Open House Revisited~

...~As promised, these are just some of the many photos I took last weekend;
when my best friend jack & I went to see a few properties in the suburbs...
[Update: he has yet to find the right house to purchase~ picky-picky-picky...dear Jack]
Anyway, I have more photos to share from that day, but I think I better save
them for next time... Must say~ this whole experience was really inspiring to me that I want to
start doing photography series on 'Open Houses'. Always find it interesting to see how people live,
their dwellings, their belongings...and 'if wall could talk' moments!
my-my-my...all the family history+DRAMA must be fascinating...errr intriguing to say the least!
~Reminded me of one of my favorite drama film, 'American Beauty' somehow...
Anyone has seen this movie??? Highly recommended I have to say!
Let's watch the short film clip & also please listen to the hauntingly beautiful music score by
Thomas Newman~another fave of mine! ~Enjoy:

~Whahaha...she looks like me when I clean my house...Especially when guests are coming!

...one last thing, Happy Woo-Hoo Friday!!! ~ENJOY your weekend everybody!
I'm going to the countryside once again... yup, I want to collect some green moss in the forest! errr...hope the wolves will not eat me alive!!! How about you guys, any plans for the weekend?


  1. Into the forest for me too...Err? What about last name "Wolfe"? Could be interesting...;)
    Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Have a great weekend at the countryside Lenore!! ;) Keep an eye out for the wolves heheh! Have a great Friday!! WOOHOOO!!!

  3. Enjoy the woods. Enjoy the moss.

  4. Ooooo, those beautiful blue skies! Today is the first sunny day I've seen in about 2 weeks, and although I'll be stuck inside most of the day working, I'm hoping to spend all day tomorrow out in the yard prepping the garden for spring. This evening we plan on cracking open some yard beers and grilling something yummy :) Perhaps we can even fit in a bike ride this weekend before the rain moves back in. I envy your time in the woods - Have a fabulous weekend Lenore!

  5. Cottage Cheese,
    your weekend sounds deliciousss~

  6. Have a lovely weekend!!and PLEASE don't get eaten by wolves--I would miss you SO much!

  7. Oh! You have to take pictures of open houses and put your wonderful spin on them Lenore! I'm just crazy about that idea. That could be a great HGTV show!

    Have fun in the country dear. Thanks for another fun week of posts. You're so good!!

    Big hugs! xoxo

  8. A bright clear sky. Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

  9. Ooooo...these photos are very intriguing!! I hope to venture into the woods myself this weekend...sigh, i long for the breath of the trees.
    I too loved that movie and that scene!!

  10. Love your idea of showing us the inside and outside of houses, Lenore. American Beauty is such a great film, and the short video reminded me how bitter-sweet it was. Happy weekend and stay clear from the wolves!

  11. American Beauty ~~ great movie, I need to rent it and watch it again :)

    Happy Friday!!

  12. I found that movie a bit creepy.

  13. Great pictures! I know what it's like trying to find the right house. I'm just now (hopefully) done with that process!

  14. Going to the countryside sounds like heaven right about now.

    I love what you said about open houses. The stories about why those homes are for sale are typically haunting and facinating.

  15. look at that beautiful blue sky!

    and i am one of those PICKY PICKY people! it is so hard to find stuff that is just right, and the more expensive the price, the pickier some of us get!

    hope you have a SUPER weekend!

  16. Have a great time in the countryside dear!

  17. Glad you have been able to house explore, have a great weekend in the woods! :)

  18. That sky is gorgeous !
    Annette Bening was great in that movie - seen it a few times.
    Have a lovely weekend LNM x

  19. thanks for stopping by my little blog! I love that movie, and i think the soundtrack just makes it all so haunting. also love your idea for a photo project. i love seeing art and being able to make up stories about people based on objects and such they own.

  20. Wow, the sky is gorgeous blue!
    I have to check out the movie...
    Wonderful weekend Lenore!!

  21. Is that open house - or open sky?! Adore big blue skies. Have a great time xx

  22. Oh cool pictures, hope the house hunting goes well! I haven't seen that film but I've definitely been interested in doing so for awhile!

  23. I Looooooove American Beauty! Have a great weekend too ;)

  24. Gha! I've had the same idea for Open Houses!
    Don't worry, I'll probably never do it, it's yours to keep :)

  25. as usual... this post is amazing !
    love your video, love this post, love your blog !
    have a wonderful weekend !

  26. pretty pictures ;)
    and funny vid!

    hope your having a great weekend!


  27. I think a series like that sounds fabulous. I love to peep at other people's homes! That sounded weird. Ah ha ha

  28. You do put a wonderful spin on things. I'm worried as I haven't seen some friends for a while (about a year)and I'm at a loss as to my style direction and interior decor direction. They were amazing style gurus.


  29. hey, it's better to be picky than get stuck with a crappy house. plus his pickyness allows for you to see multiple homes and photo them :)

  30. Annette Benning was totally robbed when she didn't win an oscar for this!!! (...or did she...? I think Kevin did for sure though...) Yes sir - love this movie too sweetie!

    Sounds like you had a marvellous time house hunting - it looks so civilised too - very much looking forward to the next installment! OXOXO's

  31. Nice blog :)


  32. Know what you mean dear Lenore, one of fave parts when buying my house was checking out the ones that were lived in and also old-out-of-my-price-range beauties... ♥

  33. You should definitely do an open house series! So fascinating... I couldn't agree more. Sometimes I just wonder, if walls and furniture could talk, they must have some pretty good stories they could tell about the people they live with. American Beauty is a classic... Anette Bening is fantastic in that role ;-) (as was Kevin Spacey of course...)
