...Monday already?!

[photographs by Erwin Olaf from his 'GRIEF' portrait series]
" ...as usual, the weekend ends too quickly huh?! "
-Photography ©Erwin Olaf . Born in Hilversum, Netherlands, this talented photographer lives & works in Amsterdam.


Claire Kiefer said...

Somehow those photos are so sad and lonely! Amazing.

And I'm in denial about Monday . . . gonna stay here as long as possible. :)

Caroline said...

Oh wow! I love these! Sorry, but I like Mondays...(only cuz the kids are back in school...God, I am awful!).

debra@dustjacket said...

Awh I know weekend's gone before you know it. Just loving the retro setting and feel to these shots.

AJ at OFLBlog said...

I am not sure whether to laugh or to cry, Lenore! The guy looks like his doobie rolled under the couch and now he thinks it's disappeared for good....but seriously, the "scenery" is awesome...great furniture-takes me back to my childhood oxoxox

www.janetteria.com said...

Great pics!

Bob said...

What weekend?
I felt like it went Thursday Friday Monday!
Not fair.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oooh how I feel them!!

Laura Trevey said...

I love your Monday posts... you do know how to capture that feeling :)

xoxo Laura

ticklishfromadistance said...


Keith said...

Hello. I hope this finds you doing well. I've been on a blogging hiatus since the beginning of the year, so it's been quite some time since I've been around to visit some blogs. I'm back from my break now. I wanted to make sure to visit your blog. I enjoyed checking out the latest posts on your blog. Great job. I'm back blogging now myself. I hope you'll take a look at what I'm doing. Thanks. Take care. Have a great week.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh yes, too quicky I say! why? why? hope you have a lovely new week, darling! xo

Saving Capulet said...

hate mondays.. tuesdays aren't any better =/

nora said...

Ahhh... Erwin Olaf is my favorite photographer... And I remember admiring this "Grief" set when I first saw it. However, my favorite series of this magnificent photographer is "Royal Blood".. Just amazing...

Cheryl Peters said...

I'm grieving my loss of the weekend as well. I'm tempted to crawl under my desk here at the dental office to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

As I look to my right at your blog layout, I see Mona Lisa is nodding off as well.

stephiejane said...

ah the weekend was over much too quickly. lovely photos.

Bathwater said...

boy you really hate Mondays don't you? You need a new profession one that does not work on Mondays.

A~B said...

I'm not a fan of Monday too!
great photos for your monday post.
Weekend will come before we know it.

bananas. said...

Exactly how i feel right now...like one big groan. Luckily i have lots to look forward to this weekend so that helps.

Have a good week dahling! Xoxo.

Anonymous said...

These are cool!

Couture Carrie said...

Amazing portraits, darling!
Thanks for sharing them!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Oh I know...the weekend went by too quickly!

Great post on English Muse too! I love seeing dogs run free on the beach- they always look so happy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, it ends too quickly. Luckily for me, I finish school today so everyday can be a Sunday!! :)
Lovely pictures.


M said...

Well if it's gotta be Monday, then stylishly so, please, just as you've shown to wonderful effect here. Great choice of shots!

Jo said...

Agreed! The weekend always seems to end too quickly!
Oh well....Monday = a fresh start! :)
Have a great week!!

Christina said...

oh, tell me about it! the weekend flew by, but at least i have some good memories to think on before the grueling work week gets into full swing :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone...as usual I'm just being a dramOrama queen~on Monday that is!


Jan said...

You know if you didn't work Mondays
you just hate Tuesdays instead !

Jan said...

You'd i.e. You Would.

Phoenix said...

Mondays do suck...I don't know, maybe not enough to grieve over, but damn, sleeping in on the weekend then getting up blurry eyed for work on Monday...

Yep. Boo.

Kwana said...

Ugh. Now going on Tuesday.