Home Sweet Home ???

" Yikes !!! "
Hello everyone~ I've arrived home safely,
and this is what I saw when I walked into my home sweet home!
Oh dear...my home remodeling is still NOT done yet!
Contractors do speak a different language, huh?
When they say 1 week, I think they actually mean 1 month!!
grrrrrr...It's time for my claws to come out when I see them tomorrow.
(I'm dangerous like that!)
here are much nicer pics to look at!
Taken in Singapore Changi Airport, right before boarding my long flight home:

Lurrrve this lush 'vertical garden' at the airport terminal.
This gardening concept was made famous by French botanist Patrick Blanc,
which is still gaining its popularity in many urban environments around the world!



  1. Aaargh!
    Glad you're back safely.
    Having just finished some painting (which I found tedious to say the least) thanks for reminding me why I didn't hire someone to do it.

  2. I was worried when you said the remodel was supposed to be done..uh oh! Glad you are home safe and sound

  3. Those floors of yours are pretty pretty too. Great space...gonna be fabulous I'm sure...soon :)

  4. Welcome home! I know the feeling everytime we have work done on the house I add another few weeks for completion. xo

  5. Ooh dear, shame your house isn't done yet, bet it will look gorgeous when it's done

  6. Remodeling is such a frustrating process, but when it's done...wonderful!! Can't wait to see it ~

  7. Yay...you're home, Lenore Nevermore! I'm glad your long flight is behind you. Hope you get squared away with the contractors. I never saw vertical gardens like those. They're beautiful and I imagine they absorb lots of city noise as well.

  8. welcome home and i do love that vertical garden! good luck to your contractors, they're going to need it!

  9. I'm so sorry your remodeling project isn't as you expected. I hope you can straighten them out!!

    I'm glad you made it home safe and sound.

    You can come and stay with me if you want to get away from the disruption of your residence.


  10. So gorgeous! Welcome back! Grr to those contractors indeed.

  11. Glad you're back safely!! That is one pretty airport terminal!

  12. I love these things!


  13. Oh noes.
    That garden airport wall is lovely though. Hope the contractors shape up!

  14. It may not look good now...but I have no doubts that you will make it spectacular when you are done!!! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  15. Not only a garden, in Singapore airport there is a beautiful swimming pool too. I had a nice swim once, and a nice drink looking at the tropical night, coming from Auckland, and then flying with Singapore Airlines all the way to Paris.
    I am glad you returned safely home, despite the contractors, but they will, someday, go :)

  16. Love the green wall at the airport. Welcome home and how are you going to spend the rest of the week?

  17. I love vertical garden ;)

  18. Yes, I think you're right - 1 week = 1 month in interior decorator/ builder's world! Best of luck with that and hopefully you have somewhere secire and dry to sleep tonight (not wet with paint). So glad you're home sweet home - I bet your little ones are over the moon!! I have so much to catch up on - off to read! :0)

  19. I'm sure will be worth the hassle!

  20. Glad your home safely now kick some arse and get them working! Love the pictures!

  21. Thank you everyone!
    Glad to be back home!
    I hope my contractors can drink more caffeine & speed up the job!

  22. i adore this vertical garden, so cool.

  23. I <3 vertical gardens :)
