It felt like I was spending my nights in an English country manor~

I'm flying back home today...I'm quite worried about
the airport situation at the moment!
I'm sure you've heard the news re; the volcanic ash from Iceland
which had caused major airports to shut down around the globe!
I'm hoping the domestic U.S flights would not be so badly
affected today. I hope...errr-errr???

Let's clear the air for a moment and
take a peep at my home-away-from-home
a.k.a the New York hotel room, where I've been staying
for the past few days... It's rather charming
~English Country kind of charm!
~take a look:

Oh NO!!! ...She is still here?!!
(I want her plush terry cloth head-band! ~whahhh...)
" Have a Charming Weekend Darrrlings! "
signing off via NYC


  1. Yeah I heard about the volcanic ash. My uncle is stuck in Paris at the moment. Woa that is a nice hotel room!! Get home safely!!!

  2. Aah! She scared me that time. Hoping for a safe trip home for you soon!

  3. You are hilarious!!
    Have a super weekend ~~

    xoxo Laura

  4. Hope you are now safe back home!
    I enjoyed the posts this week too. Take a good rest for another new Monday :)

  5. That looks lovely!! Have a safe flight, heres hoping you get to lounge in a bubble bath with your kick ass towel/headband and a glass of champagne!!

  6. Volcanic ash causing airport delays, what next?

    I hope your flight isn't affected although if you could turn back and spend more time in that awesome room, it wouldn't be too hellish.

    I'd love to know what company you work for. They treat you pretty darn good although I'm sure you've earned everything you get.

    Kick back if possible and savor the weekend.

  7. ooh the ash, here in London we are completely isolated hahaha, no planes in or out...
    hope you make it ok :)
    What is she still doing here ;) have a great weekend xo

  8. You always make me smile!! Have a great weekend!

    Art by Karena

  9. Looks very big for just you , you will have to invite me next time!

  10. Safe travels dahling...the NY hotel looks so cozy and lovely!

  11. it looks you're having a really charming time, darling! hope you have a safe flight! xo

  12. U always make me a smile! :)

  13. I love that hotel room- you're right it totally reminds me of an English cottage. That wall paper is a little off the hook though.

  14. Hilarious last image. :) This hotel room looks so dreamy though! I'm afraid I wouldn't want to leave . . .

  15. Ugh, I have heard about the volcanic ash situation. It's crazy! Hopefully you'll catch a flight home soon, I'm not sure that it's affected domestic US travel just yet.

  16. ooohh such a pretty room! I love the walls most!

  17. Cosy !
    Safe trip Lenore (although I can think of far worse places to be stranded than New York.)

  18. Gosh, I love it that she takes a bath in full, and I do mean full, make-up!!

    Lovely hotel!

  19. Hehehe! There she is again - that Alex has a thing for you lady!

    What an elegant hotel you stayed at - hope all went swimmingly with your work and week. The volcanic ash thing is so wild! My boyfriend was telling me that the reason they aren't flying is that the plane just drops out of the sky when it gets ash in the engines - eeeeek! They were even saying that flights from Sydney to Asia may be cancelled too! Can you catch a train if the planes are grounded? Hope it works out sweetie!! XOXO's

  20. Not just Joan's strict diet and scary shoulder pads keeping us Brits in tow. Now it's the ash from Iceland too. Bang goes my holiday to Antigua. Wish me fair winds (or at least Westerly ones, so this damned dust blows away)..

  21. You are one funny lady!!! I love it! Have a beautiful weekend...xo

  22. Hope you got your flight ok. Ooh what a lovely place! Such an English country tea kinda feel.

  23. That hotel is sick! Where in NY is it? I live here and i have never seen it. Soo cool

    safe travels



  24. For a second I thought you'd snuck a shot of me in my bathtub. I had to look twice! Then I realized that she doesn't wear as much makeup as I do to take MY bubble baths.

    Hope you have a safe trip home!

  25. Great room dear Lenore... but even awesomer is your post inspiration! Alexis is a little scary...

  26. great great post hahaha !
    Alexis is the best bitch I've ever seen !

  27. Wowoahs...I am sooo behind!!! what a gorgeous hotel room. I love that first photo..fabulously gorgeous.

  28. what a charming hotel room!

  29. you are so funny Lenore!!! :)
