Journey Home - Part One

Set & ready for the looooong... journey home ~yipeee!

see you again beautiful Singapore...

" Mr driver, no hurry...take your own sweet time pretty please..."
Isn't this the most beautiful highway?
Palm trees waving their goodbyes...plus, no traffic jam!

Singapore Changi Airport has been awarded the best airport in the world.
Do you know there's even a swimming pool for passengers to take a dip before their flights?

But I rather not get my hair wet!
I prefer to enjoy the beautiful orchids found in every corner of the airport terminal.
...and not forgetting all the wonderful duty free shop$ too.
BTW, the orchids are not plastic; no 'MADE IN CHINA' label can be found!

See you guys on board my flight!
[to be continued, a.k.a Part 2!!]



  1. Safe travels....and welcome home!

  2. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I love learning about the world from you. I hope your flight was better than expected. Love, Shaddy

  3. I remember you showing us Singapore months ago and it is a very clean and beautiful city. Have a pleasant trip home, Lenore Nevermore. Your pugs are waiting to welcome you with open paws.

  4. Have a happy journey home! I've enjoyed your posts during your trip but feel much happier to know you're finally heading for home!

    My husband is leaving for India via Singapore tomorrow. He never gets bored at the airport for transit.

  5. I love love Singapore airport. You know you can swim their if you are in transit?

  6. wow amazing airport Lenore! I can see you're enjoying your last hours there! have a nice journey! xo

  7. Have a safe flight home dear! I can't wait to see Singapore in July for my birthday! :D

  8. You've been away from home for so long! I hope your trip is quiet and peaceful. Singapore airport is wonderful, but it sure isn't home:).

  9. Save flight, darling Lenore!


  10. Hope you have a wonderful time coming home. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit and follow me sometime if you like. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
    Always Wendy

  11. I feel so lucky to have come along for the ride!

  12. Shady,
    You have good memory, what's your secret?

    how exciting, you'll enjoy it!

    Thank you all!

  13. Oh what a wonderful feeling to be coming home to your pugs and open presents;) Have a safe flight and enjoy being home. The Orchids look gorgeous.

  14. Lovely photos dear Lenore of all that tropical beauty! So exotic! XO's

  15. It seems like many people I know are going to Singapore! Why is Singapore just jumping out to me? Is it because it's calling my name??? I MUST make a trip there soon!
