DINNER was served~

~Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Remember I invited some friends over for a Christmas Dinner?
Well, this was what I served for the main course~
Quack-Quack Roast Duck!
[click HERE for the easy recipe]
It's always a pleasure to cook & entertain at home...
wish I could do it more often...perhaps this year I should?!
As much as I enjoy cooking, must say that taking
the photos was quite enjoyable as well...
errr...Thanks to BLOGGING that is!
otherwise I wouldn't have picked up my camera
to click-click-click in the kitchen...ahhh yes, life of a blogger!
~take a look Darlings, show off time! (ehem-ehem*)
From the oven to the table actions:

* Bow *
curtain close.
" Have a delicious* New Week everyone! "


Anonymous said...

I love duck! You look like you did the humble bird exceptionally darling! And I may just have to pilfer that recipe for myself - so thanks for sharing!



Unknown said...

Fancy!! Your like a real domestic diva! Looks delicious!

Laura Trevey said...


I better stick with the painting!
I could never make a beautiful meal like that ~~ Yummmmm!!


Bob said...

Now I'm hungry!

looks deelish!

Saving Capulet said...

that looks so delicious O.O

www.janetteria.com said...

I agree with Bob. I'm really hungry. lol!


Kwana said...

Looks so delish and you are reminding me that I need new cutlery. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, YUM!

daisychain said...

Oh my stomach is making the fiercest noises right now.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Bravo- you are quite the chef! :)

Bathwater said...

Roast duck now that definitely reminds me of the movie "A Christmas Story".

Mary-Laure said...

I didn't know you were ALSO an accomplished cook!

Tights Lover said...

Looks great. I love cooking too...it's the cleaning up after that I'm not so fond of...

Kay said...

well that just looks succulent! excellent cook and photographer! take a bow, indeed! bravo bravo! Happy New Year

emily said...

wow, that looks fantastic!!

Aline said...

so beautiful!!!!!!

Jan said...

I'm so impressed - food, tableware, photographs - everything !
Lovely week Lenore x

Dream Sequins said...

Good job on the duck, darling!

Happy New Year :)

Jill said...

Such great patina! Happy New Year!

Tracie said...

Beautiful. I'm sure it was tastey, too.

sofiasophie said...

miam miam....
I hope it was bio....

Sam said...

Wowsers Lenore!!! *wipes dribble off chin* Duck a l'orange! Duck a la anything is superb and my number one favourite bird.....lady - your talents and chutzpah are beginning to get a little legendary!!! Good luck with your road trip! XX's Sam.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh my! it looks absolutely delicious! happy new week, darling! xo

Melanie's Randomness said...

Woa that all looks so soo Yummy!!!! =)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I have the feeling you guys are not vegan?! Thanks for being so yummy~

Kitty Stampede said...

HOLY YUM!!! I would love to be vegan if I could, but I just love meat far too much.

Kitty Stampede said...

gorgeous photos too btw...what a party.

trishie said...

MMMMMMmm duck, one of my most favourite thing to eat!

Yelena R. said...

Wahh!!! That looks so tasty! You're quite the chef!

Juanita said...

That is some seriously impressive cooking skill by the look of those ducks! Good on you.

Did you also serve quackers and cheese? :-)

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Wow, I am so impressed! The ducks are beautiful! I didn't know that gourmet chef was on your list of many talents ;) Happy New Year girlie!

McVal said...

Oh that looks yummy! Good job!

Phoenix said...

Oh YUM! I have been craving duck all day, too!!

Anonymous said...

You are such great cook! Everything looks so yummy!