
~Hello Everyone...
Oooh...This is more than 'Lost in Translation'...it's more like "Lost in the Underground!!!"
...Tokyo Underground Subway Stations that is! Well-well-well...LENORENERMORE almost got a nervous breakdown!!! ~Just take a look at the signsssss...that I had to deal with...errr???
WHAT?! ...errr???
...H E L P !!!
Look...even the billboard ads in the subway station
is giving me the 'funny look'!!!
This 'Advertisement Boy' was poking fun at me
he seemed to be saying, " Missy, lost again?!
whahaha...more like LOSING your mind!!! "
TRUST me! ...I'd rather look at the beautiful graphic Ads
than those complicated subway signs!!!
...Anytime darlings!!! or at least another SIGN like this one:
Hmmm...More like it!!!
Perhaps another complicated & busy sign...
BUT at least it's a Universal SIGN Language non?!
Pretty sure everyone would know...~hee*
"Best wishes From Tokyo!"
PS: leaving for Osaka City tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Oh, lady, how wonderful to be touring Japan. Do post more photos!

www.janetteria.com said...

Ooooh, I'm envious. LOL! :)


Aline said...

ooooh, so lucky, have fun!

Jeannette Mariae said...

Oh, Lenore - did you get the train??? I so happy that it didn't happened to me.

Love your photos ;-)

nicole mountz said...

hahah poor thing, i hope you found your way! at least you ended up in a safe spot ;)

Diana said...

it is an amazing city to get lost in :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

Poor thing I have no since of direction kiddos for trying. Have a safe travel.

Jan said...

I'm sure we'd all love to spring to your assistance, but I'd be no help whatsoever.
At least it's clear what the time of day is though.
Fabulous photos - please send more.x

Angela said...

Japanese subway like NYC scares me. I always need friends to take me around. : )

andrea said...

cool photos

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Lenore, it wouldn't help for me to be with you, I have no sense of direction and can get lost in a circle.

Looks like you're having a great time. Enjoy the rest of your trip. xoxo

ticklishfromadistance said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like the electronic wiring to some machine.....

Keep sending pics, I can live vicariously thru you ;)

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Eek! I feel anxious just looking at pictures of the subway maps! The sign in the last picture is beautiful. I hope you're having a fabulous time!

Anthony said...

Yikes, Lenore! I'm surprised you even made it out of there!
Dig that 'Advertisement Boy'! I wonder what he was selling? Evidently NOT tourist assistance...
Who did help you out of there, anyway?

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

At least you found the "LV rainbow" at the end of the tunnel!

Seeker said...

That subway is scary, dear!!

Hope you're enjoying and thanks for sharing such cool pictures.




Erin W said...

Makes Toronto's transit system look so simplistic!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oooohhh my! I'd loooove to be LOST this way, touring Japan! have fun!

Christina said...

i'd be lost in two seconds with subways like that!!! part of the fun is getting lost though, right?

Mekkan said...

See, I told you!
You're going to skip NAGOYA!
Nagoya station is my neighborhood. You would just "shout" out my name when your train makes a brief stop at Nagoya and I could have come running.

I'll give you one lesson.
Say "Oh-ki-ni" instead of "Arigato"
when you want to say "Thank you" while you visit Osaka. Then every one will stun and love you. hehe---Have a great time in Osaka.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!
It's about 8.30 am here, I am off to have a breakfast meeting soon...lots of entertaining & PR-ing to do while I am here in this beautiful country!...off to Osaka this afternoon...Simply have to play catch up one day & visit your lovely blogs again okie. So glad you enjoy all the photos! More coming I hope... "Sayonara"(bye) for now!

~Kisses to all

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

You're the best! I wish I were there with you.:)) Have enough fun for the both of us.

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

oh my goodness, i would get so lost! so jealous of you being over there though, have so much fun! xx

kadler said...

Haha, isn't Tokyo nuts? I was just there a few weeks ago.

My boyfriend likened their subway system to a noodle bowl. It's so true.

Have fun!!

Awesome Sara said...

i am so jealous of you right now. i wish i could be anywhere but here

ilikestuff said...

Oh sweet Jesus, that is the most terrifying subway sign I have ever seen. I think my brain is hemorrhaging just looking at it.

Annie Spandex said...

Oh man I would LOVE to go to Tokyo one day... Have fun!!

Kat Mortensen said...

Holy Mackerel, Andy! I don't think I'd ever make it up to the surface again. I'd be like Persephone in the Underworld forever. (Maybe that's a bad analogy, but let's just say my sense of direction is bad to begin with without throwing that kind of signage at me. Good luck, Dahling!


Laura Trevey said...

What a fun trip!! ** except for the train craziness **

dee said...

WOW. Those subway signs are a work of art and completely terrifying all at once!

May Kasahara said...

love ♥