
~Do you know:
about 46 million turkeysssss...
are cooked & eaten in the U.S at Thanksgiving!
[source abcNews.com]
[~via CrowBiz*]
" WHO's your Daddy!!! " ~whahhhh...
PS: Lurrrve Etsy for adding *smiles* back to my Monday!


E said...

Love those felt Thanksgiving eggs...reminds me of that preschool song I loved so much: "One little two little three little Indians. :)

Gabby said...

Love the turkey plates!

Seeker said...

Oh the first one is soooooooooo cute... :)

Well, for a vegetarian like me too much meat to be eaten...

Hope all is fine with lovely you.
Sorry for my absence in comments, too busy.




Ela said...

Eek! Those eggies are too cute!
I love Turkey....mmmmm...

Missed you!

muchlove said...

I love the egg carton dolls!

Mekkan said...

I love every picture! They are so cute especially eggs! Thanksgiving Day is such a big family event in the US, right? I was so much impressed with the family reunion when I was invited at one of my host families-----a long long time ago.

AnnQ said...

The felt eggs are super cute!

Keith said...

I'm ready to get some turkey on Thanksgiving. Can't wait to get to my grandma's house to eat.

Cheryl Peters said...

Have a gloriously, lovely Thanksgiving Day.

Kay said...

uck! tofurkey it is :)

emily said...

love the second one!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

hmmm...Let me guess, you're a vegetarian~ 'tofurkey' is quite a cute name!

Elizabeth Marie said...

The turkey eggs are adorbs! I don't like turkey that much...makes me sleeeepy!! I'm glad your monday perked up!

My Favourite Things said...

Aw, that's so sad, poor turkeys! Haha..but I do love Thanksgiving! That last's one's funny lol

Anonymous said...

I don't eat poulty so I save at least one turkey. LOL. The final cartoon is great!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

That last picture is so naughty and funny, especially to me since I used to live in Indiana where we'd always say, "Hoosier Daddy?" So stupid, I know, but it takes so little to make me laugh.

Poor little turkeys. I don't eat meat, but I cook a turkey for all the meat eaters in my family, and they all say I make the best turkey they've ever had. How perverse is it that the vegetarian is the official family turkey roaster every year?


Kitty Stampede said...

hahahahahaha...oh goodness that made me crackity up..that last comment, ya know the daddy one...heehee.
Love all these images.
Happy Thanksgiving to You!

Iva Messy said...

HAHAH that last one is HILARIOUS!! oh Lenore!! you always know how to cheer up a Monday....despite your dislike of it ;)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow thats a lot of turkey! Great turkey pictures ....very funny too. Happy Thanksgiving!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone...
Happy Holidays!

Carlene said...

OMG, that last one cracked me up. Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie!

www.janetteria.com said...

Cute Turkey eggs! :-)


debra@dustjacket said...

46 million, holy heck. Funny pic's as usual you crazy girl.

Happy Thanksgiving Lenore honey,

Anonymous said...

i love your TG pix....the last one just cracks me up! thanks!

Sam said...

So nice!!! Goodness me I've missed so many posts! Love the little wee eggy folk best!

Tracie said...

Turkey Porn! LMAO!!!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!