Journey Home - Part Two

Welcome aboard!
More delightful fresh orchids...
This time, courtesy of Cathay Pacific Airways.

In first class cabin, we're given a cozy private roomette in which
to sit, lie down, sleep, watch movies and dine.
errr...sometimes I pluck my eyebrow in there as well! ~TMI!

This time, I skipped the fine dining, movies & eye-brow plucking!
...instead I was trying to catch up on my beauty sleep!
The colorful lighting in the cabin is quite pretty, yes?
Everyone definitely looks prettier under that pink-glow! (please pardon my vanity!)

,,,I woke up to a brand new day!

" excuse me...are we there yet? "

descending time + glorious sunrise view from above~~~heavenly!

 Smooth landing in Hong Kong International Airport.
This is not my final destination~ what?!!
Told ya' ~it's a loooong...journey+flight home!
See you at the terminal,
still more pics to share from my airport transit in Hong Kong, 
including my favorite British architect!
[a.k.a part 3!!!]
My-my-my...this is certainly a trilogy darlings!




  1. Wow, first class! I am enjoying the ride & the orchids!

  2. Yours is a tough job, Lenore Nevermore, but somebody's gotta do it. Were you served drinks by Maggie and the other "stews" of Pan-Am?

  3. Nice lighting!
    Think I could sleep in there, but I'd still look a mess.

  4. Sigh. I have always dreamed of first class. I love Shady's comment. I sure Christina Ricci was giving you breakfast.

  5. Nice picks - thanks for sharing!

  6. Ah First class. I LOVE that!
    We were bumped up to 1st class once. ONCE.
    Other than that it's deep vein thrombosis city for us...

  7. That doesn't look like any plane I've ever been on! Well done!

  8. First class looks very civilised! I've only ever been as high as business class and that was a thrill! ...and you're in Hong Kong now - that city so amazing! I always feel it's a bit like Blade Runner! Can't wait to see the piccies!

  9. Voyager en première classe me paraît bien agréable pour un long voyage...
    je dois me rendre aux Philippines prochainement par Cathay Pacific... mais pas en première classe!
    Merci pour l'ensemble de ces belles photos.
    Gros bisous

  10. Girl...you sure know how to travel! Enjoy the rest of your trip. Keep the photos coming!

  11. oh wow! You lucky girl. terribly jealous of you.

  12. Shady,
    you're so cute!

    deep vein thrombosis?! LOL!!

    Thank you everyone!

  13. I agree with Sally: I'm enjoying the ride:) Hope you do too since its such a long one!

  14. Woooow what an amazing way to fly!
