Hermès Paris~

Simply a must visit each time I'm here in Paris...
Have I ever told you that I used to do window display & visual merchandising
for a fashion store, once upon a time? I still do admire this creative 
profession very much. Certainly brings back some sweet+fun memories!
~Let's take a look at what they have on display :

'Tis the season to give!
If you must know, I did buy a lovely gift from this Hermès shop! ~Oui-Oui!
errr...for myself that is! 

It was beautifully gift wrapped & delivered to my hotel room.
Such impeccable customer service, yes?
sorry, I can't reveal what's inside this shopping bag just yet.
We simply have to wait patiently til' Christmas morning 
...just like all the good kids back home!

Yours truly,



  1. fun- I used to do visual merchandising for a store in Toronto in college.

  2. Girl, I didn't know that you did visual merch and window display in the past? No wonder I like you so much!!! I love doing it for a living, even though I still dauble in interior design. Hermes and Louis Vuitton both do windows well in the area of accessories, which I think are the hardest things to display. Have you seen Tiffany's windows yet? Oh my..... I was there last Saturday at a cockatail party they held and viewed their windows-stunning! And I'm sooooooooooooooo shocked we made a purhase at Hermes,lol! Enjoy it! How long are you in France yet?

  3. Lenore, you shouldn't have! Nothing you do would surprise me!

  4. I cannot wait to see what it's innnnssssiiiideee!

  5. must be a fabulous gift!
    Whatever it is...

  6. whatever it is, I'm sure its beautiful!

  7. Those displays are awesome!
    Can't wait to see what you got for yourself!

  8. How beautiful!! I've always thought that working on window displays and visual merchandising in general would be a wonderful creative profession.

    PS. I can't wait to see what you have in that bag for Christmas!! :)

  9. Promise to open the gift...preferably under my own Christmas tree!

    Thank you everyone!!

  10. Promise to open the gift...preferably under my own Christmas tree!

    Thank you everyone!!
