Journey Home - Part Three

Extremely busy & crowded Hong Kong International Airport during my transit here.
Perhaps the fast-paced Samba tune would be the perfect background music for the scene!
But once I entered The Wing (Cathay Pacific First Class Lounge),
the tune seemed to change to Enya-esque! ...so soothing & 'meditative'. 
~Let's take a tour inside:

Such unrestrained relaxation & tranquility ~exhale...
I truly admire the tactile texture, natural light and the empty-Zen-like space,
Somehow, the empty space seems to 'communicate' more than the space that is filled up 
with furniture. This minimalist interior is by the renowned British architect John Pawson.
He is definitely a master of minimalism. You can view more of his project designs on his website.
His Calvin Klein flagship store in NYC & the peaceful monastery in Bohemia are my favorites! 




  1. First class indeed, Lenore Nevermore! I share your love of minimalism, Poe and pugs. Hurry home!

  2. Une manière agréable que de se relaxer dans l'attente...
    Gros bisous

  3. What a beautiful lounge!!! Wow. I love seeing the journey home - get home safely!

  4. They have a noodle bar? Oh, bring it!

  5. The space is beautifully designed, very calming for a couple of hours :)

  6. I agree with your comment about the space NOT being used. Since people tire of traveling, it's great to have a space not busy and "filled up" to truly detox and relax. And I couldn't but help notice the showers sign on that beautiful wall. Is this common over there? I think I noticed this in another of your posts. I don't think many airports in the US have showers do they?

  7. The wood adds some warmth to the space, beautiful lounge!

  8. Gorgeous!!! Now I wouldn't mind traveling there one bit :) xoxo

  9. everything looks so clean and organized!

  10. DB,
    The noodle bar is a nice local flavor & touch, isn't it? They also serve western food & sushi at this lounge!

    yes, there are shower rooms in the states as well,only in major airports & carriers

    ~ Hope you're all having a lovely week so far. Thank you everyone!

  11. This is an airport??!! No way! Where do find these places?

  12. Lol! Funny comment above - I was wondering the same thing! Very interesting design and blog.

  13. Very loevly! Will go check out his website for more. I like the way the big gun architects and interior designers are getting these mass transit jobs - I hear Norman Foster's Beijing airport is pretty lovely too.
