Learning French~

"Allo-allo Everyone!"
Have a good news to share here... 
My flight to Paris is all set & confirmed for next week!
My boss has finally given me the green light.
(yup, done my happy-silly dance already).
as you might recall, I learn/study my French via youtube videos! ~LOL*
I better start polishing-up my French again...
What better way to learn from the lovely & talented Carla Bruni, non?
She is so magnifique!! Now, I must really work hard on that husky-sexy voice like hers!
 "errr-errr...parlez-vous sexy français? anyone??" 


  1. Woo, I'm so excited for you!! It's a good thing you're learning French b/c they sure don't like when you speak "American" ;) xo

  2. Er NON.
    Will you be trying pack less this time LNM?

  3. Have fun-
    If you need a translator I don't have that much going on next week!

  4. En fait, oui ! Je parle un peu ^_^

    it's really not so easy to learn and talk like a native-speaker but if you love it, it's gonna get easier =)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yay! Did you know I took French from fourth grade all through to college? And I can't speak at all! But I love that you are going and can't wait to see all the fabulous photos!

  7. Yay! Did you know I took French from fourth grade all through to college? And I can't speak at all! But I love that you are going and can't wait to see all the fabulous photos!

  8. Yipeee! So lovely to hear!! ...and can't wait to see the piccies!! Have a wonderful time and eat lots of tres magnifique food de Francais!!

  9. Wow have a fabulous time! Meanwhile, I'll be hammin' it up in West Virginy. Yes, it's a glamorous life.

  10. That kinda news definitely deserves a happy dance! Have a whole bunch of macarons for me!

  11. Soo exciting! Carla Bruni is perfect for getting in the mood. I'd also be eating chocolate eclairs all day to get in the mood, but that's just me :) Can't wait for the photos!

  12. You go to the best places!!! Have fun.

    Au revoir! *kiss on both cheeks*

  13. Sooooo SO excited for you! Bon Voyage!

  14. Have fun! Very excited!


  15. How exciting!!! That is certainly a good teacher :)

  16. Oh you lucky thing!! Have a fabulous trip and yes Carla is wonderful

  17. I so envy you! My hubby had to learn French for his job. I know just a little bit:-). Love Carla Bruni too. XX

  18. How exciting! I know that you will take soem fabulous photos and I look forward to seeing them

    Its funny that you should blog about French today for Tomorrow is my turn.....great minds ey?

  19. I took several years of French in school but often wonder if I'd be able to put it to use if I ever went to France.

    My guess is "probably not." Conversational French is worlds apart from reading and writing the language. Everyone talks so fast naturally that keeping up would definitely be a challenge.

    I'm glad you will be making the trip. Traveler that you are, you'll take it all in stride and perhaps teach the French a few things about being SEXY.

    Bon Voyage!

  20. Can you put me in your luggage? : )

  21. You have to smoke. a.LOT. to get that husky... At least that's what I've been told.

  22. Wishing you a bon voyage. Hope there aren't any strikes - was even more chaotic than usual getting around during fashion week...

  23. Ohlala, ma cherie! I took French for years and found it soooo difficult to learn, but in Paris words just come tumbling out of my mouth (bet the French are still giggling). French or English - I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time! xo

  24. Thank you everyone!
    ...can't wait to share my travel with all of you again!!


  25. err err...bon voyage!

    Not that I'm jealous or anything...no way, not me. Nope.


  26. Do enjoy Paris - the city in which I live. French is such a beautiful language. Call on me if you need translation;-)

  27. oh wow! just wow! go you <3 im super psyched for you <3 Paris is the most beautiful city to me, hope to learn French with you, I am now listening to the song, Le festine by camille!

  28. you must have the best job in the world.
