresh again. But I don't think there's really much left in our world that is new.

  14. you are GOOD! great post, and point. i was just thinking about Madonna after watching Gaga's amazing video. Wondering why Gaga is the next Madonna but..more something else. ORIGINAL.
    GOD bless Madonna for paving the way, but her gift is more appropriation thank innovation. Hats off to Gaga for ripping the lid off of what can/will be. xo. -Bella Q

  15. She seems to know what she's doing. Whatever works!

  16. Haha true, but it works for her! Plus no one is really original, there's always someone who's done it before...usually.

  17. Oh interesting, I didn't realise how many of her looks were so inspired.

  18. This is an interesting post. Great job.

  19. Ha! Who would have thought that she's a copy machine!!! Wowza - great going girlfriend!

  20. Great post! It seems to me that she's enjoying every kinds of fashon. She's so lucky she can do it.

  21. absolutely she is! she really is a genius, whether one likes her or not. personally, i adore her.

  22. I suppose in way, I have grown up with Madonna and although I think she is a crazed control freak, I do lover her attitude. I guess she knows a good think when she sees it and adapts it to suit her.Have a great weekend x

  23. I am brave enough to admit that I have never been Madonna's fan...I have never believed her to be genuine, original, sincere....she is about commercial success and personal accolades, ego-driven - those are not bad goals in themselves but there has to be more if one is to be taken seriously as an "artist" - your collages are brilliant - now I understand where my gut aversion was coming from....some might say "but Madonna never made a secret of the fact that she modelled herself after these women"! the point is that many people would find these old photos quite obscure and WOULD think this was Madonna's original schtick. ox

  24. How on earth did you put together all of these images? Unbelievable post! Madonna is one shrewd businesswoman, but she really should slow down on the plastic surgery. She looks like a Siamese cat these days.

  25. Nothing is original ... it's not where you get your ideas, it's where you take them to. Very observant post ... thank you !

  26. amazing post, darling! such a work you've done! hope you have a fabulous weekend! xo

  27. very cool...it seems everything is recycled...and she is the queen of recycled fashion, clearly..hehe.

  28. haha - this is very eye-opening! I never saw these comparisons before. Hmmm....

  29. Love this post! I will always be a Madonna fan. She's ten years older than me...I feel like I grew up with her. Although we probably wouldn't be too fond of each other in person!

  30. Of course she is! We all are!!! Fashion recycles!!!
    J'adore your blog header... it makes me want to sing... "let's all sing like the birdies do... tweet tweet tweet... lol!
    Bon week-end!

  31. i always thought she's copying marilyn monroe ._. didnt know she's copying a whole lot more! very interesting!~

  32. very cool!!! love the matching of the photos!

  33. I love these comparisons! Such a genius that damn Madonna... ♥

  34. Insanely fascinating post. I mean, I knew Madonna was copying Marilyn Monroe for the Material Girl video, but I've never seen these other connections. Really interesting.

    (P.S. Sorry I've been MIA lately with finals -- I've so missed your blog)

  35. She is quite the chameleon gotta get her credit for that :)

  36. it would appear that way. it's hard to see what's genuine but i suppose that's the fun in it...

  37. Oh she is and she does it so well.

  38. PLEASE. Madonna NEVER hid the fact that many of her images are directly inspired by previous works by others. She HERSELF say so many times in interviews what or who inspires her work at the moment.

    As to Gaga being more original, TRIPLE PLEASE!

    Gaga practically MODELS herself on Madonna and many of her "looks" are BLATANT copies of Madonna's, from the cone bras, to the Monroe-Dean mashups, to the harness of M's "Future Lovers", etc., ad infinitum.

    But more than looks, Gaga's ENTIRE packaging, her ENTIRE modus operandi, her entire EVERYTHING are all pilfered from the Madonna playbook. Her concerts are Madonna spectacle copies, even her soundbites are Madonna derivatives.

    And the awful thing about Gaga is she THINKS and SAYS she's "original". Apparently, so do her clueless fans..

  39. Madonna is pretty unique. I like to consider her "inspired" by these iconic beauties. Why shouldn't she be, aren't we all? You have a lovely blog...

  40. More a chameleon than a copymachine. Her talent lies in being able to change image convincingly, rather than producing anything original.
