I feel like dressing up today!

...like this?
...or this ?!
when I meet up with my contractors to confront them today...
Definitely would get their full attention, yes?
I'm also still sharpening my claws!! 
such a tigress wannabe that I am, but in reality I'm really a pussycat!
(~meow... a.k.a help!)
Are you good at confronting people when you have an issue with them?

-Photo by Richard Burbridge found via FGR


  1. Grrr...those are so creative! Good luck with the contractors, sweetie! Happy Wed!

    Ps: I’m hosting an awesome swimming suit GIVEAWAY later today! Just in time for summer!

  2. Wow! I've never confronted anyone before wearing a tree! Good luck with that... But I am sure you'll have their attention especially with the growling behind the branches. I'm sure they'll think a tiger is loose in there somewhere...

  3. Yes, I used to work in construction, as a Project Manager. The trick is to be firm, not angry. You can SAY that you're unhappy, but don't "lose it" or you'll also lose respect with the men you're working with.

    Now, it's a lot easier for me to address issues with people because of my experience in construction! I'm a hard ass!

    Good luck!!

  4. I always "confront" in a firm and pleasing manner - always works - but I lie the idea of confronting dressed as a tree;-)

  5. I usually confront with my tattoos showing. I find it seems to give me the edge in certain situations.

  6. Depends on the issue, but I can say if I were confronting Poison Ivy in one of these outfits, I'd conquer!

    - Sarah

  7. don't you wish sometimes you were a model just so you had a chance to wear stuff like this. just for fun.

  8. ha ha! good luck with those contractors, darling! or should I say good luck to them? you'd look pretty scary like this! xo

  9. Caroline,
    that's my point...I need to look crazzzy!

    Thank you for the tips guys!

  10. definitely channeling chicita banana in these pics! love it! good luck with the contractors, confrontation makes me anxious!

    ps. check out my giveaway!

  11. Oh no, I am horrible at it. Unless I am confronting someone who has done wrong to my husband. Then the claws come out and they never go back in.

  12. I talk the talk but rarely walk the walk!

  13. Right now? I feel a pussycat as well. I hope to get back to the tiger mood!

  14. Very cool editorial, darling L!

    Good luck with the contractors ~ I am definitely not good at confrontations!


  15. oh wow!!! these are fantastic shots!!!

  16. Une tenue fraîche pour chaque jour et plus besoin de parfum... il suffit de choisir au préalable les bonnes plantes et les fleurs désirées...

  17. I hate confrontation, Lenore Nevermore. Whenever possible I use the principles of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. It's a technique in which you sync up with the motion of your "opponent" and then redirect them to your advantage. In other words, start by agreeing with them and then proceed to lead them in a direction that will produce the desired outcome.

  18. It is a look. I will grant you that. As to how your poor contractors might take to it.....

  19. love the images, but i am definitely wary of confrontation. i do it, when necessary, but only when necessary.

  20. This is it! This is how I want to wear my Prada skirt (not that I have one). Good at confronting people? I can sometimes become a bit 'German' which normally frightens the English, but gets me what I want. But afterwards I have to go on a big charme offensive...

  21. Assertive rather than aggressive.
    Good luck LNM x

  22. I think if you dressed like this you would definitely get what you want haha!

  23. Good luck with those contractors! I hope this doesn't sound bad, but lately what works for me is speaking like a man. I stick to the facts and give two or three options that work for me and let them pick one. No emotion, whatsoever. For example: 1. I can stay with a friend so you you can work 'round the clock and finish in four days. 2. I can stay here, in my home, and you can finish in six days.
    I know it isn't that simple...that was just an example, but you get the gist. ;)

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog today, Lenore! You really made me smile...as always. xox

  24. Beautiful colorful photos! Also your blog is lovely and creative.

    Cheers! =(^.^)=

  25. Very creative!! Love the color!

  26. Oh, I'm a leo...so I can be both pussycat and lion.
    That said, if you have to show your claws...you should totally do it dressed in those jewels.

  27. You would certainly get their attention! But do not get mistaken, they will not work any harder for that :-)
    But there will be one happy day, somewhere in the future, and they will leave.
    Looking forward to your Post then!

  28. Ahhhh, those photographs are so amazing! I love them.
    And I also really like your motto below the name of your blog; I compltetly agree!
    Good luck with the contractors:)

  29. Thank you everyone!
    Good news, I spoke to them without any drama...
    They've promised to finish everything within 10 days! errr...we'll see about that huh?!

  30. No, I'm not good at confrontation ... it's something I need to get better at doing.

  31. I'm not very good at confrontations/ negotiating when things have gone a little pear shaped! I hope it went well for you sweetie. XOXO's
