I hate to complain...but

...just take look everyone!
The weather continues to be extremely depressing this week.
[ the above shots were taken during my gloomy morning drive to work ]
I desperately need to see sunshine & hear the birds singing ASAP!
errr...cute shirtless guys in the park may help as well! 
" Spring where are youuu...??? "
My apology for being such a downer today.
grrrrrr+sobs...I'm hormonal!
How's the weather in your zipcode?



  1. It was today a sunny day in the netherlandsxd so it was oke (: Your photos are really cool ;D

  2. It's ok complain all the way. I need Spring. Happy to see you back.

  3. It was sunny today in my part of Pennsylvania, too... Your pictures turned out really neat! Maybe it would make you feel better to do a color palette from them?


    Don't be sad... winter is almost over....

  4. aw chin up buttercup! sending some sunshine your way!! :)

  5. You spread so much sunshine you are totally allowed to complain about the rain!!!

    I wish you could magically appear here in southern Wisconsin. We're having an especially lovely day with clear blue skies and pleasant temps reaching the low forties. Just know that a better day is on the horizon--you'll enjoy it even more after the lack of sunshine you're enduring now.

    I'm holding a mirror in front of you to reflect the sunshine that you emit regularly here on your blog. Soak up the warmth and cheerfulness.

    Love ya!!!!

  6. It is a long March toward spring when you live up north, Lenore. I remember it well and I feel for you. We are getting some light rain down here in Florida but for us it is a blessing because it has been very dry and brush fires are erupting around the state. Have a wonderful day in spite of the weather, dear friend!

  7. I hate it when the weather messes with your emotions, one minute its nice and sunny out, and then the next its gross and dreary!! I hope it brightens up for you!!!

  8. You did pull over to snap those pics, right?

  9. Its gloomy here too and I cant wait for some sunshine. Somehow this winter feels sooooo long, doesn't it?
    Kisses and hugs, darling

  10. All weekend it has been warm in the Sun and a bit too cool in the shade, and today it is oddly grey.

    I think there is something in the air, since I have been 'teary' on and off like the tide.

    Are you listening to Hay House Radio in the meantime?


    Doctors, and psychics and life coaches, and peace talkers. Cheers!

  11. It is not safe to be taking pictures in the rain, in the car--unless you are the passenger.

  12. It's sunny and the birds are singing. Sorry for the gloom... it'll be monstrously hot very soon!

  13. 01090
    west springfield, massachusetts
    sunny, blue sky, 40ish
    i shall photograph it for you

  14. Well, I hate to say it a nice balmy, sunny -5 here today. Yesterday was wet and about 3 degrees and I saw a guy in a t-shirt!

  15. you can complain...could i join? the weather is ugly here in south of France too!!!! but spring is not so far...be brave!!!! xoxo

  16. Aww Spring is coming!! I swear!! It was so gloomy all weekend where I live in Ny but now it's sunny. I'll send the sun over to you!!

    Hey lady I'm running a Shabby Apple Dress giveaway today! If you get a chance be sure to enter!!

    Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!

  17. It's chill but sunny. March showers bring April. right?

  18. Boo :( Hopefully there will be sun and shirtless hot men in the very near future!!!

  19. Chilly in San Francisco, but it was storming a couple of weeks ago

  20. i love these details
    they remember me when i was a child and i wrote on the car window my name


  21. hang in there ... before you know it we'll be complaining it's too hot. i still regret not making those snowballs and putting them in the freezer, but i'm happy to have that regret. no more snow thank you mother nature ;)!

  22. It's sunny and really cold here in L.A.
    I kind of wish it would either be cold + grey OR sunny + warm. Oh well, I should not complain. If I lived where there was real weather and I read my comment, I don't think I'd take to kindly to it! ;)
    Hope spring comes soon for you!! xox

  23. The weather here is pretty nice, for Chicago. It's around 40 and sunny-ish. Cheer up, spring is right around the corner!

  24. Now you know what it's like in the UK. 99% of the time the weather is as miserable as it looks in your photos - or worse. But we try to keep smiling (*_*) Susan x

  25. the weather was sunny and hot here today! but not for long... we are leading to autumn soon... how funny, I posted about trench coats today! hope the sun shines soon to you, darling! xo

  26. Ditto over here.

  27. It's warm and sunny today in Nagoya, Japan after a chilly and rainy Tuesday. It's always like that. A cold day comes after a sunny day in turn and at last spring will be with us after that.

  28. Oh I think you can complain about that dreadful weather! Hopefully Spring will come knocking soonish and banish all that gloom for you sweetie! As for Sydney, hot, hotter, humid, pretty bleugh actually but in an entirely different way!

  29. Honey, sunshine and shirtless guys will help any day of the week!!!!

  30. I couldn't agree more! Weather here in Oregon: rainy and gross of course. I've never been more ready for Spring & Summer! I want the sun!

  31. There are so many delightful things to do in rainy weather. Soak in a luxurious bath with a playful book for example. It's sunny here - I send you a handful of sunshine;-)

  32. its kind of brighter today in London, but oh so cold, spring are you anywhere nearby?

  33. I also am VERY fed up with cold and grey (and I think I'm hormonal, too :). But the thought that you are taking pictures while driving scares me a bit, Lenore - or are you having a chauffeur? xo
