
This is my collection of books a.k.a my 'home-library'.
I really do have a passion for books since I was pretty young...
have them in almost every room now...even in the bath room~
you know...I like to read while I...~woops sorry, too much info!!!
Anywayyy...here are some beautiful cloth-bound-classic
series that I would lurrrve to add to my collection...
~What better excuse to revisit these timeless tales!

Coralie Bickford-Smith is the talented designer behind these decorated books [available here & also here]. Aren't they gorgeous?! These classics come in a set of 10, or we can buy each one individually...but I think the entire collection on a bookcase is such a BIG turn ON! ~Sexy!! Anyway...the great thing is that Penguin has now uploaded the images to their Flickr account so we can check out all of the gorgeousss designs up close. Who says we don't judge a book by its cover...errr I do! I must admit, I'm quite shallow like that! ~XOXO*


Laura Trevey said...

These are exquisite!!
Happy day to you ~~


www.janetteria.com said...

Great collection my dear!


Melanie's Randomness said...

If I had my own library in my home I would buy these to add some flare, totally!

daisychain said...

wow, these are AMAZING.

Amy said...

i actually have one of those books...pride and prejudice! aren't they beautiful put all together?! and they are not that expensive, either.

i adore your library! there is really nothing like books! i have them in the loo, too. because, frankly, that's one good place to read! ;-D

Amy said...

i actually have one of those books...pride and prejudice! aren't they beautiful put all together?! and they are not that expensive, either.

i adore your library! there is really nothing like books! i have them in the loo, too. because, frankly, that's one good place to read! ;-D

Saving Capulet said...

I wish I have tons of books so I could have a library in my home too ._. but those books are lovely indeed! :3

Homemaker Man said...

These are lovely. We still have books in our home from as far (FAR) back as our college days. There is just something comforting about being surrounded by all of them. Like a house full of friends. Quiet friends you can put away when you tire of them.

North West London Girl said...

Gorgeous books. You have inspiredme to tackle my collection still sitting in packing boxes xx

Caroline said...

*swoon* So very pretty...I would love those on my shelf!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Do I spy built ins??? Jealous!! I've been drooling over those books at Anthro forever!

Christina said...

i do love this line of "designer" books. i love books period, but especially when they're pretty like this.

Ela said...

What a beautiful collection!
Oooh, can I come over and you read to me? :) Yes please!
Love your new header - as always!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

I want these so badly! So pretty!

Brandi said...

You found my weakness. What is it about books for me? I love how they're art on the outside and fantastic literature on the inside. Nothing like it in the world.

Anonymous said...

So nice to make a post on it (and so rare !)

Cheryl Peters said...

Oh, I love books too. I'm a great one for judging a book by it's cover!

I have several of the books in your photos in beautifully leather bound volumes that I accumulated from Easton Press years ago.

I hope you purchase some of those colorful books; you'll never regret it.

Pretty Zesty said...

I collect the older tales at book fairs now. So important to get them now before this digital world takes over!

Pretty Zesty said...

I collect the older tales at book fairs now. So important to get them now before this digital world takes over!

Leah said...

You have such a lovely collection of books... I have major envy now. :-)

Kay said...

I envy your shelving! I keep having to give more and more books away to make room for all the new ones, also found on the bedside table, a pile next to the couch, on the back of the toilet (great for baths) :) i fear one day, I will be run out of my apartment, no room left for me after the collection of books, DVDs and shoes take over! perhaps, a bigger place soon? I love those colorful and delightful books too, off to check them out!

Toothfairy said...

I love your collection, I eat, breath, live on books myself, and the designers collection looks amazing! I'm going to check it out! STAT!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I want that collection so badly!!!!

Sam said...

Oh those book!!! They just scream "collect me"!!!! It would be so hard to resist - I'm not going to click on that link! I think books you adore and use and read and book shelves are the best decoration - I'd love to have a library with a movable staircase in my dream house one day!!

Couture Carrie said...

What gorgeous volumes, darling L!
I adore books!


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

These have been on my wish list for a while...and I just hope that someone makes my Aries birthday dream come true and I find these all wrapped up beautifully in April!

Unknown said...

what a beautiful library! i was really into reading when i was a lot younger... i want to get into it again someday! :)

Karen said...

Your personal library looks so inviting! I would love to plop down on those couches for a few hours.. I like to read too and yes those gorgeous books are a turn on!

Magdalena said...

I love your at home library, very nice. I basically am just a person sharing my home with my pets, books and kids..they have taken over! I too would like to collect this set of books to add to my home collection. They are gorgeous.

Bathwater said...

There should always be books in a house. My house is full of books.

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh my gosh I have serious book envy here! I LOVE these. I love the titles you want, you know they made a gorgeous UK series on Cranford.

Tracie said...

Smooches from one book person to another!

Kitty Stampede said...

Awesome!! My husb and I are HUGE book collectors. We can't get enough. We also have like waaaay too many bathroom books,heehee. whats wrong with a soaking up some knowledge on the toilet..hehe. They call it a throne for a reason..heehee.
These are beautiful.
Thanks for your sweet link of kitties in hoods..you are so thoughtful. ;)
Take Care... xoxox

Haute World said...

Those book covers are gorgeous! I'm glad cloth-bound covers are being revived. There's nothing homier and more inspiring than seeing shelves filled with books in a home!

Juanita said...

Gorgeous shelves and sitting area, L!

Phoebe Limanta said...

i love your library! :D it looks so homey and relaxing :) fabulous photos as always dear :)

Anonymous said...

I must admit I have been eyeing these off in Borders... but I have too much crap in my home library as it is - and half of it is still at my parent's house too.

Maybe as a treat when i finally buy my own place?

You should totally treat yourself though. That way i can live vicariously through your splurge :D


Kwana said...

These are so pretty. I love being surrounded by books.

abigail said...

I love these so much I bought a whole set of classics for my niece for Christmas- even though she's only 2.

I figure she better read them one day, and in the meantime they'll make her room look pretty.

Unknown said...

what a beautiful collection. my husband and I have a huge book collection, as well. I love to look at them, revisit them, see them stacked on a shelf and know that I've read them. I love the way they smell. I don't understand how people can be so intrigued by the kindle. ugh.

stylefrontier said...

love your home library!
all my books are in my bedroom haha
love that decorated books too

emily said...

those books are gorgeous. someday i will have a beautiful library!!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe I've never read The Woman in White or The Picture of Dorian Gray? I must remedy that right away.

The others? Yes. As a school assignment or for fun ;)

Aline said...

beautiful collection!

i received a handful of the fabric penguin classics for christmas...so lovely!

Phoenix said...

::drool:: I want all of those cloth bound classics! And then I want a fireplace to put them near. :) (Is that asking too much??)

Anonymous said...

I love this collection of photos, they are so lovely! I am a big fan of old, decorative books. I have been following your amazing blog for a while and would be honored if you would follow me!

Julia Luckett

Anonymous said...

I love this collection of photos, they are so lovely! I am a big fan of old, decorative books. I have been following your amazing blog for a while and would be honored if you would follow me!

Julia Luckett

Anonymous said...

I love this collection of photos, they are so lovely! I am a big fan of old, decorative books. I have been following your amazing blog for a while and would be honored if you would follow me!

Julia Luckett

Anonymous said...

I love this collection of photos, they are so lovely! I am a big fan of old, decorative books. I have been following your amazing blog for a while and would be honored if you would follow me!

Julia Luckett