
...It's been super Hot-Hot-Hawwwt...
and Summer temperature is NOT
going down anytime soon......
~Question* of the Day:
Who would rather be here today ???
( ...I was the first one to raise my hand
...BOTH hands !!! ) ~take a look...
...oooh I certainly like to do
some splashy-splash-splash here!
"...waiter, yesss...don't forget to place
the colorful mini-umbrella on my cocktail
......le sigh*
~Like I said before...ehem-ehem*
it's been so hot...ooohhh very-very Hawwwttt !!!
-Pics via Grazia Magz, Anvai, Travel.webshots.Tfs, Coastal Living


. said...

I would definitely rather be at any of these places!


Elizabeth Marie said...

Hot Hot Hot HAWWWT is right my dear...ohhh poolside with an umbrella in my drink and HIM walking around as eye candy...yes please!!!!!

cybeel said...

owwww super hot really!
wanna go there

cybeel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
www.janetteria.com said...

HAWWWWT! Cooool poolsides. I neeeeed a poolside. :)


Jeannette Mariae said...

Oh, Lenore... Big smile to you, my dear friend ;-)

Jan said...

The guy in the pool - scary !
(and I still haven't recovered from the Muppet onslaught over at the JCC website !)
you're killing me Lenore

CC said...

i definitely love the pool by the forest...i want to be there!!! XD

Anna said...

Definitely would rather be there. Is it Friday yet??

Phoebe Limanta said...

beautiful photos, like always :D

it is winter here and i must say that i love it :D i love the rainy gloomy weather because that means i get cuddles! :P it's the best feeling when its rainy and cold outside and you're warm in bed :P

ticklishfromadistance said...

On my way, cocktail in hand!
Love it!

Anonymous said...

All mixes just aren't drinkable till they have an umbrella....

Those pools are paradise. But you have me laughing, remembering the movie "the jerk" steve martin (mini umbrellas...)

Sarah said...

Um, he is the waiter right? Ahhhh yes, I would definitely rather be wherever he is the waiter.

LOVE the pools!!!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I'm not much of a swimmer, but I'd LOVE to paddle around in any of those posh pools.

Kitty Stampede said...

awwwww.....What a great post to come back to Lenore's world too....hahaha...I love you and your blog to itty bitty bits. Its such a lovely place. And I'm sorry for not being so regular...I have soo much to catch up on.

I want to go splash...I've been sweating buckets myself.

Micaela said...

i want that HAWTNESS of the last picture to make me sweat!!!! ;)

Ela said...

Oooh, can I come? I raised my feet too! LOL, I was NOT expecting that last photo. You kill me.

xx Ela
p.s. thanks for the sweet comments on me being a catch, feel free to call my mother-in-law and let her know that :)

Unknown said...

great pictures! the last is so hot!


Charlie said...

Splashy-splash and my o my is this last photo HAWT! These are fabulous and I want to be in any of these locations, the pools look amazing. Alright, if you are going to press me I will pick the last photo her can be my pool boy.

Mekkan said...

Oh, what the gorgeous photos! You've inspired me a lot. I need a diet before I make an appearance at any gorgeous pool you've introduced to me. Only if possible.

Syed said...

The weather is pretty boring over here, but I would love to go swimming in the sunshine!! Hope you're well dear :)

Unknown said...

omg...I totally have "anywhere but here" syndrome and I'd love to walk into any one of the images you posted here....

Dana Yoshimizu said...

Hey :) Thanks for stopping by my blog~!

Nell said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

And I would love to be slipping an umbrella drink in a pool anywhere!

Diana said...

a jump in the pool sounds so good right now! it is HOT!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

My hand's up!!!! How come I'm still sitting here?? Give me the palm trees any day!

Farnnay said...

wow that place looks gorgeous!

Christina said...

hahaha i'd take any of the lovely bodies (of water) over where i'm sitting right now (ick desk).

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

And I want that hottie to deliver my cocktail! :)

Anthony said...

Such beautiful settings...

I quite like that huge inflatable swan, too! Of course, the pool boy seems like the most desirable destination for me... but I have to ask, WHAT is he holding so strategically positioned over his "bits & pieces"? Whatever it is, almost looks like he's serving a "hot dog"! ;)

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous photos, darling! I especially love the round pool and the Infinity pools!
Time to take a dip!


LenoreNeverM♡re said...


you naughty boy, darling!
ps: click on pix to enlarge...& find out (blush-blush)

Dream Sequins said...

These are so amazing. I love the retro inspired pools, like the Raleigh pool. I would wear an Esther Williams style cap and a one piece and do a swan dive with my synchronized swimmer swan friends ;)

TheBeautyFile said...

Me me me me!! Want pool...now!!!

Kwana said...

Yes, Yes, YES!

muchlove said...

come to Australia! it's winter here, haha..

Iva Messy said...

me me me Me ME!! those are such awesome pools!

Sam said...

The last two POOL (as opposed to the nude fella!!!) photos are too lovely for words!! We could use a bit of your hot down here in freeezing Sydney!

Andhari said...

The last one is definitely tempting :) And I love infinity pools, look refreshing!:)

drollgirl said...

you know i'd rather be at any of those places! hell, i'd rather be cleaning the toilet at home than here at work!

Awesome Sara said...

i will give u the best blw-j if u can send me and that really hot gut and inflatable duck to any of these places. pretty please....

Hayley said...

oh, how much i would love to be there... its been so darn humid here!

Noble Beeyotch said...

How i love this!...wish i could be there!

Keith said...

Great photos. I need a vacation so bad.

ilikestuff said...

Ooh, I'll take the infinity pool in what looks to be the Brazilian Rainforest, but then again all of these places look better than where I am right now.

trishie said...

Oooo, HOTNESS! Yes, i'd like to be there please.

Amelia said...

I adore the first picture! A swan floatie is definitely a must for hot days.

Fashion Moment said...

Excelent post! Thank you for wonderful comment!


ali said...

definitely could go swimming in any of those pools, but the last one would probably be first on my list. :)

sexy legs and body said...

That place if beeeeautiful.... lovely beach.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

When I scrolled down to the last photo, I almost jumped through my screen -- I touched the screen, begged and pleaded, scratched, I tried it all just to make this guy come to life. OK, now you know where my mind is.:)


Courtney said...

Holy absurd! I NEED NEED NEED that swan float for my pool. Honestly, I'm now on a hunt. Incredible! And hilarious.

pashmina said...

Amazing pool with the valley falling away behind it and the mountains in the distance! Stunning!