
...LENORENEVERMORE was naturally drawn to the Hotel Library!
[ Like a moth to a light...errr bezzzzzp* ]
I salute Lotte Hotel in Seoul for building a beautiful library
for the guests to enjoy...
what a fabulousss-SMART idea!

“A room without books is like
a body without a soul.” ~M.T Cicero
...I guess this applies to hotel as well!
- Vintage photograph via *Felinofelice ~Thank you beautiful Gabbi!
& "Library" taken by LENORENEVERMORE


Formerly known as Frau said...

That is such I great idea, I love reading but hate lugging the book with me.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

I'd be asking for them to move my bed into this room - how lovely it is. I love books!!!

I've never stayed in a hotel that had a library.:(

Books decorate my entire home, they are everywhere, on every table, nook and cranny.

When I traveled in Europe, I would not take many clothes, but had a backpack full of books.:)

Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing all your exciting adventures, darling. xoxox

noone said...

wow what a stylish library... If my highschool library was that stylish I think I'd be a book reader for sure haha!

Angela said...

what a neat idea. i love to read.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

What a great idea to have a library in a hotel! Perhaps have tables for a little libation? Beautiful!

. said...

Lovely~! I want to go back to Korea. I haven't been in like 6 years!


Elizabeth Marie said...

Wow amazing! I've never stayed at a hotel that had a real library! Such a great idea! XOXOXO!!

Kat Mortensen said...

Were there English books, or can you speak Japanese, my learned friend?


Jan said...

ooh, lovely.
Truly luxurious !

drollgirl said...

oh booooooooks. i just want to dive in. :)

CC said...

isn't that a great idea, it's the first time i stumbled across such a thing. Hotel + Library =X

Anonymous said...

Hotel with a library? People must book longer stays at this luxury hotel. Lovely idea!

Darla: Retro Ways said...

Wow that is amazing that they have a Library, and a beautiful one at that.

Lovely photos.

Anna G said...

I love to stay in that place. After being jet-legged sometimes you just want to sit-up, relax, and enjoy a book. I need more reading materials. I'm sick of magazines.

Heidi said...

I love books, libraries, book stores....anything to do with books. I loved this post. :)

SassyGirl said...

That is an awesome idea! Although I don't think I'd end up leaving the hotel! Haha.

Joyce said...

I like the fact there was a library. I also got a kick out of your first photo and LOVE the quote. xoxo

sarah said...

Come back to japan soon!!

I agree- I love the lotte hotel... Been there twice this year.
And OMG how difficult is korean!? Wow!

Gabbi said...

Wow, such an elegant Library dear Lenore! I don't think I've ever stayed in a hotel with a Library... très chic!

Mekkan said...

How gorgeous! Library in the hotel. You must stay on the club floor. Gosh, I need some gorgeous time not on business but on holidays! I'm going to struggle with dry laundry pretty soon whew---Have a nice afternoon.
Don't forget more pictures.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

so fancy and what a gorgeous room :)

Unknown said...

these images.. so good

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Lots of art books mainly...most of the books are in English, the international language of the world still...I guess?!

Christina said...

i LOVE this quote and i think every room in our house has books in it (including the bathroom!)

Charmaine said...

wow a hotel with a library? never heard that before! it does look a bit dark though :]

Kitty Stampede said...

I too LOVE books, me and manpiece are big collectors. it sucks though we'll head into a thrift shop meaning to shop for clothes and we head straight to the books and leave clothless but with a bag or two of books...ah well.

I hope you have a splendid weekend!!!

Aline said...

how gorgeous!

ali said...

oh my goodness.
pure heaven.
i would love to be surrounded by walls and walls full of books. the magic within each book and the adventures just waiting for you.

Unknown said...

I love being surrounded by books...these are amazing. I hope I can have a room like this one day.

essbesee said...

love the idea of a hotel library. that one is gorgeous, too.

muchlove said...

love these images and that last quote.

Charlie said...

What a nice library...in a hotel! It's nice to see it as more and more places seem to be replacing libraries with internet cafe type rooms.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I DREAM about having a library with gorgeous built ins in my home. Sigh.

poet said...

(didn't want to post this at your newest & very sad post, so here it goes:)

I really like your blog and so I've tagged you! Rules are at thegirlinthebaytree.blogspot.com, and I hope you enjoy answering! ...in order to not be totally off topic: these library pictures are also amazing.


kadler said...

I'm so jealous! Sounds so awesome.

dee said...

I love the shots of all those books!

Diana said...

OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS! great quote, too!

Unknown said...

I love when I travel and they have a book borrowing system in place! I've found them on cruises, at beach houses we've rented, it's my favorite. I always tend to read faster than I think I will and tear through my stash too quickly! -e

Noble Beeyotch said...

This looks like a very photogenic library. The lighting is so perfect! Nice shots!!!

alissa said...

thats a really cool idea! more hotels should do that