


... The terrible fire in Santa Barbara, California earlier this year caused a 3 day old fawn and a 3 week old bobcat to take shelter together. Here they are snuggling together in the County Dispatch Office for several hours. Animal Planet{source) reported that the bobcat kitten was rescued near Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ranch, where it was dehydrated and close to death. Although wild animals, especially of separate species, are never placed together due to regulations, they simply had no choice due to this emergency. During the mayhem of the wild fire, they were forced to put animals anywhere they could, since they had run out of crates large enough for the fawn. The kitten ran to the fawn, and it was instant bonding! ~Simply adore 'awww...moment'! ~XOXO*


www.janetteria.com said...



Iva Messy said...

awww.awwww.awwww. awwww.

so sweet. so cute.

awwwww. animals are just so fantastic!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

OMG so sweet!

Couture Carrie said...

That is the sweetest thing ever!


Laura Trevey said...


Ela said...

How amazing that tragedy can bring so much peace and happiness. This is such a darling picture. What a sweet little bond they have!

Madeleine Miranda said...

So sad about the fire, but that is adorable beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

I saw this a few months back - amazing!

Anonymous said...

very adorable

Gabbi said...

Adorable is right... poor little babies!

Anonymous said...

Awww we are all God's creatures and should get along :)

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

We can break the barriers...from bobcat to deer! Aaawww...precious!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I love that animals are 'color blind'!

octavia said...

aren't you the garrulous biddy that had a budgie?

Lisa said...

So cute!

Nico said...

That's so cute! Who knew that biological predator and prey can bond together during mayhems. Isn't that interesting?

Oh btw, thanks for yer support!

Aline said...

so sweet! I wonder if they were raised together if the bobcat would not eat the fawn!

WendyB said...

And then when they grow up they can go to "dinner" together. But it might not turn out so well for one of them...

Anthony said...

That IS amazing!
It's almost like the "Lion laying down with the Lamb". Just an absolutely beautiful sight! Animals are naturally so innocent and trusting, until conditioned differently.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Karen said...

This is really super sweet.. makes me love animals more and more! But I do fear for what happened to the mommy deer + cat :( ...

Melissa Blake said...

A BIG Awwwwwwwww....they are so cute!

bananas. said...

so so cute.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Awwwwwww...animals never cease to amaze! What an amazing story!

Amy said...

oh my word! i think i just shed a tear! so sweet!

cherie said...

that is just the sweetest thing, lenore girl!

trishie said...

That is too cute. aaaw.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you Darrrlings...
"Awww..." is certainly our theme song!


Simply Colette said...

Oh my that stole my heart! :)

ilikestuff said...

This breaks my heart! I hope they get to stay together forever! Like Milo and Otis...

ilikestuff said...

But seriously, the articles *are* very well written. Oh, and the boobs are nice too.

ilikestuff said...

Oh and uh, I thought I was just commenting on the above post. How inappropriate.

Sam said...

Bless! I love stories like that - it makes me go all misty eyed! Little fury folk bonding like that - bless them.

Kitty Stampede said...

Wow...look at those two little angels. I adore when different species become friends, its just so beautiful.

Kay said...

they are both so adorable, i want to cuddle up too..... great story/photo!

sealaura said...

I can NEVER have to many of these moments. I LOVE animals, what a sweet little story. warm fuzzies everywhere!

Phoenix said...

possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen.


Christina said...

oh my goodness, this cuteness is too much!
think they'll grow up to be bff for life?

Diana said...

such a sweet story!