Last Minute Shopping~

So cuuute...simply couldn't resist!
Plus, I still have more room in my luggage.
These adorable goodies are not for my young niece, 
but purchased for my dear mom!
She is still a huge kid at heart, I'm sure she'll lurrrve them.
It's been another successful working trip for me in Singapore...
Time to go home sweet home very soon!
But before leaving this country, one must still fill the luggage with more goodies, yes?
I'm going to slip on my comfy shoes & head straight to all the shops!
This is one of the busiest junction in Singapore.
Shopping area & entertainment hub are concentrated 
I'm Signing off from Singapore for now...
Thank you for joining me once again for another trip half around the world!
Can't wait to fly home & see my loved ones!
Also, really excited to view the progress of my home mini-renovation...
as mentioned before leaving the States, my contractors 
have started work on my town house. They should be done by now!


  1. How fun!! Oh the joys of a roomy piece of luggage in a fabulous place like Singapore! I was so sad that I packed to the gills my one piece of luggage when I went to Europe last year... but it was a whirlwind, super crazy trip, and I couldn't bring more than one piece of luggage, which I had to carry around. So I had to go to places like Paris, Cinque Terre & Venice without room to add things! (Frankly, it amazed me what I DID make room for!)

    xoxox safe journey home, and Happy Easter!

  2. There's always room in your luggage for more shopping treasures, Lenore Nevermore, even if you have to use a shoe horn to get them in and the jaws of life to get them back out! This was a wonderful adventure for you and I thank you for sharing it with me! Happy Easter!

  3. Shady,
    shoehorn?! whahaha...great idea!

  4. Home sweet Home! Have a nice flight back home. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful excitements with us. Hope you have a good rest at home.

  5. you always take us with you on your wonderful journeys, we are very thankful and omg, pandaaaaa, super cute!! have a safe trip back home :3

  6. Lenore-

    What a lucky mother!

    Happy Easter!


  7. ♥Nice post.) Love your blog.))♥

  8. Wish you a safe trip home!! The city streets look beautiful.. hehe I think I will be like your mom and never give up my love for cute things :)

  9. Beautiful photos!! Enjoy your last few nights in Singapore! Hope you find some fabulous goodies. Safe Travels.

    best, tamra

  10. The panda is so cute!

  11. I hope you had great fun, filling the empty places in your luggage with special and unique Singapore-style goodies.

    I also hope the work on your townhouse is everything you hoped it would be.

    I love your life and everything you share with us.

  12. Je vous souhaite un excellent voyage de retour... ce dernier petit présent est très mignon... Je vous embrasse et bon lundi pascal à vous et tous ceux que vous aimez.

  13. Singapore is truly a shopping paradise! Great bargains!!
    Thank you everyone~

  14. Happy shopping and have a safe return home. It has been a treat to follow your trip, and feelings, along these last days.

  15. So fun! Have a save trip, darling Lenore!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  16. Safe journey back Lenore.

  17. Happy shopping, Lenore! Nice to come home to brand spanking new decor too.. expect a full review. Sx

  18. How beautiful! Safe travels home! Can't wait to see your new digs.

  19. Ohhh...lovely gifts! Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Can't wait to see the pics of your place...how exciting!

  20. Love it!!!

    I awarded your blog with the One Lovely Blog Award on my latest post!! Check it out and pass it on!

    best, tamra

  21. those dolls and that panda are soooo cute!

    i'm sure your niece will love them :]

  22. Nawww ... your little treasures are so cute. I fully support the finding of more room in one's suitcase for lovely bits and pieces to take back home.

    It sounds like your trip to Singapore was a wonderful success. I'm sure you'll be very glad to be home.


  23. I always enjoy going to Singapore with you, Lenore. Maybe next time I could squeeze into your luggage? Though that might reduce your shopping space...


  24. Wow! So, so exotic that street scene! I love what you bought your Mum too - so sweet!
