Weekend is upon us...

" ...woow-woow-wooow-woof! "
translation : ...can't wait! can't wait!!
What are you guys doing this weekend?
My babies & I are heading to the country house once again, 
and planning to stay there for the whole entire weekend.
Looking forward to breathe the clean fresh air & collect some green moss.
~sniff-sniff...can almost smell it!
Have a Relaxing + Cozy Weekend Everyone!


  1. My birthday is Monday but Susan and I are going to do some BDAY celebrating on Saturday visiting art galleries and eating out (Maybe both lunch and dinner!).

  2. Aw! What cuties! Have fun at the country house! My puppy and I are heading north, very far north, to visit my mama.

  3. Look at the cute pups! Have a glorious weekend.Always nive to get away isn't it? And from the moss you collect this year, maybe you can create a moss dress with a bright yellow flower border! Color block will be popular this spring after all!

  4. Awww, look at those cuties! Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! I think I'm going to be shopping for some stuff to organize my studio... and watching some movies with friends!

    Until next week...! xo

  5. Those pugs are your babies, Lenore? I love dogs of all kinds and yours are the cutest. I'm sure they will have a ball in the country. Please stay safe and have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  6. Shady,
    yes~ 4 adorable pugs, one refused to be photograped! such a diva she is!!

    Thanks everyone & enjoy your weekend!

  7. Those pug faces just made my day!! Enjoy the weekend with your babies :)

  8. for us...we'll go to Italy....hum...pasta!!!!!
    Love your babies...so cute!!!
    have a sweet weekend

  9. Awww....they are so adorable:) Have fun, sweetie. We are planning a lazy weekend with coffee shops and naps:) Cant wait!

  10. those are just the cutest pups everrr!!! hope you have a lovely weekend at your country house :) I'm heading to the beach this weekend for some relaxing time as well!


  11. oh PUG!!! ...I'm so happy it's the weekend. Why isn't it the weekend every day?!!? Have fun at the country house :)

  12. oh my they are so so cute!! Have a great weekend with your little ones!

  13. they are so cute! have fun. run, jump and play. we will if you will. woof!

  14. Have a great weekend! Mine is partly great and partly rubbish- working is the rubbish part, and cinema, food and my boyfriend is the great part

  15. Hope you and your babies have a wonderful relaxing weekend!

  16. Sounds like you have an amazing weekend planned! I hope you and your little ones enjoy every sweet second of it!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Your babies are so cute!
    Enjoy the countryside, must be so beautiful this time of the year!

  19. You have the cutest little dogs!! I love pugs!

  20. They're so cute! I hope you have fun!

    Me and the boy are having a movie marathon tomorrow. :D With junk food! :D

  21. How cute, all lined up that way, waiting to go as if at a bus station!

    This weekend holds: a spot of gardening, a trawl around a garden centre or two, far too many cups of spicy rooibos chai and a completion of "A thousand days in Tuscany" by Marlena de Blasi. No doubt, rewatching some Star Trek: TNG eps with hubby too :-)

    Enjoy moss collecting!

  22. J'adore les carlins... J'en ai souvent peint dans mes toiles... Je n'ai pas de carlin à la maison seulement des dalmatiens.
    Gros bisous à vous et des caresses à vos amis à quatre pattes!

  23. I'll be celebrating carnival, going to a formal ball, riding in a parade, getting drunk ....the usual

  24. Such gorgeous doggies! Thank goodness for your translation so we could understand their message! ;)

    Your weekend sounds delightful ... I think I need to plan an escape somewhere soon.

    I've had a productive weekend at home, but looking forward to making the most of Sunday night before I go back to work tomorrow.

  25. Enjoying Paris Fashion Week! Hope you're having fun too, Lenore x

  26. I KNOW you had a splendid weekend with your buddies. I've been packing for our upcoming vacation in FL. Twelve days is alot to plan for. And I'm a tough one to please!! No matter what I take with me, it won't be right!!!

    Slap me, would you please????

    Have a great week, my dear!

  27. Can't get enough of your pups! Hope you and your darlings are having a great weekend in the country! I'm in the middle of Paris Fashion Week madness.

  28. omoo aren't they just the cutest babies ever!!! such sweethearts!

  29. Hope you and the little guys had a wonderful time!

  30. How cute!! Sounds like the most amazing weekend, I hope you had a wonderful time :)

  31. Adore! Kisses to your beauties!! XOXO's

  32. more little animals!...haha..the pugs are adorable! i loove animals
