You know how it is...

when hours turn into days,
days turn into weeks,
weeks turn into a month ...

Well, Hello again everyone!
I know, I know...it's been wayyyyyy...too long for me to be away from this blog world!
Firstly, I must thank everyone for being so lovely to me as always.
Truly appreciate all your kind comments, emails & caring thoughts very-very much!
I'm doing as well as can be & wishing you all the same I hope.
~Life goes on as they say, amen!
and more Life adventures to follow... 

And...the (my) blog world must go on as well no?
So today I'm back & sharing photos once again from my recent travel,
this time ~INDIA!
" Taxi...Taxi...Taxi...errr-errr ??? "
If anyone wants to experience Mega-Major culture shock...India is definitely the place to be!
Have any of you traveled to this part of the world before?
...more to come soon, til' then everyone!
as always
-Photo ©LENORENEVERMORE & GIF found Via 




    missed you muchly x

  2. Oh welcome back darling :)

    No have not ventured to India, but friends have and yes the stories are eye openers!!!
    xoxoxox DJ

  3. i was just thinking about you the other day ... glad you are back just in time for the weekend! enjoy yours!

  4. It is so good to have you back! Missed you in the blogging world, and was wondering where you were? Now we know. India is always one of those countries that I MUST visit!

  5. Lenore! It is good to see(?) you. You sure know how to make an entrance, too. India!

  6. oh darling Lenore, so glad you're back!! we missed you!! never been to India... someday I will! happy weekend! xo

  7. Yeah! Your back! I hope you are doing well! India no never I think I would curl up and cry...way to picky of an eater to venture there! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I am glad you back, Honey!


  9. welcome back, missed you darling!! xoxo

  10. Welcome back!!! I almost sent out a blogging SOS for you. I cannot believe you went to India!!! How life changing is that???

  11. You are back! I too have missed you I hope you enjoyed your adventures next time you need to set up some guest bloggers to help us get by without you.

  12. So happy you're back :) I missed your wit and view on things. India looks exciting!

  13. You went to India? Wow that must have been amazing!! I love the first graphic. It's so awesome. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear some more of your adventures!!

  14. So happy to have you back. I have never traveled to this part of the world but I would love the opportunity to.

  15. Yay! I'm glad you're back to blogging again.

    I've never been any where near India and probably never will. I'm learning about it by your words and photos. That's pretty darn cool!

  16. OH what a lovely Friday treat to see you today!! I was almost thinking of sending you an email :)
    So glad you had some time off to yourself...and going to Indian too! Now that is one part of the world I'm dying to visit one day, bring on the culture shock!

    Hope you're doing very well and each new day just gets better. And a wonderful Friday and weekend to you.

  17. How incredible that you went to India:) WOW!!! Welcome back my dear
    Kisses and hugs

  18. Lovely that you are back-
    India- I have never been and it's on the list but we keep pushing it back- It's like I know I HAVE to go and yet I am not ready to bite the bullet!

  19. yay, glad to hear you are ok! india sounds like a blast and a culture shock. love that last photo.

  20. Welcome back!

    Oh yes I spent 3 weeks in India and went everywhere from Goa to Varanasi. I never realized how much of a city girl I was until I walked through the dusty alleys of the heartland there. It was definitely a different and cool experience.

  21. welcome back! beautiful pics...enjoy your weekend ;)

  22. yeay!
    You're back...and with such gorgeous photos too!

  23. Glad your back, girly girl!

  24. Welcome back! And yes, I went to India. In 1982:). I'm telling the story in installments on my blog, and reliving the experience is fairly intense. There is no place I've ever been quite like India.

  25. Oh honey I was wondering if you were coming back! So glad to hear your alive and kicking...or should I say traveling! Yeah, it the same old Lenore!!!!! And I adore the photo from India. Those are some very ornate carriage wheels.

  26. Great pictures! A friend of mine traveled to India and she had such a culture shock as well, but she did like the food there. =)

  27. Oh my goodness! Wonderful! I want to go to India!!!

  28. Oh rapture! Lenore returns!! So, so missed your elegant, charming funny blog posts!!! ...and you went to India! How utterly cool is that!

    Welcome back! XOXO's

  29. Never been to India. Have you been to Guatemala? Beautiful country!

  30. heey great to hear from you!! you were missed!!! and noo, haven't been anywhere all my life :I

  31. I've always wanted to go. I adore all the colors they use.
    Have you ever seen the documentary "Born into Brothels" it's a sad but beautiful film, highly recommend it.
    it seems like a photographer's dream!!!
    can't wait to see more photos!!

  32. Awesome pics! Good to have you back!

  33. Great that you are back - we love your adventures as much as you do Lenore! x
