Want 2b HERO*

~CHEERFUL* Monday Everyone...
[what?!! Oh my...regular readers of this blog may have noticed
a slight but significant shift in my Monday post...No more
Bichin' about Monday Blues...Just enjoy it while it lasts! ~hee*]
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! LENORENEVERMORE was supposed to have a dream date...BUT, guess what?!! The guy...errr JERK! did NOT show up!!!(sob-sob*) He had a somewhat a mild explanation for his Missing In Action! Not really good enough explanation though, it wasn't like he needed an emergency kidney transplant or something!!! ...Ooohhh+Grrr+Sob-sob*... Promise to share more & photos this week okie*... Meanwhile, please tell me..."Where do broken hearts go???" {ala Whitney Houston's song!) Told ya'...I'm such a dramaOrama queen! All I know I needed a hero to save me that day...a.k.a little me from having a major Pity-Party over the weekend... Suddenly the clouds cleared...and 2 heroes appeared before me in a form of a couple of friends...Literally the husband and wife super hero team! (~Thank you both!!)

There are different kind of heroes in the world... some may want to save the world from the serious global warming for example, or even the terrible world hunger...whatever they are, all are just wonderful! But I always believe~ if there is a small tiny mess in front of us and there's a broom, pick it up and start sweeping Darlings! Perhaps ultimately a mop might do an even better job, or even a powerful shovel perhaps! But the longer we wait to decide what tool to use, the longer the mess will be there... And that was what my 2 'heroic' friends did for me...In the speed of light, they simply picked me up when I was down... They were certainly my heroes that day... felt very-very BLESSED indeed! Now, I'm inspired more than ever to also be a 'hero' to someone this week! Another words~ I am blessed so I may bless others! ...errr hope I'm making any sense here...it's Monday morning afterall! Hmmm...what super hero costume should I wear today???...Whahhh!!
there are certainly 'heroes' & angels among us Darlings!
- Andy Warhol as Batman pics via Mathew Langley


Formerly known as Frau said...

Friends are the best super heroes fly in and save the day just when you need them. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Amy said...

Have an awesome Monday, Lenore!
Being a hero is marvelous!

Kwana said...

Have a great Monday. I love good friends. I say wear a Wonder Woman costume today.

Anonymous said...

Your true friends are among your blessings. (hugs)

Magdalena said...

There is nothing like great friends who heroically save the day!!

Jan said...

HAS to be ... WonderWoman !

me melodia said...

Love these shots!
I'm really trying to stay posi on mondays too!
Lets keep it up. :D

Anonymous said...

I love superheros so this photo series is wonderful to me!

You were supposed to have a date? What is that? I forgot. haha.

Happy Monday to you too!

Ela said...

I love that you have super hero friends! You deserve them :)
I like this cheerful Monday things - I *could* get used to it :)
Oh and Wonder Woman of course! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh lady, what a bummer! You just let me know if you need someone to kick some sense into that guy ...

WendyB said...

It's good to have great friends...and btw, I don't think I've ever seen these Andy and Nico photos. LOVE THEM.

Vivi said...

I've never seen these pictures before - how awesome!

Couture Carrie said...

Fun photos, darling!
Sorry about your no-show, L ~ at least he saved you the trouble of having to wait to find out that he's a total loser!


Anna G said...

I'm a total drama queen. My best friend should get a prize about dealing with all my problems. Guys are so problematic, most don't get it when I'm not interested and the ones I'm into are clueless about the fact I like them.

The Snarky Narwhal said...

Sorry he didn't show up, I hope you have a great Monday today though.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Where do broken hearts go? - they keep on "going" on thanks to friends like yours. I was exactly where you were about 12 yrs. ago. A good friend told me once that you find someone when you are finally NOT looking. I hated when she told me that & damn it, she was right. But, I never gave up. I went to coffee houses, Home Depot,golfing, church, out to dinner alone (ugh!), any where a conversation could begin other than a bar. I'm an independent person, but when I went through that, I really needed my friends. We are here for you & I love your post. Super Hero's indeed - great photos by the way Xxx deb

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

hope you're having a wonderful monday, darling! you deserve it! xo

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I agree with other folks who've said it has to be Wonder Woman! Great photos. If you could have any super power, what would it be? xoxo

Iva Messy said...

oh darn that noshow of a man!!! BUT seriously, how amazing are you that you have a superhero husband and wife team!! i love that. you are such a great person yourself , you deserve all the greatest friends in the world! I love that you want to be a superhero for someone else too, you are my superhero this week for loving mondays lately :)

Sarah said...

Oh Lenore, you are a superhero with the powerhouse personality and blog to prove it. Trust me!

I agree with the previous comment, at least this doofus didn't show up and saved you the time of finding out he was a doofus. Good riddance to him! He doesn't deserve a second more of your time.

Cheers to superhero friends!

Christina said...

dumb, dumb man that left you hanging, he's the one who lost out on a great time, no? i'll kick him if i ever see him (hard).

Gabbi said...

Your friends sound super indeed dear Lenore... I think everyone gets stood up at least once in their life. I've had two :D The most baffling was this weird guy who kept bugging that we should go out (friend of a friend), I finally accepted and on the day of the date he kept calling about the time he was picking me up and what to wear and stuff like that (he sounded really excited about the whole thing) then he stood me up? I honestly still don't understand how that happened. And even though I didn't like him very much I was sincerely hurt. He tried to make it up with flowers later but I refused to ever go out with him after that.

Kitty Stampede said...

awww...you sure are swell. That date of yours is missing out big time!!
Have a great monday!!

Aline said...

what awesome photos!!!!

I'm so sorry about your botched date!!

Jeannette Mariae said...

I simply love your post as always... You are my female hero in human form.

Love from JM ;-)

drollgirl said...

what a herky jerk that dude was! so glad that you have super friends (pardon the expression) that made it all better!

i am ordering a WONDER WOMAN cape for you, STAT! :)

poet said...

Sorry about that stupid guy. May he be pursued by big black scary ravens for some part of his dating career, at least! :) Thanks for the heroes post!

Happy Monday,

Becca said...

Haha! I love the Warhol pictures. Those are so cute!

And you've got a good message going on there too. Everyone just needs to be proactive, and if they see a problem, then fix it! Don't just leave it there.

Happy Monday!

Karen said...

Thanks for the wonderful message :) we are definitely blessed so we may bless others. Sorry to hear about that jerk.. hate it when people do that. But hooray for great friends!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

You are a superhero by just making us laugh and smile with every post!

And the stupid jerk, no second chances, right?

Syed said...

Yay for your two heroes :) I think we are all heroes when we help the people we love. Hope you had a beautiful day dear.

Diana said...

this totally reminds me of comic con!

debra@dustjacket said...

Good friends, how lucky are you. It's great you want to do that in return too. Have a great week.


Sam said...

Nico! and Andy! Bliss on earth! Thank you Lenore! As for that "date" - what a ridiculous human being! Don't give him another moments thought! XX

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

There is nothing like friends to pick you up. It only takes one person to make a difference..you are so right! Have a great week..enjoy the Monday posts..heehee!

WendyB said...

Adding you to my links right now!

Mekkan said...

I'm pretty sure you are one of those super heroes! I like the Catwoman by Halle Berry. She was awesome in the movie. Have a heroic week!

Anonymous social worker said...

i am a hero, I once saved a little dog from being run over. seriously.

april said...

your sundays best post made my day ;-) and i think it's really a wonderful thing collecting white china. and even it's tuesday now, i enjoy your monday good mood hero post. wish you a sunny day*

Haute World said...

You're right about heroes being everywhere and taking on different roles or forms. Glad your heroes were there when they needed you and sorry about the date. Ugh, I know it sucks when that happens, but you know you don't deserve it and a year from now you'll probably won't even be thinking about it. Love those Warhol shots by the way!

kadler said...

Boo - that dude is lame. But it's really his loss. At least you have wonderful friends!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

You are one of the sweetest ladies I know! Even though I am late reading this blog, hope your week is magical and full of sweetness!


sallymandy said...

He had NO IDEA what he was missing. You're too good for him. The right one will swoop in just like your friends.

I'm late to this conversation. Have you forgotten him yet?? Good for you.