Oscar Fashion

Did you see it last night?
Anne Hathaway had 8 costume changes, EIGHT !!!
It's always so fun to watch all the glitz+glam Oscar fashion, isn't it? 
If you must know...
my favorite gown on the red carpet was worn by the lovely Cate Blanchett.
Not really sure why, but this design had received a 'thumbs down' 
from the press & general public somehow!
Designed by fashion's favorite, Riccardo Tisci 
for Givenchy Couture 2011 Collection.
I still think it's gorgeousss...
[to view the complete couture collection click HERE ]
what do I know about Oscar Fashion these days?!
I was secretly hoping to see Oscar winner, Natalie Portman in 
Bjork's unforgettable 2001 Academy Awards swan dress!
errr...but in black of course!! ~LOL* 
-Photos via OTRC.Com & Style.Com


  1. De véritables robes de rêve ou de princesse que je ne suis pas... Mais on peut admirer et songer...

  2. yes Cate Blanchett looked absolutely stunning, but then of course I am a little biased!

  3. Who could forget Bjork's outfit in 2001?:-). Loved Cate too.

  4. Love your selection of Oscar dresses! Big hugs!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry I made a mess. I deleted my comment above. Um, I made a funny question about a woman in the picture with Givenchy dress.Forget it.

  7. It's funny, as soon as I saw Cate Blanchett I thought 'oh, she'll get stick for it, but I LOVE IT!' It's a great dress. Daring. (not so sure about the short hair though). I would have loved to watch it, but it's in the middle of the night here - and before a Monday :(

  8. Oh my gosh, I missed it!! I was hanging out with my BMX friends, and well... they're not into that AT ALL. So there was no one to remind me of it... darn it! Glad to see Anne's amazing outfits here, though! Thank you for sharing~ and I also adore bizarre outfits.. would've loved to see a black swan dress on Natalie!!! Ha ha.. oh well...

  9. Fun post!
    Love Cate's gown!


  10. Welcome back! Just noticed!
    Cate's dress is intriguing. I love that yellow detail down the back!

  11. I think that the dress just was not as flattering with her lighter looks. The dress itself was beautiful a complete work of the house of Givenchy. It might have worked better on someone darker, or with hair down and deeper makeup colors. Kate looked washed out. I watch a lot of FASHION TV HD and it was good to see the 2011 couture gowns hit the carpet so soon after their premier on the catwalk. I watch with my sponsored DISH Network account. I recommend them for pricing, technology, and of course HD. Go to dish.com for more info.

  12. Personally, I didn't really care for any of Anne's eight outfits. I thought they were a bit much. I did lovvvveee Natalie Portman's though!

  13. Lenore, love the dress, perhaps on another, it seemed somehow severe on her.

    So many greats the Hallie Berry gown, too numerouus to mention!

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  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAHA! Yes! A black swan dress would have been perfect! Ha!
    And I do like Cate Blanchett's dress. Anytime anyone takes a risk they always get criticized. That's America for you.

  15. welcome back, darling Lenore! I adore Cate Blanchett. I think she is a beautiful woman. I'm not quite sure about the dress though.... have a wonderful new week! xo

  16. I was most impressed by Cate's dress too!! The yellow splash of color was most unexpected and delightful. The angles on the capped sleeves and the circular cut on the front caught my eye.

    I watched the entire show and think it was very well done. I wasn't totally impressed with the hosts but they did alright.

    I get nervous just watching the winners go to the stage. I'd be a nervous wreck if I had to make a speech!!!!!!! That's okay since I don't think I'll ever have to face such an audience. Some of us just aren't cut out to be famous. I forgot my single line in a kindergarten play when I stood in front of all those faces!!!

    Oh dear, I might as well drop my expensive acting classes--do ya think?

  17. I also loved Cate's gown!!! It looked amazing on her! Happy Monday, sweetie

  18. I agree I loved C's gown- and am kinda blown away by how many people didn't seem to like it and in fact seem to hate it- who knew!?

  19. I am so surprised no one liked her cates gown! She looked amazing! True fashion!

  20. I'm with you...I LOVED Cate's gown! She looked stunning in it. It's amazing that people didn't really like it. I think it was a little too outside the box for some.

  21. Anne was a busy lady! I love Cate's dress- love crazy sleeves personally

  22. Cate looked great. Can someone clue me into what Franco's tux(es) were made out of? I swear one of them was corduroy.

  23. i agree, cate's dress was really cool! i also thought florence's dress was awesome. haha i'll never forget that swan dress

  24. Cate Blanchet's Givenchy dress! SIGH! Totally LOVE!


  25. I love watching for the awards and the fashion ... there were some lovely examples on show. I thought Michelle Williams looked divine! :)

  26. My fave was Scarlett Johansson.
    I think. Hard to choose really.

  27. I also thought Cate's dress was amazing!!

    And LOL! That would have been SO funny if Natalie had worn that dress! haha!!!

  28. Hahaha...now seeing Natalie in that would have been priceless :) I loved Cate's dress too!

  29. It upsets me that the press and public didn't like Cate's dress. It's funny because a majority of blogs I've visited as well as The Fug Girls loved it! I think it's an amazing gown and I love that she took the bold step of wearing it. It suits her!

  30. I thought Anne looking ravishing in every costume change! She really is a lovely looking creature! Hmmmm....I liked Cate's dress but...but...the cut out bit at the front makes me feel a bit ...uncomfortable? Stil, she did look gorgeous anyway! XOXO's

  31. Oh, I love Cate's dress too and hadn't seen it so thanks for sharing. Guess it's a bit too 'different' for the mainstream? It's just gorgeous though. Dress of art :)
