" Thank you my darling Nia ...you rest in peace now "
Earlier this week, Nia had left us to go to her doggy heaven.
For the past 12 years, she had brought so much love & joy into my life.
I'm deeply saddened and going to miss everything about her...especially
the distinctive scratching noise she made on her favorite pillow.
Allow me to take some time off to mourn the loss.
Thank you for your kind understanding everyone...



  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it is like to lose a pet and my heart goes out to you.

  2. I am so very sorry hunnie for your loss....I lost my furbaby about 2 weeks ago after having him for 13 years..I know the feeling....:(

    Statements in Fashion

  3. I am so sorry ....I don't know what I will do when Miss belle goes! Our pets are so precious to us.

    I do have a New Giveaway from the French Basketeer I think you will love!

    Art by Karena

  4. She was adorable. So sorry for your loss.

  5. I am soo soo soo sorry,sweetie....
    Kisses and hugs

  6. Oh L.

    So sorry to hear your sad news-

    N was so cute-

    all the best, Ren

  7. Sorry to hear that L. Nothing easy about losing a beloved pet. She was a cutie.

  8. Oh, I am so so sorry! Pets mean the world. Sending you many, many good wishes.

  9. I am so sorry, Lenore! She looks like the sweetest dog and I know she was a big part of your life. So sorry.

  10. So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.

  11. Thank you everyone,
    sincerely, your kind words always bring some comforts.

  12. I'm so sorry Lenore. Losing a sweet pet is so sad. Peace and love to you Lenore.


  13. Oh doll, my heart goes out to you.

  14. So saddened to learn of your loss darling Leonore. I know the pain you're feeling right now.

    X Lola & Nora:)

  15. I'm so sorry. Lots of love to you.

  16. so so sorry for your loss :( my thoughts and love are with you

  17. Wow! Just yesterday i was telling another blog friend that i don't know what i would do without my dog, Ginger. I am REALLY SORRY for your loss. As someone who is madly in love with mine, i can only imagine your grief. Lots of hugs to you. xx

  18. Losing pets is just so devastating because their love is simple and unconditional.
    So, so sorry for your loss.

  19. The best thing about dogs is that they don't fear mortality. Nia was probably enjoying the moment up until the very end. It doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye, but at least it eases the heart to think that here was a creature who knew no emotional pain, anxiety, or sadness. She lived like we should all be lucky enough to live--completely in the moment.

  20. Oh Lenore, I'm so sorry. Look at her cute puggy face. I dread the day when our cats leave us. Big hug!!

  21. Sorry for your loss, he was a sweetheart! xx

  22. Awe.... so sorry, what a cutie-pie :)

  23. Lenore ~

    I'll never understand why our favorite little 'loves' have to live such short lives...one of life's unfair realities.

    You know how much I adore pugs and consider mine as family (or rather, my firstborn!). So sad for you and the saying good-bye to your Nia...

    Thinking of you,

  24. oh my darling im so sorry, I know the pain... Big kisses xoxo

  25. So sorry to hear that Lenore.
    Take care.
    Virtual hugs.

  26. i am so very sorry. i've loved seeing nia on your blog. be good to yourself during this tough time. xo, c

  27. Sweetheart - I'm so, so sorry. My thoughts are with you. XO's

  28. Oh Goodness Lenore, I am so so sorry. It is so hard to lost fur family. it is a feeling like no other.
    she will be part of you forever.
    r.i.p Nia.

  29. Mistress MaddieSeptember 08, 2010

    Oh Lenore, I'm so sorry to hear the news! I usually don't cry when I read your blog. :(


  30. Oh dear...I wish I could change things so you and Nia were together forever. Please know I'm taking a bit of your sadness from your heart. I'll carry it for you.

  31. Hi! I'm your newest follower. I'm so sorry about your doggie. People who don't own pets just can't understand the love we have for our furbabies.

  32. So sorry for your loss, I hope that your happy memories of her stay with you always. My heart goes out to you.

  33. Very sad to hear this news.
    Lucky you've got so many gorgeous snaps of memories with her.

  34. so sorry for your loss, may the lovely memories tide you over and provide a beacon of comfort always

  35. May baby Nia rest forever in heaven girl, my condolences to you. Please take care.

  36. I am so sorry for your loss. I can completely relate to you right now. I lost my beloved dog, Coco, few years ago. I was in a lot of pain. But time, somehow has a way of healing. He is always in my heart. We have now Max to share our joy with. He is adorable and We adore him. But Coco will always be my little baby and has a special place in my heart.


  37. Oh Lenore, so sorry to hear your news. Sending big hugs across the ocean - Susan xx

  38. Oh darling this just brought tears to my eyes. I really feel for you and am so sorry to hear about your loss. Will be thinking of you x

  39. I am so sorry for your loss!

  40. My empathies and commiseration to you - I understand your sadness and loss having lost our little Schatzi in May. The sense of grief is souless and unbearable, and I'm sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.

  41. I'm very sorry for your loss, Lenore. We lost our puppy of 12 years last February, and we still miss him. The pain eventually subsides, but the love and sweet memories live on forever...

    I believe that Nia knew how much she was loved, and that, because the feeling was surely mutual, she wouldn't want to see you suffering. So, whenever possible, just give a little smile or a laugh in her honor.

    Peace & love,

  42. I bet you gave her a wonderful life, one she won't forget. Remember good thoughts...

  43. oh darling, I'm so sorry for your loss... big hugs and kisses. xo

  44. Dearest Lenore,
    I am so sad to hear of your loss. May your baby rest peacefully in heaven and always remain in your heart.

  45. oh no. I'm so sorry. :(

  46. Terribly sad when a pet you have had for so long dies! What wonderful memories you must have! Have a great weekend!

  47. Oh god.. I'm so sorry dear Lenore... I guess there is no way of making you feel better about this but as another person who lost her companion long before, I can say that you must be proud of yourself for giving such a joyful and happy life to this special creature of yours... I'm sure she was loved a lot and taken good care of.

    Hope you'll feel better in the shortest time,



  48. Losing your little fur child hurts so much.

  49. Oh Lenore I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how painful this much be and my thoughts are with you. Rest in peace darling Nia.

  50. So very sorry for your loss. I hope you find some peace during your break. Sweet memories be with you.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hi sweetheart,
    I know what Nia means to you although I did not have the chance to meet her. I remembered the passing of another, pudpud and the how hard it was to let him go at that time. How he waited for you to tell him its ok.
    My thoughts are with you, Nia and Pudpud.
    God blessed the faithfully departed.

  53. Hi sweetheart,
    I know what Nia means to you although I did not have the chance to meet her. I remembered the passing of another, pudpud and the how hard it was to let him go at that time. How he waited for you to tell him its ok.
    My thoughts are with you, Nia and Pudpud.
    God blessed the faithfully departed.

  54. I know, just give it time, lots of time.
    Much love,

  55. I'm so sorry, Lenore. I know how much it hurts to lose a furry family member.

    love and hugs,


  56. Sending you much sympathy for your loss. I can see she was an adorable companion.

  57. lenore, i'm so sorry for your loss. i'm thinking about you and would give you a giant hug if i could.

  58. oh no!
    I am so sorry to hear such sad news. Big hugs your way!!

  59. My dearest Lenore, I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Nia. Take as much time as you need. We are all thinking of you.

  60. oh i'm so sorry! i can't imagine how hard it is to lose a furbaby. sending you hugs!

  61. So sorry, thinking of you. Pets are the nearest and dearest.

  62. I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better in time.... :(


  63. I am so awfully sorry Lenore. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  64. I was just thinking of you - hope you're feeling ok

  65. Sorry about Nia. Now she is always with you in your heart. "She is a thousand winds that blow."

  66. I'm so sorry ! I lost my Labradorable last year and I keep crying...
    Lots of love*°*°*°*°*°

  67. I'm so sorry to hear this! A loss of a pet is so difficult. Thinking of you during this time.


  68. Aw, I'm so sorry, it's like losing family :(

  69. Dear Lenore, hope you are feeling a bit better and will be back with us again soon? I know you love Earth Wind and Fire - I went to hear them in concert a little while ago and have posted about this today. Do have a listen as I think it will help to cheer you up. Big hugs from London - Susan xx

  70. The death of a pet can be one of the most difficult things someone can ever go through in their life. I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I never know what to say but I just wanted to say that I care. Take care of yourself and know that you have a wealth of support behind you in this little land of Blogger

    Much love

  71. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this :( Hopefully she's resting in peace and in a much better place now. And as I'm sure you know, she'll live on in your memories.

  72. oh my darling, i'm so sorry. thinking about you and sending u much love...

  73. She is beautiful and will be remembered that way.

  74. so so sorry, this myst be such a tough time, you clearly love your babies so much. Hugs and definitely take care.

  75. Awww, so sorry dear, hope you are well.

  76. I'm so sorry it took me so long to find this post, Lenore. My heart aches for you.
    Sending you love.

  77. Oh no!!! I know from personal experience just how hard this is Lenore. Gosh I am so sorry. I am thinking of you and sending gigantic hugs your way.
    I'm soooooo sorry....

  78. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending a virtual hug.
    XO Piper

  79. I am so so sorry. I lost my kitty a month ago today. I wish you peace!

  80. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, I know only too well that dogs really do become part of the family and it can be very hard losing them. My thoughts are with you. xo


  81. Lenore, Im thinking of you and pray you are ok

  82. I'll second that!

  83. Sorry to hear about your loss. I, too, believe your Nia is now in her "doggy heaven."

    Just want to let you know that, in my latest post, I mentioned you and your blog. See for yourself:

  84. I'm so very sorry, my sweet. Cherish the blessed and happy memories you shared together. XX

  85. Thank you so much everyone for your very kind words~
    I'm still taking my time off from the blog world.

    much LOVE to all!

  86. So happy to see you drop by. Though I haven't updated my own these days, I never forget to visit your blog. Take care! Much love from Japan.

  87. Oh I am so sorry for your loss, my dear you are so special and take all of the time you need!

    Art by Karena

  88. Understand you taking your needed time off. Stopping by to say I hope you are well. Thinking of you and missing you.

  89. Just stopped by to send good wishes.

  90. thinking about you still.

  91. I'm sorry about your loss dear Lenore. Our childhood dog passed away about 3 years ago (he lived for over 13 years) and we still miss him and think of him often. Pets are such a comfort and important part of our lives also. Sending love and comfort your way...

  92. Cheers!..to Nia.

    Infinite love and gratitude.

  93. oh my gosh i'm so sorry to hear of your loss :(

  94. Hi darling, just checking in on you. Do take care, I feel for you on your loss.
    love DJ

  95. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard it is to lose such a sweet and loving family member. Most of my pets growing up didn't last long before they ran away or had to go so I've never personally dealt with this kind of a loss yet. But I fear it. Hang in there!

  96. My heart goes out to you on the passing of Nia. It is hard to lose our pets. She was a good pal to you and will be watching over now.

    I still miss our Kelly and she has been gone since January. xo
