Mood MonDAy*

... The darn Monday gets me down yet again...
Feel-good hormones NOT working!
Getting my spirit up seems like an impossible task today...
And just in case you find it hard too...errr
-Is there any way to chase the Monday blues away ???
...here's to Monday! Ouch!!
This is how Monday looks like...
"...did someone leave a dead-fish somewhere?" ~hee*

I am not a violent person at all...but I feel like giving Monday
a big tight SLAP sometimes... 'whackkk !!!'

Have you ever forced yourself to put on a smile before???
I was doing it today...it's quite tedious...

I really-really need someone to say,
"Give me your hand & I'll show you the most beautiful sky
on this BLUE Monday..."
YES please...pretty pleasssssse......
~Forgive me for this 'pity-party' darlings....
Hopefully a more cheerful* Tuesday will knock at my door very soon! -knocking, ringing, even BANGing loudly at the the door...I don't really care, just show up ASAP*...okie!

.-Pics via Flikr.com: Mr Moor & Dot Benjamin & Photobucket.com


  1. :) Let's go on a road trip to Vegas! We can take pop some shrooms and see crique du soleil like those guys did in 'Knocked up' and debate the chair fabrics!
    Feel better?! Screw work! Screw life!!! Let's rock it out!!
    -and--Sorry I've been out of it for a few days- I've been wrapped up in some difficult life stuff-but now all I'm thinking of is our impending road trip! No need to pack- we'll buy all new cheesy clothes in vegas and change our names! :)

  2. Well, I always like to say, 'fake it till you make it.' If you force yourself to put on a smile, often a better mood follows...hang in there ;)

  3. Sometimes you just need a good self-indulgent pity-party. I even wrote a poem with that title once. I hope you find your blue sky soon.


  4. you sound like you had my kind of monday (or at least this monday was that way). ick...let's hold out for tomorrow and the mood will lift, or i'll just bury my head in the sand for a while.

  5. Well this is precisely how I feel on Sundays! (I don't work Mondays) so I can sympathise.
    Tuesday bound to be better - have a great week!

  6. oh sweetie, hope you have a better tuesday.

  7. hey gorgeous!!!! hope monday wasn't too mean to you!!!

    mondays are cloudy... and rainy... but the rest of the week is bound to bring you some sunshine :)


  8. Oh I feel your pain, I've been in a funk of a fog all day. I just can't seem to shake it. Well, its almost done..kitties here I come!!

  9. mondays BLOW! but at least this one is getting closer to being over. ;)

  10. The great thing about Mondays is that they don't stay Mondays forever and always turn into Tuesdays before you know it!

  11. That cactus is awesome!

    Just letting you know I've given you an award because I love your blog!

  12. ahhh, yeah, mondays. but I have a reason to love them as it's family night around my house.

  13. LOL I love how u see your days! heehee...
    I just tagged u in my last post sweetheart.... :)
    have a fabulous day!


  14. Monday's are such a drag, but I do love that hair photo! xo

  15. HAHAHA! I adore this post! Hope U have the better TUesday. My tuesday is really unfortunatly...:(


  16. Ohhh darling, well monday is just about over so on to Tuesday! Lets hope its better and if not, we'll just slap it into Wednesday! :)

  17. i usually get my blues out of the way on sunday night...cheer up doll! it's only 36 minutes until tuesday! yay!

  18. Pen Pen,
    errr thanks I think?! Vegas, been there done that...I was thinking more of Disneyland! I'm more a G rated kind...but the cheesy clothes sure sounds very tempting though ;)

    Style Porn,
    I'm sure you are G rated... I guess
    smile is not the only thing I should 'fake'... blush-blush** Thanks darling, I'm sure I'll be better soon... Tuesday is at the doorstep- I can hear him!

    Thank you...self-indulgent is not counting calories while eating peanut butter from its jar...~hee*

  19. down & out chic,
    I know we are not the only one with Monday blues...I really need mood lifters every Mondays! I wonder how many calories burnt for lifting moods??? err...hmmm?

    Yes- Tuesday is much kinder & generous than Monday... I should give Monday the divorce papers! Anyone knows a good lawyer???

    Savy Mode,
    Thank you darling your Hermes post lift me up a little so I should thank you... XO* too!

  20. Joelyne,
    Thanks darling...sunshine would be fab...I have a pair of cute sunglasses ready & SPF 1000 of course ;)

    Your kitties are adorable...my dogs do bring some smiles back too* ~Sweet!

    It's after midnight, Bye-bye Monday! You were not very nice to me today!!! Be nice next week will ya'

  21. Erin,
    Amen!!! ...end before we know it, it's going to be TGIF again yay! Oh dear... I really need to grow up! ;)

    Thank you so much for the Award...I feel so much better suddenly, I'm quite easy to please really!

    I wish I could say the same...meet my family & you'll understand better dear...

  22. Pink,
    Thank you, I must have my visual delightsss as you know- visual verbalization*** ~hee*

    I'm glad you noticed...Whoever invented hair rollers was a GENIUS!

    Oh dear...you too?! We shall not join the Monday Fan Club anytime soon! ~hee*

  23. Much love,
    ...no, you are the cute one!

    Elizabeth Marie,
    I just hope we won't break our pretty nails doing it! Gosh...I'm so pathetic sometimes ~hee*

    Thank you I'll take that advise...Prepare by Sunday night...BUT uhhh reminds me of school days!!! :(

    >Well, goodnight & wishing & hoping for a FAB Tuesday, Amen!!!
    ~XO & thank you all...

  24. I agree Mondays suck! Hello Tuesday!

  25. hope your feel better soon!

    xx, Geri

  26. I hope today is much more cheery for you x

  27. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    Mondays really are the pits!

  28. Mama said there would be days like this....... I so hope that today is much improved for you. Do something special- just for YOU!

  29. You always find the best pics, L! Speaking of which, love the little birdie in your new header! Hope your Tuesday is super-terrific!


  30. I totally agree. Mondays are hard.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! Come back anytime.
    Looks like you have a great blog, I'll add you to my feed. Thanks!

  31. Oooh heart shaped Cactus! Amazing!!

  32. Hope your monday went ok dear! I always try to smile when I'm down, it ends up making me happy eventually :) Annnd that first image is so cute.

  33. Wish you a wonderful day,


  34. P.S. So cool that you met Andrew Gn!


  35. Oooo I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday to make up for the Monday blahs! I had a similar Monday yesterday. Your photos cheered me up :)

  36. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    Hope you have a Terrific Tuesday to make up for the Monday. And if you gals are doing Vegas I'M IN!

    The last time I was in Vegas I saw cirque du soleil and it's still weird sober :D

  37. Hope today is better...must have been something in the air everywhere. I couldn't wrap my head around anything...not a usual Monday! So...heres to Tuesday!!

  38. Everyone is allowed a tough day or two or 3... but sometimes when you force a smile you start feeling happy for real. :)

  39. I think sometimes we deserve a pity party.... especialy on mondays, darling....

    I'm doing mine today :)
    Great pictures and as always you made me laugh. Thank you.


  40. well, now it's Tuesday and it's raining. So it's not much better but at least only a few days until the weekend.

    I love that scarf. It's from Marshall's no label but it's so cool.

    Thanks for your lovely comments. :)

  41. hows tuesday treating my lovely?! I hope better! XO

    And a man MUST have a black belt, or I simply will not speak to him. Good call. Ha!

  42. i hope your tuesday was better! thanks for visiting my blog :) glad to have discovered yours!

  43. I'm not a big fan of Mondays. This one wasn't the worse one I've had recently. I hope your week is going well so far.

  44. I'm feeling under that weather today so I know where you are coming from:)

  45. I love the smily on the hand. Have to remember that one for a bad day!
