Appearance can be deceiving...

Happy Monday Everyone!!!
Smile~It's a Public Holiday here!

So...for those who don't really know me might
assume that I wear something really saxsayyy to bed.
Far from the truth darlings...I wear men's flannel pajamas!
The one shown here I borrowed(errr...stole!) from my father's closet.
They are so soft & cozzzy! Plus, they are vintage from the 90s!
~90s is considered vintage right?! Well, now you know...me and
my extra large flannel pajamas, thick chenille socks(no holes!)
and ready? my MOUTH GUARD~ I'm a teeth grinder!!!
I'm sooo sexy in bed I tell ya'! Enough of the 'sexy' me...
these are much more interesting ~Enjoy:
Samurai...martial artist???
~Nope, he's just expecting the rain!
Choose any of the warrior umbrellas designed by Materious.
[Available for purchase here]

This looks like a pile of river stones, but this mat by textile designer Ronel Jordaan is soft and warm on the feet. The hand-felted 'stones' are made of cushiony-cozy 100% wool!
New York-based artist Naoko Ito transformed a tree branch into art by sawing it into pieces, putting them in jars and then stacking them into the original shape of the branch~Lurrrrrve it!

Must say~sometimes appearance
can be so delightfully deceiving...


Jan said...

Fab post Lenore.
Err - interesting bedtime attire.
Have a good day off !

Susan said...

You're right, appearances can be so deceptive. All curiously creative, especially the socks (?!) - hope they keep you feet nice and warm. Enjoy your day of rest xx

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Oooh, love the "stones" rug. Your bedtime attire is much like mine, down to the mouth guard. Except that I stopped wearing it because somehow always popped it out of my mouth during the night and it ended up lost in the sheets or under the bed. Thankfully the TMJ never got worse (although now I queston if my dentist ripped me off for $400). I'm so glad you love the camera sweetie!

Lola said...

Yes, appearances can be so deceptive - love the "stone" rug too!

Have a great week!



LenoreNeverM♡re said...

The Cottage Cheese,
so is mine!
At least yours ended up under the bed...mine popped all the way to the garage basement & even neighbor's house! whahhhh...
~really sad huh?!

Laura Trevey said...

I love my flannel pj's ~~~
Nothing but sexy around here ~~


www.janetteria.com said...

Gozy pyjamas. YAY!


Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with being cozy at night!

I'm really diggin the samurai sword umbrellas!

Homemaker Man said...

Cozy Rosy, as my daughter would say. That tree branch sculpture is insane. in a good way.

daisychain said...

I wear flannel PJS too.

Mekkan said...

Funny but cool!
I'm glad you're enjoying the holiday Monday. Hope Tuesday will treat you nicely:)

Brandi said...

I need some flannel PJs. And some flannel sheets too. And I really dig that rock mat -- I'm curious to try it out.

Taylor said...

I pretty much wear what you wear to bed in the winter-time. So unglamorous but oh, so warm!

Anonymous said...

You already saw me in my flannel PJ's at Christmas, now we're even :) Nothing but soft flannel will do. Hate those course smelly cheap ones.

Enjoy your day off dear!
PS I'm working :(

Iva Messy said...

Lenore!! you are always so super cute and creative! love your jammies!! ...and your header is AMAZING!!! Have a great Monday lovely!!

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE these days off! No running kids here and there... DIVINE! ENJOY your day!

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

love that jar/branch combo! and the river rock stones....mmmm. that would be delish strewn about down our hallway!

PS~Erin said...

Vintage from the 90's! Love it!! They look so comfy!

Juanita said...

I'm a big fan of pyjamas. It rains a lot in Cape Town in Winter, and when hubby and I lived there I was working a full-time teaching job (so at school from 7:15 in the morning, which is still dark and very cold). AS SOON as I got home, it was straight into pyjamas and slippers. I dubbed them my "comfy-es", and regarded them as my at-home uniform. Thus, I amassed many, many pairs of flannel pj's, decorated with anything from coffee cups to pink panthers to polar bears. I love how they just get better with age!

Dig the "en-garde" umbrellas. I'm guessing that umbrellas COULD actually make a pretty good weapon if necessary.

SabinePsynopsis said...

But PJs ARE sexy! Vintage from the 90s? NO WAY! Sabine x

kendalee said...

I too am a BIG fan of the sexy flannel pyjamas and warm socks look - always a winner! :) Love, love the "stones" rug.

Lauren said...

That tree branch is so inspiring.
Oh and men's flannel anyday, all day, everyday!

Carlene said...

I, too, am a teeth grinder, but I never wear my mouth guard.

Also, I just ordered the husband a samurai umbrella.


Kitty Stampede said...

ooooooo...i be jealous. those jammies look comfy beyond belief. i find it hard to wear too much in bed though..heehee...it all rides up and such. tmi. :P
that rock rug is so cool.
have an awesome holiday and hope you relax the day away!!! long weekends are the best.

Cheryl Peters said...

I love down-to-earth people who are totally classy and yet shun the frivolous for the practical (even if only at night when no one knows it!)

Awesomely deceptive photos, my dear.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

The crumb and I have been in our 'payamas' all day since we are packing and readying for a red-eye flight this evening! Wish I had the cajones to wear pj's on the plane! :)

McVal said...

Oh wow! That felted wool pebbles rug is awesome!!! Gotta check THAT out!

Michelle Schraudner said...

I am all about the flannel pjs!

the spectator said...

My husband's mouth guard popped out during the night too. The cat "got" it.

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I love your jammies and I love that tree branch piece! Makes the old ship in a bottle thing seem like child's play!

Ooh, and I think I'd love to own that "stone" mat--so cozy!

xo Gigi

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

The spectator,
thanks for the laugh~
sorry can't help but imagine the kitty with the mouth-guard in its mouth! my-my-whahhhh*

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday to you too! Have a great week!

essbesee said...

love that "stone" mat. and I am commenting to you and saluting you from my flannel pjs to yours!

Bathwater said...

Darlin' You always pick out some of the most interesting things. I wear flannel men's PJ's to bed too but I tuck mine into my socks. I miss footy pjs.

I love the new header photo too btw.

Caroline said...

OMG...that river rock rug is the coolest thing ever!

debra@dustjacket said...

I'm tellin ya honey I see soooo much of me in you....and yes maybe I should even have the mouthguard, I have been known to grind my teeth too....help.

We are just too darn sexy....

Elizabeth Marie said...

The rock rug/mat is the craziest thing!!! I think I would fool myself everytime!

Treacle said...

All three of these are great finds...I just clicked on all the links to learn more about them.

And yay for flannel pajamas. I'm actually wearing mine right now.

Haute World said...

Oh my, we are scarily alike! I sleep in flannel pajamas (though they aren't men's ones) and have a mouth guard. I confess I don't use it as often as I used to, but I'm paranoid I'll grind my teeth to nothingness.

I want those samurai umbrellas and the last piece is amazing!

Tracie said...

Love flannel pj's and I ALWAYS sleep in socks. Can't sleep with cold feet.

Have a great week!

Christina said...

the 90's is considered vintage, isn't that crazy! i sleep in the most comfy things i can find which are rarely very cute, but eh, i don't care.

Linda Sue said...

Love these shots!So inspired by the stones and the jars/branch thing. Great finds! I'm with you - flannel jammies are the thing!

Barefoot Chic said...

What you're wearing look so comfy and warm - and the socks?? PERFECT for cold winter days!


Pretty Zesty said...

I'm a cozy jammy fan too!

ps I have a giveaway going on my blog. Stop by if you can to enter!

WendyB said...

I want the stone mat! So cool.

Cindy said...

i love them!

Magdalena said...

Lenore, Love the stone rug/mat, so interesting I would like that next to my bed or shower. Your pajamas look so adorable and comfy. I must say I do love sexy lingerie but occasionally sleep in flannels which when done well can be very very sexy...you know.... tousled hair, eye glasses and maybe a white fitted tank top under the flannel shirt..I love that look and so does Mr. Bunny. Oh and your bed..is it a sleigh bed? It looks gorgeous.
ps. I can only see the top picture in your post above, I'm going to check it on my computer later..but I too love the mix of the dishes!!

trishie said...

I'm amazed by the tree branch art!

emily said...

wow! those bottles are so cool!!

Sam said...

Such a feast for the eyes dear Lenore!! Lookit all this wonderment!! The tree branch! ...and flannel PJ's = comfort and coziness v.important and I too am a wearer of men's flannel nightwear! ...although not at the moment because its so hot here I'd melt into a pubble!

Like a Cat said...

those umbrellas crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Bah ha ha ha! I also have a mouthguard I have to wear to bed to prevent grinding!

We are hot bitches, you and I!


Ela said...

Those are the best pjs! I'll take warm and cozy over sexy any day :)

sofiasophie said...

love that work,
very interresting...