" if loving* is wrong...
I don't wanna be right...
how many 'frogs' do I have 2kiss now...errr-errr??? "


josie(bean) said...

ahaha sooo wrong, but the artwork is just stunning...i cant help but be intrigued!! im a big sicko now :[

Angela said...

the idea is right but the images are rather disturbing to me.

Hayley said...

the artwork is fantastic, and the idea is adorable but the pictures are just... eh. ew.

muchlove said...

these are pretty amazing!

Elaine said...

I just got a gross feeling...especially from the bug picture... I HATE bugs!!!

Charlie said...

Leonore, this sort of loving is so wrong on so many levels. Again, you crack me up! You are the best.

Kwana said...

So so wrong but crazy right. Oh and it does take quite a few frogs. You just have to relax and let go. That's when the prince usually comes along.

Anonymous said...

You can tell the artist is amazing, yet it is still so sickening. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Anonymous said...

Pictures are so wrong. But on an artistic interpretation in many ways it's true....too many "animals" out there.....

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...


poet said...

I don't know. I try to be as liberal as possible about people's sexual inclinations (the whole if-it-doesn't-harm-anyone-thing, you know). But these pictures still sort of gross me out. Just me, personally. Still, amusing, I guess, in some way...


Elizabeth Marie said...

OMG hahahaha...my dog is looking at me weird now.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

my mind can't even go there.:) i'm an extremely liberal, but...not that liberal.:)) a talented artist.

you'll find your PRINCE...when the right one comes along.


hope you're having a wonderful week!!!

Amy said...

now that work is stunning...a lil' wrong, but beautiful.
i want to meet this artist and get in their head!

happy hump day, chicky!

Karen said...

Hey, the artwork is pretty good. I never thought about it before, but good thing human beings find romantic partners among other people :p

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

It's beyond wrong...and I'm a big animal lover!

Iva Messy said...

hmmm. well its beautiful, artistically speaking. Very expressive and I think point very well made. HOWEVER, {LOL} visually, very hard to not get weirded out :)

www.janetteria.com said...

UFFFF!Errrr-errrr...so wrong but great artwork too...


Joanna Goddard said...

what funny photos! i am kind of loving this xo

The Snarky Narwhal said...

hahaha, I don't care how much I love my cat i'm not french kissing her. hahahaha

but yes lovely work!

Anna G said...

I'm trying to look away but I can't. It's like car accident, distubring but just so damn perfect.

SQCXLover said...

wow...very interesting.....I just don't get it....it must be something wrong with me.....Nice pics...

Jeannette Mariae said...

I think I have kissed a dosin frogs before I really found the prince... His name is Lars (big smile...).

Love ;-)

Jan said...


IKS said...

wow. a bit freaky but again so amazing...

ali said...

Kinda creepy.
Kinda gross.

But the artist is making a statement...I guess.

Haute World said...

It's beautifully done, but I'm not loving all of it. Something tells me that was the goal of the artist though, pushing the boundaries and our imagination. Ironically if they had depicted animals humping, fewer people would have been grossed out by this.

Keith said...

Great art. But I'm not into kissing animals.

Sarah said...

Oh my! I'd love to hear the thought process behind these, wouldn't you? Still, they are so well done...they do kind of give me the heebie jeebies though. I'm all for doggie and kitty kisses, but this is even extreme for me.

Lenore, you're so wonderful. I just want you to know I kissed too many frogs myself before I finally found my prince (when I had all but given up!).

Your prince will find you my dear, no worries. And when he does, he'll be the luckiest guy in the world.

DaisyChain said...

woah, so wrong and yet so right.

Poke Salad Annie said...

wow. that's some art :)

hey, there's an award for you over at my blog. come on by n pick it up :D

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Now THOSE are a little disturbing.

Binoy Mathew said...

really amazing, funny, intersting, wild, and passionate too....

Dumbwit Tellher said...

I appreciate the art, but honestly, creeps me out! Before you know it..your really crossing the line..lol

Anonymous said...

but hope you get the prince sweety!


Anna said...

hahahah WOW

So.very.wrong. !!!

designerman said...

have a lovely weekend!

Couture Carrie said...

Very wrong, unless one is administering CPR...


Christina said...

bah! wrong, wrong, wrong but then it gets me to thinking that kissing is kind of weird anyways, right?
i once had a drunk guy try to kiss one of my dogs. i didn't stop him b/c i figured kya could take care of herself. she was not pleased, he learned the hard way.

sealaura said...

although I have openly confessed being in LOVE with my dear Norman. OMG!!! this is just creepy! ick

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I'm guessing wrong on so many levels but they are interesting drawings..

CC said...

very disconcerting *eeekkkkkk*

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

hmmm wrong, but beautiful in an odd way?

drollgirl said...

GOOD LORD!!! how fucking horrifying fantastically wrong is this?!??!? oh, i am so jealous you knew of this before me!


Unknown said...

OHmygod. so bad but SO GOOD!

Dream Sequins said...


Kitty Stampede said...

ewwwwwww....hahahah. stinky animal breath. that is one thing i think outright disturbing is people and animals...why or how could anyone be so messed up?
the artwork on the otherhand is great but i would not want it on my walls...heehee.

Gabbi said...

Amazing and bizarre!... Sort of gives new meaning to 'loving your pets' doesn't it? :D

. said...

wow, great art but kinda disturbing!

Sam said...

Hehehehe!!! Weeeeelll - I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "WRONG". I can't imagine any sane person buying these for their wall!! Can you imagine? Beautifully executed but WOW! I think you'd clear a dance floor pretty quickly if you brought one of these out of your wallet!

Aline said...

omg, i'm twisted when it comes to art, but that is too much for me!

Ela said...

Hi hon, I'm sorry, I'm not always the best at appreciating unconventional art but I do hope you don't have any frogs to kiss - just princes :) Having a crummy day...I do hope you're having a lovely one :) xx

Sarah said...

Amazing. In the weirdest way. The duck and horse one actually intrigues me... Hm but anyway, lovely of you to post! Gah thank you so much for visiting my blog! Yours is absolutely stellar :)

GUGAW said...

oh well er. yep definately wrong. and imagine kissing a cat tongue? spikey.

sallymandy said...

Wow. I mean, sorry...ick. Skilled artist here, but I can't imagine being the artist working on those images hour after hour. Fascinating!

Helen said...

I really have no words!

sofiasophie said...

these ilustrations are so confusing, disturbing.....

Taren said...

wrong wrong wrong on so many levels. and disturbing and so many more... weird.