Holiday Catalog :

Ba-Ba-boots! ~how cuuute!
Time of the year again everybody...holiday catalogs are pouring in!!
I'm always interested to see the Christmas merchandise from
all the renowned shops/stores. Anthropologie has gone
animal planet on us this year...how adorable are they!
A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to work with
the creative Anthropologie team...one of the highlights in my career!
Too bad I have yet to meet the MAN himself, Keith Johnson in person.
Keith probably has the best job in the world! He is the globe-trotting
shopper for this wonderful store! Yup~ I consider travelling the globe and 
shop&shop&shop to be the Best-est Job!
Have you seen this man as he seeks out the best
each country has to offer as he travels & shops the globe?
Watch him in action on the Sundance Channel
original series- Man Shops Globe.
~One of my favorites to watch on tv-land!  
-Photos: Anthropologie


  1. I am going to have to look out for him! What a job! I guess someone has to do it!

  2. That lama has some great necklaces!

  3. That llama (Alpaca?) is very sweet! Those big fluttery eyelashes! I'd love one as a pet - I hear they are super gentle and polite. What an eye catching catalogue - love it!

  4. I want the boots on that sheep! And the llama is tooo cute! I loved the TV spot, he's got a truly amazing job and also truly amazing you got to work with the team!

  5. Wow! You have such an awesome life! I am glad I can tag along. Do you have a Facebook page?

  6. Very nice nad funny catalog, I lake it!!!

    Kisses and happy weekend.

  7. love these photos! if you go on their website, they have a whole video with dancing xmas ornaments!

  8. Is that a llama? Like in the emperor's new groove? I love it!

  9. Love those matroshka doll ornaments!

  10. Hilarious and very sweet, too.
    Those boots are made for walking;-)
    I adore all the ornaments! Have a nice weekend!

  11. These are so funny and adorable :) Just wanted to drop by and say hi and that you have a lovely blog!

    - the runaway

  12. oh so cute and funny! lovely pics darling. hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo

  13. Oh so Adorable!
    off to check out that TV prog now, sounds interesting. Thanks Lenore!!

  14. I'm going to watch "Man Shops Globe"! sounds amazing!

  15. Actually traveling the globe shopping with someone else's money sounds like a great job!

  16. I love the bah boots photo. that sounds like a lot of fun: traveling and shopping. Will have to see that series!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Bathwater,
    I know...I feel like stealing that job!
    ps: Watch the videos in the link guys~ inspiring!


  19. Love those boots! But just on that sheep...
    And what a great idea on those necklaces! I've got to try something like that with my fabric covered bead things that I make. I need more beads.
    Have a great weekend!

  20. a shopping traveler, best job EVER!!! *wonders how can I get this job* and yay boots season!! <3 Now I can wear my boots without getting questioned, don't you think it's hot? -.-

  21. Isn't Anthro the epitome of awesome? I wish I could have them come decorate my house.

  22. what a COOOL catalogue. pure adorableness. I adore most of the stuff he picks for Anthropologie. I have never had the pleasure of buying anything. Will have to check out the online store.

  23. hahah that sheep is so funny! xD
