Head2Toe {part1*

Grrr......or Errr...... it all depends...
' What I Want ' &
' What I Need ' ...are
Two Different THINGS......"
[~part I of many...]
...It all started with this cocoon-like coziness~
which needed something-something as a headband...
perhaps some texture for the day time
and evening...to match that lovely cocoon!
and something that would add a few inches...
definitely will go with all the above...yesss*
Final touch...no earrings -nor necklace,
just this statement piece on the index finger
...and off I go!
...riding on this beauty !!!
,,,,,,le sigh*

Not guilty (YET !)
...let me continue to sleep on it*
-PICs = tiger: Friendster.com -dress:Beklina.com -bowtie:Collete.com -bags & ring: DarbyScott.com -heels:LorisShoes.com -horse:Julian Wolkenstein -W Magz via Tfs


Charlie said...

The first photo is amazingly beautiful! I love the white dress and the shoes ok I'll take the ring as well.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Good morning my dear! Love the fringe-y purse and that man headband. Great mug shots! Where ever do you find such fun pics?

Jeannette Mariae said...

Funny... I love your posts, they make me laugh so much.

Hugs from JM

Anonymous said...

the ring the ring! I want the ring!

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

i love how your brain thinks and where you take me when i read your thoughts.

Christina said...

those shoes are so yummy and that horse cracks me up!

ali said...

hahaha! Great outfit, but how are you going to manage riding the horse wearing the dress?

Don't worry, I wont judge. Trashy novels are good, it is like womens pornography, but cleaner.
Hope your having a great week.

Keith said...

Great photos. They are all really cool. I hope you're doing well. Take care. Cheers!

me melodia said...

I would do some dirty dirty things for that cocktail ring!

Great selection.

Sarah said...

Lenore, you are a gift! I am so glad I found your blog. I'm a little late to the party, but better late than never, right?

WendyB said...

I'm in love with the daytime purse.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that always the way. A single new purchase turns into a spree! My gosh, I ADORE those wedges.

Cheryl Peters said...

You brightened my day. You made me smile, inside and out.

I'll be back for more.

Haute World said...

Ha, is that the Ken headband? I saw the Barbie jewelry range a while ago... the best thing ever. Stunning ring. And is the mane of that horse... permed?

P.S. I've added you to my links as well! Terrific blog, so glad I found it :)

nevin said...

Yep! me too. I want the ring!

Ela said...

Eek! It's often difficult to discern between a need or a want. I feel your pain :) And look forward to seeing what you caved for :)
p.s. You don't need glasses! You're just overworked :) Besides, I started using a smaller font :)

Poke Salad Annie said...

fabulous finds! i want it all! ('cept maybe the horse)

Couture Carrie said...

Love this lust list! That cocoon dress looks fabulous, darling!

Oh, and you are a better friend than Swiffer, not to worry!


ticklishfromadistance said...

The cocoon like coziness is making me drool. I love it. And the ring. The ring....

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

OK, as always, I want them all! Love that dress!!! That ring is pretty darn cool.

Hope you have a day as beautiful as you!!!


Iva Messy said...

LOL! that horse is hilarious!! you are so funny....that dress is so pretty I want it..ohhhh and those shoes!! BEAUTIFUL!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Thanks so much for coming over and commenting....I must have the evening bag !!!!

Gabbi said...

I'll take the ribbon for the hair and the horsey with the gorgeous mane please... ♥ ♥ ♥

Anna said...

I need that dress!

Crystal Ball said...

What interesting pieces! I never would have pieced them together but they look wonderful.

Music said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. :) You've put the idea of moving to Hermes inside my head now! :D

Btw, I LOVE the ring...

liza said...

You are too funny!

Sam said...

Stun-o-rama! All of it absolutely and utterly desirable - including that very divine white lioness!!

. said...

haha, I love that horse picture. I love the purses!

Gabby said...

LOL! You're thee best! Love that cocktail ring.

I V Y said...

love the nude shoes!

Anonymous said...

What a super fun headband!

Angela said...

L, I want lots of things but need none of them. : ) Does it stop me, not really.... : (

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

That dress is calling my name...and I don't care if I am guilty or not!

Winnie said...

This post made me smile, especially that crazy bow tie!

Aline said...

oh yes!!!! I love it all!

Lianne said...

I would absolutely love to see the finished outfit. What great gear (I especially love the ring and the headband).

Now, I need to get the beauty's hairdresser -- what locks!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Your day bag has me droooooooooling! Can you believe I've never been on a horse? The hubs rode competitively when he was younger and always makes fun of me for never having ridden one. Teaches me to marry a former pro athlete. He's done everything and anything that has to do with athletics. Watch, our son gets my clumsy arse genes. Ah ha. How's that for a comment that's practically all about me? Nice.

Alicia said...

I have the same issue..one piece leads to another & before you know voila, oops & cute!!!
Thank you so much for the sweet words about the poem too.

Alicia said...

oh & that evening bag is crazy fabulous!!!!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Well, the steed leaves a little to be desired but the rest are fabulous!

Sierra said...

Wow yay for randomness my stinky friend! Lol, had to throw that in since you made a reference due to my post! Love the horse with human hair, that is a crack up!

Stephanie Kim said...

excellent choices. ostrich is an awesome texture to have

Duchess of Tea said...

Hello darling and thanks for stopping by my cottage and for the lovely comments you left behind. I came over for a visit too and I love what I see, loads of interesting posts and lovely photos, I will be back on my off day to read more. Please stop and visit me again, and next time, if you have a moment, please join my followers, I am looking for follower number 70, much appreciated.

Hope to see you soon

Duchess xx

Cheryl said...

I love that horse! And those purses. Oh, me want.

www.janetteria.com said...

Yummy things...


Phoebe Limanta said...

oh la la! i loveee that headband! :D

Stephanie said...

too cute you sign XOXO as that is what I have started doing. (great minds think alike) Oh I just love the purse with this post


Anonymous said...

Wow, those two bags are AMAZING. I need them in my hands now!!! LOVE :-)

Unknown said...

yOUR BLOG IS FANTASTIC.The picture are very nice.Thanks to spotting on my blog.


sealaura said...

I love that cocoon dress and the shoes but that horse is just hilarious. between you and droll girl I might have to start wearing depends so I don't pee in my pants every time I check your blogs. Have a lovely weekend!

Fashion Moment said...

That white dress is fab, and the bags are great!


Syed said...

That first dress is so amazing, and I loooove the second bag :) Haha totally want a horse with a pretty hairstyle too. Hope you're having a beautiful day dear.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

that ring, I NEED!!! :)

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

that bag is just stunning! this post was great!

Fifi Flowers said...

Ooh my... I"ve never seen a horse with that kind of hairstyle... LOL...
ENJOY your weekend!

Noble Beeyotch said...

Those shoes are cute...lovely inspiration!

sofiasophie said...

wonderful shoe.....