"come to me...drink me...eat me..." visual communication in Paris

" oui ?! "
Oh well...no English translator was really needed during the formal soirée that evening!
My 'social anxiety' in a foreign speaking land finally ~poof! disappeared...
[refer to my previous post]
When in doubt, I simply replied in me-own-French of course, 
"Oui! Oui!! Oui!!!on almost everything?!
It's completely fine to confuse each other during this festive season I think.
I also copied those cute Japanese tourists here in Paris... 
just giggled, while demurely covering my mouth at the same time!
I added by batting my eyelashes!!
(too bad that seemed to work with the Frenchmen only) 
thanks to my darling friend, David Toms for the brilliant advise he gave me recently;
'fake it til u make it'...my French that is! Proud to say that I was getting quite good at it.
 A couple flute glasses of bubbly champagne before dinner
might have helped as well! ~errr...à votre santé! a.k.a Cheersss...
 greetings from Paris
Hope you're having a fabulous Holiday Spirit this Season!
* X&X *
(kizzes on both cheeks!)



  1. Too funny! Lovely pictures looks so beautiful there during this holiday season. When we lived in Germany and people spoke to us I did the opposite instead of yes I always answered Nein....No!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I am sure your French is much better than you realize. Thanks so much for taking us all along, to this most elegant party, very festive & wonderful photos!

  3. Good for you! The pictures are beautiful! When do you go home?

  4. Wow this looks absolutely faaabulous!

    - Sarah

  5. Oh, Lenore! Is that you?! Your neckline is exquisite!

  6. McVal,
    My project here isn't completed yet, I'd like to be back before Christmas pretty please...let's hope!

    you're too kind! It's not the neck cream I use for sure... Have you heard of photoshop??(blushed*)

    ~Thank you ladies!!

  7. I love the pictures? Are you still on vacay or are you back home already? Looks like you guys are having a fab time. The food looks really good by the way. =)

  8. oh i'm sure you charm their socks off ... love the set, but the first photo is my fav!

  9. ha ha Lenore, I'm pretty sure those flute glasses of bubbly champagne helped a lot!! thanks for sharing those lovely shots, darling! xo

  10. Lenore, you are a gem! Oui oui & Oui! Glad that you had a wonderful time! Now I am going to dig out some vintage Dans la Nuit by Worth and dab some on.

  11. Haha. Glad you are having a wonderful time! Keep the beautiful pictures coming!

  12. Gorgeous colours and fuzzy hues! I think the French will be captivated by you speaking in French no matter what level it was!! I think they would be charmed by the attempt! XOXO's

  13. Oh lenore, I picture you as the hit of the party wherever you are!! Have a great time! Loving your gorgeous photos. x

  14. :-)
    This post is very amusing!

    ♥ Franka

  15. Thank you so much everyone!
    My apology for not being able to reply nor visit all your lovely blogs lately...

    ~xo as always*
