ROYAL WEDDING = Portraits of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Pizza chain Papa John's has created an image of Prince William and Kate Middleton on a pizza. 
The chain worked with a food artist to create the pizza, the veil made from
mushrooms; dress from cheese; and William's suit out of salami and peppers.
Artist George Vlosich spent 125 hours creating this portrait on an Etch a Sketch.
A Staffordshire artist, Pete Mason has used thousands of postage stamps for his creation.
More than 3,000 recycled stamps were used to depict the couple. 
Using 11,000 jelly beans. Malcolm West from Surrey, spent up to ten hours a day 
over a period of more than five weeks painstakingly sticking each bean on to his creation.
Last but not least...
by yours truly! Using good ol' charcoal+crayon!


  1. You did that with crayons??! I didn't know you were an artist! Way cool! I was an art minor for a whole semester!
    And I so hope our local pizza hut is doing that royal pizza this weekend! I never get mushrooms on my pizzas anymore and that looks awesome...

  2. You drew that with crayons? You have got to be kidding! That is amazing!
    And that pizza is really really freaky.

  3. Wow you're talented!!!! Kori xoxo

  4. What fun! All of them lol funny, but for sure, I like yours best!

  5. Love your effort Lenore.
    You're full of surprises.
    Really don't like the pizza, but I think the etch a sketch is brilliant.

  6. Did you really drew this with crayons? That is super amazing, sweetie! Well done:) Love! Happy Thursday, kisses

    Ps: I’m hosting a beautiful jewelry GIVEAWAY today! Just in time for Mother’s Day!

  7. Thank you so much ladies!
    Next time I'll show you my ice sculpture skill! haha...

  8. wow these are insane! the pizza is awesome!

  9. Love them all but yours is the best! Have a great day!

  10. that pizza is hilarious! Who would have thought to do that!!

  11. i hate papa johns pizza (the sauce is too sweet!) but i love that pizza:)

  12. Like yours the best, but can you eat it?

  13. Oh my goodness, Lenore Nevermore! I didn't know that you have such artistic ability! That is wonderful! The only talent I have is for eating pizza and jelly beans and at the moment I feel very much like exercising that talent. Have a splendid day and evening, dear friend Lenore!

  14. Such a fun post dear Lenore!

  15. OK, the pizza one kinda scares me and I am amazed at your drawing! Great job!
    BTW, how did your "talk" with the contractors go?
    Were they quivering in their boots?!?!

  16. Ms. L ~ yours was by far the most talented!

    Cheers to the royal couple and to you! xx Deb

  17. Your picture is amazing, though I must admit that a pizza with people's faces on it creeps me out a little. I'm guessing you'll wake up early and watch the wedding - I think maybe I'll just tivo it! :)

  18. These pictures are incredible! Haha jelly beans! I love your picture though, wish I could draw

  19. So that's what you've been up to since you got back... Love your arty envelope - I'm in awe of every one of these curiously inventive artworks. And not surprised by the 125 hours - Etch a Sketches are damned fiddly things.. Enjoy the wedding Lenore - and the weekend. Susan xx

  20. You are an arteeest my dear. You're always so mysterious, hiding your face and talents from your followers.

    I appreciate that you let this evidence of your creativity leak out.

    You rock!!! I love the royal couple as you charcoal/crayoned them.

  21. That charcoal and crayon image of them is amaaaazing! You are so talented!!!! I want to see more!!

    p.s. I'd feel a little weird eating the food renderings. hahaha!

  22. So creative! Love it!

  23. LOL!! these are awesome. bout time for some funnies about this

  24. haha I have totally being watching all of the wedding stuff! so darn addicting.

  25. wow..so fun! Nice drawing too. mmmm..pizza

  26. Now the day has come only few hours there for royal wedding so people around the world will watch the wedding T.V. media will also awaiting to live royal wedding all over the world so all wish them to live lifelong together with one or two children.

  27. Now the day has come only few hours there for royal wedding so people around the world will watch the wedding T.V. media will also awaiting to live royal wedding all over the world so all wish them to live lifelong together with one or two children.

  28. I like yours best... it's the most flattering portrait of the royal couple. My boyfriend's mom thinks that my boyfriend looks like the prince. Sometimes I agree, but my bf has a lot more hair, and a more impish smile. :) I wouldn't trade him for a prince, ever.

  29. Goodness! Your work is amazing ... you are a wonderful artistic talent!! :D

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