SMILE...it's Monday!

" errr...errrrr...
alright ~I'm trying here...
trying really-really harrrrrd !!! "
[ welcome to my Monday Darlings!]



Anna White said...

Bwahahahahahaha...you are crazy..and I love it! :) x

A~B said...

hahaha...what a great way to start the week LNM!!

Irina said...


Anonymous said...

great lipstick color girlie!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Arrhhh, this really freaks me out. Happy Monday!

Kay said...

That pic scares me.... :) Have a great week!

debra@dustjacket said...

Hang in there babe,
xoxo DJ

Bob said...

Why is the work week five grueling days but the weekend works out to be about 90 minutes?

Jan said...

Stop it you'll stay like that !
(as my mother used to say)

Sarah said...

LOL!!! You're wonderful Lenore!!

Amy said...

I am trying hard, too, lovely girl. Try and have a happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning.....It's cold and pouring outside. I didn't want to get dressed. Just lay in soft PJs all day.... I'm right with you......

Laura Trevey said...

I'm trying.... I'm reeeeally trying :)

Unknown said...

I have tried and tried...but I cannot force a smile this morning! Stupid Mondays....

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

hahaha you crack me!

Homemaker Man said...

That's the same smile my daughter gives when you beg her to smile for the camera.

Kaleena J. said...

My monday is already off to a terrible start. I woke up with a migrane. :(

WendyB said...

Can I go back to sleep now?

Kitty Stampede said...

hahahaha...that is awesome. happy monday? ;)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

haha Lenore! you always make me smile! happy monday, darling! xo

Christina said...

bleh, tell me about it. not feeling very well today which makes monday even worse! ick.

Charlotte said...

Lenore, listen to Jan, mother was right!
Always look on the bright side

Cheryl Peters said...

You are working VERY, VERY HARD to smile. I appreciate your tremendous efforts and hope it's easier tomorrow.

For a Monday, I'm smiling easily. Perhaps because I took it really, really easy over the weekend. In fact, I spent all morning on Saturday and Sunday in bed with my laptop on a pillow in front of me. Lon brought me coffee and I soaked it all in.

Have a swell week.

Breathless Ms. Seberg said...

Haha! Oh man. That's kind of how I felt on the train this morning...


Ms. Seberg

Mekkan said...

You've made my sleepy eyes wide open. I have to share this post with my friends tomorrow. It's my pure anabashed desire to laugh aloud and enjoy Tuesday morning.

Caroline said...

OMG...too funny!

Bathwater said...

I can actually picture that being you.

Saving Capulet said...

exactly how i feel! lol

Evie said...

I have a belated present for you which
needs to be wrapped up.
Don't take offence but your blogs are getting repetitive and a bit short. I always feel you want to blurt something out but supress it. You also seem vague and a bit uncertain of events/ facts. Could you make yourself a bit more clear?
Thanks xx

Leah said...

You are too funny... love the pic. Thanks for the Monday laughs. xoxo

AJ at OFLBlog said...

It's a little frightening, frankly....is she chewing on something (is that YOUUUU!!!???).....is she cold...it's frightening....ox

Evie said...

AJ, Why would you be frightened of that? You sound like Lenore, all twisted up inside, you can't hide that, it's in your 'voice'.

Tiffany Kadani said...

Haha! Happy Monday to you! I your love Monday posts.

COCAMIA said...

LOLLOL! I so know what you mean!

Phoenix said...

If by "smile" you mean "grimace," then yes. Yes I am smiling.


lauren baluyo said...

Hahaha! Don't remind meeeee!

Awesome, awesomeee post.



Iva Messy said...

LOL!!!!!!! Happy Monday Lenore!!

bananas. said...


okay...that is effin hilarious! sums up my every monday morning expression.

www.janetteria.com said...

LOL! :-)

Sam said...

Yes! My Monday was very similar to this!! :0)

Andrea said...

Very unnerving those lips...
Hope today is better!

Cindy said...

oh no, not the ugly cry, but i do like the shade of lipstick ;)!

Kwana said...


Ela said...

GAH, this scares me.
Just a little.



alison said...

That's hilarious.and how I feel today!