Oh Baby-Baby...

"...How sweeeeet* are they! "
...Ooohhh...~Images like these really make me want to have children! (either that or I just don't want to grow up!) errr...here I am too busy & fully scheduled to even 'baby' myself! Wel-well-well...certainly got me thinking about my late grandmother who raised her own 9 children! (No, we are not from any 'compound' from Utah!) Anyway, my father is the second of 9 siblings!!! Wow-wee...how did she do it all??? Sometimes I regret for not asking her the details of raising 9 children by herself...how she managed to keep her breasts looking so FIRM without any plastic surgery! & all her good YUMMY recipes too... Unfortunately she has gone home to be with the Lord about 14 years ago. All I know, I'm quite sure grandma did struggle very much...but thankfully, everything turned out alright at the end for her & her family...my family! Thanks Granny, for giving me the strength to carry on...my 'struggle' is not the same as hers, but I know I'll be alright too... ~XOXO*
-Images & Design: INKE Wildlife Silhouettes are made from vintage wallpaper, they are all hand crafted in a purpose built workshop which also operates as a “back to work” facility for people with special needs, located in DZB, Leiden, Netherlands. Each pattern is available in limited quantities & sent out as a "do it yourself kit" complete with glue, a brush and instructions.


. said...

omg, I LOVE these!!! I wish I had kids so I could buy these! haha

Jeannette Mariae said...

Love it - love it - love it. I know it would be beautiful on Antons walls.

And your Granny - a strong women with nine childrien. Oh my... ;-)

Formerly known as Frau said...

They just don't make Granny's like they use to! Your Granny sounds like a one of a kind. I hope you draw strength from her memories. Love the Bird one. Have a great Wednesday!

Haute World said...

These are terrific! So much more original than putting up floor to ceiling wallpaper. I don't think I could handle more than 2 children, let alone 9! Wow, incredible.

Phoebe Limanta said...

oh my gosh those pictures make me want to have kids of my own... but then i go to the shopping centre and see i see children screaming, running around and make a scene and i retract the statement back... lol

but beautiful photos as per usual hon :) your grandmother was a very strong woman!

Jan said...

These are great, but what grown ups see as a good idea sometimes doesn't work with little ones (is the tot in the first pic running away ?)
Lions & Tigers & Bears oh my !
Your Granny sounds wonderful.

www.janetteria.com said...

just lovely!


Anonymous said...

Hat's off to your Granny! I could never do it! Yet love the comradery of a large close family.

My Husband is from 7. My Mom is from 8. And my Dad is from 8. My Mei Mei is from 16!

Now how in the world did they survive driving around town with each kid in a seat belt? Cause they didn't have to LOL!

My Grandmother also is an advocate of birth control. She says the church doesn't approve, but the church isn't the one raising them ;D

Anna said...

Awww I love these!!

dee said...

These are awesome...thank you for sharing! And NINE kids?! Wow :)

josie(bean) said...

hey thanks so much for your commet :D

and I LOVE your blog, great picture posts with a lot of inspiration to them. You've gained a new follower!

Couture Carrie said...

What fabulous wall art!


Keith said...

These are amazing. I love them a lot. Grandmothers are something special.

Dionne said...

What lovely wall decals! SO pretty!

Your Grandma sounds awesome. My mum was the 9th child out of 10 kids - but they lived in the Philippines, and having a truckload of kids there is more then norm, haha.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

I have worn tired of wall decals but these are great!!
We have a lot to learn from these strong women who raised large families without the conveniences we have today. I raised four, can't image 9!? I am impressed. :D deb

SHIZUKA said...

soo cuuute ! i want those stickers and hooks and things haha x

Cheryl Peters said...

Thanks first for commenting on my blog. You are so cool. I'll be visiting here regularly.

GUGAW said...

these are sooooo cool. particularly like the line, the pattern really works with the mane!

Syed said...

These are so adorable, I love the tree one! And wow, your grandmother sounds like she was an absolutely amazing woman :) Hope you're well dear.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Oh yes, the crumb is going to get a newly designed room soon! Hello Animal Jungle!

Joyce said...

Very cute wall ideas! Wait! Did you say 9?!! OUCH...

Heidi said...

These are ADORABLE!!! Really sweet. Stenciling and all that ain't what it used to be. This is so much better!

Christina said...

i need that ostrich and who cares if i don't have kids?!

Anonymous said...

I love those wallpaper silhouettes EVEN MORE now that I know their origins. What an awesome organization!

Kierstin Bridger said...

crazy fun

drollgirl said...

9 kids!!! ack! i couldn't even handle 9 CATS!!!!

my grandpa came from a huge family too. i think there were 9 or 10 kids, but a couple died of polio. perhaps birth control was frowned upon? or they had sex like rabbits? or the mamas back then were fertile myrtles? humph.

Cindy said...

you are so sweet, i love your dedication to your granny. i love those decals, too. i don't think you have to be a kid to have them, either.

Ela said...

I wonder if our grandmas are now friends! She had 13...I know! Amazing they could it, no? I miss mine so much sometimes but I also believe in eternal families.

These images are lovely! I do hope the kiddies come soon :)

p.s. I gave you an award on my post from Tuesday. xx

Sierra said...

The silhouettes are very pretty, love the animals and the vintage appeal. Ha ha, I laughed about your comment about UT because I am from there originally, but my fam doesn't have 9 kids!

Gabby said...

Love that wall art! So fun. And 9 kids - WOW. She must have been some woman!

ticklishfromadistance said...

Oh, I love these. Really great style. Fun, and not too baby like, if that makes sense?!

Iva Messy said...

my kids would love that! {lol maybe its me that secretly wants it... lol} sadly I am an only child, but my grandparent all come from 13+ (ish) families..hello 10,000 cousins! lol {I hope whatever you are going through right now is getting better!}

Hayley said...

those are adorableeee!

Melissa Blake said...

sooooo beautiful!

Aline said...

you crack me up!

these are so cool!!!

Annie said...

These are awesome and very inspiring as I begin my creative journey crafting! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

What a fabulous idea for a kids room! Changeable and colorful. 9 Kids is really a triumph. Just remember...it's in your genes!

Sam said...

Darling little poppets!! Nine though!! *shakes head in wonder and amazement* How on earth did she do it? Nine of anything is a lot!!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

I would put these in my bedroom.:)

Take some cheap advice: Don't grow up, it's a whole lot less stressful than having children.:))

My grandma had nine children also. Two was plenty enough for me.

Have a great end of the week!

trishie said...

So cute!!!

Kitty Stampede said...

awww...these are amazing..what inspiration!!! I can relate to the big families..My Dad's mom had 17 pregnancies...only ended up with 13 of the children..haha I can't believe I just said only. My Mom's mom had 11 children...We are from Prince Edward Island and they were all on farms...I guess they had lots of helping hands around. I could NOT imagine that in these days.
My grammies are still here but my grandfathers just passed in the last couple years...its sad to see them go.
Man, I misssed your beautiful blog.

Diana said...

ok. stop. you are making me ovulate! :P

isabelle said...

oh so sweet!

Amelia said...

These are so sweet! I love the lion one.

Denise Kiggan said...

What a lovely story! Recycling and socially responsible too!

Unknown said...

omg....I LOVE these. they are amazing. so inventive!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

what fun designs!

DaisyChain said...

this post makes my ovaries ache.

inkWELL Press said...

Love that lion! And, yes, I would love to know how your Granny did it with 9 kids... whew... I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

RLMEnglish said...

These are awesome, it DOES kinda make you want to have someone to take care of and who depends on you. Sweet.

Megan said...

This is such a great idea and seems easy enough for someone who is a challenged crafter to accomplish!