hidden FACEs*

" Glad I am not alone... "
~Thank you everyone, for all the interesting & stimulating comments
on the previous post...Some were really Hee-Heelarious !!!
They were certainly 'mixed Salads!'
FRESH* & DELICIOUS* discussions...
All I know, I'm not alone on this matter... infact take a look
at today's Visual Delightsss...

...stop-stop-stop !!!
This guy should NOT hide his face at all !!!
WHY ??? ...take a look :

~Please don't cover & hide this gorgeousness!
He is actor Gabriel Macht
Ladies, ready? together- "Le sighhhhhhh......"
Isn't he dreammmy?! (the room gets warmer suddenly!~hee*)
OK we may proceed now...

So in the end... It's all about CHOICEs* really...
and NOT by...
-Pics via Photobucket, Pixadus, Store.Shutterlounge, VanityFair & Style.Com -Art'Silhoutte' by GaryGoh


Diana said...

aw...i was excited for a second because i thought i would get to see your face! these are fun, though!

Laura Trevey said...

thanks for pausing, b/c I love Gabriel Macht!!! Yes, let's not ever cover up his beautiful face...

Great post... very entertaining!!

Unknown said...

these are so fabulous. there is just so much inspiration out there.

Henri Loves Paris... said...

What a fabulous blog you have here! I love the creative photos and commentary...a new fav...;)

Henri Loves Paris... said...

What a fabulous blog you have here! Your photos, art, and commentary...a new fav...;)

sallymandy said...

This was a really fun post, Lenore! Now I'm on to the previous, which I somehow missed. This was creative and fun.

thanks for your recent visits. xo

drollgirl said...

what a cool post! i love these pics! WELL DONE!

Gabbi said...

Creative self portraits! xo

Fifi Flowers said...

GREAT collection of incognito shots!

English Muse said...

you are so brilliant darling!!! and funny! i hope someday to meet you in person (and see your beautiful face). we can drink champagne and laugh!!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

sorry dear, I'm still in the 'errr???' stage, moreover I don't want my face to appear in a porn websites! My dad would disown me...my family is dangerous like that! ~hee*

Laura Trevey,
Thank you for 'le sigh-ing' with moi! Mr Macht is really beautiful isn't he?! ooh..hwat!!

I know darling...I can spend hours & get lost in the Visual Delight Island...no Visa required ~Fab!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Henri Loves,
Welcome & thank you for your kind words...means a lot!

I love FUN* darling...Less is more doesn't apply somehow ~hee*

That's a compliment coming from you...your blog has amazzzing visuals! LUV!!

Unique photography & art direction indeed, glad you like them!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Fifi Flowers,
random & incognito shots...I like that very much!!

You are so sweet! ~Cheers to that darling...we'll have beluga caviar too...send for your private jet next weekend please? ~hee*

Thank you everyone & nightie night! ~XO*

Jan said...

Oh, now I see what you mean.
Great pics but I may develop a butterfly phobia.

Kitty Stampede said...

Yay...I love this post...You are such a tease though..heehee..
I love masks and hiding the face creates such a mystery..I've always wanted to go to one of those masquarade balls!

Joyce said...

A very cute post! Have a golden one. xoxo

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Gabriel Macht...sigh...wow! I really did a double take at the first one before I realized what the others were. Love to see that creativity...even a grumpy Lagerfeld!

Eda said...

Delightful pictures!

www.janetteria.com said...

YAY this post! U are the best! Fantastic illustration photos! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the eye candy!

And how true, conseal by choice not by force.

Yoli said...

Oh I love your blog very much indeed. As a lover of masks, today was truly a treat.

Syed said...

Haha these are so lovely :) I reaaaally want one of those fake moustache hankerchiefs!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

so hilarious, Lenore! and somehow terrifying too, the covered face girl in swimming suit! I'll stay with Gabriel Macht uncovered face, anyway :)

AsianCajuns said...

Gorgeous photos as usual! I love that one of Ms. Blow with the orange headpiece- and yes, that man is dreammmmmyyy!

noone said...

you are sooo funny!! I thought I'd finally see your face at the end of the post lol

Couture Carrie said...

Very cool post, L! Of course, I love the Maison Martin Margiela, the Karl Lagerfeld, and the runway butterflies!


Unknown said...

Very fun collection of photos. That actor is very attractive.

Anonymous said...

I am also still crying over poor Madge, what happend...
And I want me one of those moustache hankerchiefs!

Angela said...

we look forward to seeing you... : ) when you choose to.

Christina said...

good point, i love how you ended this post.

Aline said...

this is such a fun post! you now really have us in suspense!

Ellie said...

That guy is pretty dreamy.
I love the one where you can see the intense eyelashes through the dark glasses.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Awww I love this doll!! Such great images.

And Gabriel...yummm! XO

Anonymous said...

Dear Jesus, I want that mustache one. Nice line-up.

Mekkan said...

Yeah! That's the way you should be. I'm always adimired with your blog. I love it. I enjoy every one of photos. You surely have your own message.

Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

great post.. =)
love it.
xchange link?=)

Charlie said...

You are so whitty and creative! I want to start catching some of it:-) pppplease! Thanks for the Gabriel shot, he is so handsome and definitely, no masks for him.
Sometimes your posts are like being on a dancefloor with a DJ like Jellybean and just when you think it can't get any better the he STOPS the music waits a few seconds and BOOM starts it up again. Genius

poet said...

I totally agree, both on this (some marvelous ideas of how to hide one's face!) and your previous post. Mr. Fiancé can't understand why I wouldn't show my face on my newly started blog because, if it was too embarrassing to go with my real identity, I shouldn't post it at all, should I? Well who knows... So for now, I've come up with the idea of framing and oil-painting my face on all the pictures I will, inevitably, post of myself (given that my blog is supposed to be about my selfmade fashion, partly at least...)

I'm just starting to explore the blogging community, and your blog strikes me as really individualistic. Love your writing style (I believe quirky is the word?) and, of course, your name! :)
