It's monday...

Let's work it darrrlingsss...
errr...working towards my Christmas Bonus!
[ooohhh...it was freezing-cold this morning!]
announcement :
~Haven't done any 'theme post' for awhile now...
so This whole week, LENORENEVERMORE
is going 'Animal Planet Banana' !!!
I know most of you lurrrrvvve animals...
errr...What's your favorite anyway???
Let's begin & have a FUN*tastic Week*
shall we.....~XOXO*
-Pics via weheartit.com


WendyB said...

Attack of the killer penguins???

ticklishfromadistance said...

Oh, I love so many....but a good elephant pic always makes me smile.

Toothfairy said...

the 2nd pic is cute!

I love all animals, but dogs and pandas are the cutest.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Monday can suck it!

Iva Messy said...

awww these are so cute!! WOOOHOO I look forward to this animal themed week...I don't have a favorite animal, I love {most} of them :) ..some do scare me lol

Ela said...

That second photo is so adorable. I want it.

I love horses :)

Happy Monday, dear!xx

Anonymous said...

Adorable! How about some otters, ermine, badgers, and other weasel-y friends?

Gabbi said...

I like your Christmas motivation dear Lenore :) And I love your animal theme... one of my faves is the cat of course, but a close second goes to the Chimp. Nothing cuter than a chimpster!!! :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy Monday! It's freezing here too! We turned the heat on!

Anonymous said...

Very cute photos!!

My favorite animal is a Yorkie. I want one so bad.

schnitzerPHOTO said...

So difficult to pick favorites - don't want my dear pets to hear of it! But, I've always had a soft spot for (don't laugh) MOOSE :)

Couture Carrie said...

Really fun pics, L!
Love your animal-themed posts...
I think my favorite creature would have to be the bunny!


me melodia said...

u always find the cutest stuff.

www.janetteria.com said...

J'adore the 2nd pic!

Seeker said...

Oh so cute, I love that last picture!!!!
Have a nice working week, gorgeous!!!


Yelena R. said...

Those photos are adorable :) Oh, and happy Monday! Have an awesome week!

bananas. said...

penguins make me giddy like that last pic.

happy monday! :)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

What an unfair question - choosing only one favorite is impossible for this gal! Love them all!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Love these photos! I love nearly all animals, but I think my favorite are elephants. Don't tell my cats I said that! xoxo

Jan said...

Aw, that little girl is so cute.
Don't suppose you're thinking of including an AARDVARK? (hate ants)
& thankyou so much for your lovely recent comments !
Mwah x

McVal said...

Oh that little girl is adorable!!

Do hedgehogs!

Sam said...

These are so delightful!! My favourite animal I suppose is the pussy cat but I've got to say I'm very partial to most animals except NOT snakes or spiders or creepy crawlies....

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

super cute! i have a case of the mondays, penguins make me smile?

Christina said...

oooh, sooooo cute! i love cranes (i have them tattooed on my arm!) can't wait to see more.

. said...

awww, how cute!! Penguins are one of my favorite animals at the zoo!

. said...

awww, how cute!! Penguins are one of my favorite animals at the zoo!

Bunny said...

Oh that is so hard to choose only one favorite, my little pug Lulu Carmella is certainly at the top of the list, I love all five of my beloved dogs. Ah its 5pm here and soon Monday will be OVER!!! I have already called my beloved "Dorkalicious" and told him he must come this week for cocktails...This Bunny needs some serious fun and needs it ASAP...

Meagan said...

I can't wait for it to get cold enough to turn on the heater! I love the smell of a heater being turned on after a long summer. My favorite animals are pigs! Pink and rolly polly!

Cassaundra said...

penguins, penguins, penguins! my fav!!!! great post!

Karen said...

My favorite are cats (domestic + wild) , and everything else comes close! What about your favorite? ;)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Miss Kyou,
have faves...you'll find them in my next posts okie* Have to say all the baby animals are beyond adorable!

Dream Sequins said...

The little girl and the pengy ;)

Diana said...

Loving the theme! Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest!

Aline said...

can't wait to see more animals!

Mekkan said...

Your post makes me feel sooooo good! especially when I have some piles of works to be done. Have a great week, too!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Instant love with that last picture!

sofiasophie said...

cuuuuute pics!

I love pingouins, parrots, donkeys and caaaaaaaats of course!

And always though that someone who doesn't like animals is suspect/suspicious....

Unknown said...

Oh, this is toooooo cuteeee!!! :)