I hate to complain...but

I might be suffering from a mild depression...
can't sleep & have no appetite to eat(so unlike me!)
Could it be the 'toxic chemicals' that I've been using to clean the flood?!
errr-errr ???
All I know is that I'm taking a few days off from work
and perhaps this blog as well. Got to take care of me-myself & I first!
Thank you for your kind understanding everyone~


Juanita said...

That's understandable, Lenore. What happened to your home was stressful, so it stands to reason that you might be suffering from a minor dose of post-traumatic stress disorder.

So take naps, give yourself permission to eat good dark chocolate (excellent for mood upliftment due to serotonin release in the brain), eat healthily when you feel like eating and, above all, take care of you!

jdavissquared said...

:( hope you feel better soon! Sending you lots of hugs through blogland!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I hope you are feeling better soon...take some time for YOU! ((Hugs))

abigail said...

get a full spectrum light bulb and sit under it for a little while.

There's a reason why so many people get the winter blues- and even if you've got the blues for other reasons it'll still help.

hope you feel better soon!

Cheryl Peters said...

It sounds like we're both in the same boat, although you have better reasons for being down in the dumps than I.

I'm so happy that you're looking out for yourself; you're extremely wise in doing so.

Jan said...

Not at all surprised you're feeling down after what happened.
Yes. Give yourself a break !
love & hugs xxx

Dream Sequins said...

Hi honey- we all go through our highs and lows. I hope you feel better soon... I felt this way over the weekend, and the gloomy weather wasn't helping. *hugs*

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better as soon as posible. Sometimes all of us need to take some time for us, to think, to clear ideas... that stuff


Kwana said...

Yes, take care of you. I totally understand that feeling. Rest up and feel good.

www.janetteria.com said...

Hope U feel better soon, Lenore!

daisychain said...

look after yourself sweetheart x

Unknown said...

Take care of yourself! Hope your back to 100% soon♥

Bathwater said...

You take care of yourself girl! We can't have you being all sad and down you bring a smile to us everyday! I hope things get back to normal soon for you.

Iva Messy said...

oh Lenore!! I am so very sorry! Please do take a few days for yourself. Maybe you are a bit exhausted from these last few days from everything that has been going on. Some time to rest, recover and recuperate will definitely be healthy no matter what. Don't worry about a single thing! You are so strong and fabulous and make us all smile every single day...we are all here for you, for sure, for whatever you need!! Pinkie promise lady!!

North West London Girl said...

Wishing you better, and take lots of time for yourself, get some fresh air too (if possible) xx

Brandi said...

Whatever it is, definitely take care of yourself and feel better soon.

Yelena R. said...

Totally understandable! Rest and take care of yourself :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling good !!
Love this post (so funny and it's not I know ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, doll, do take care ... I can completely relate to this feeling.

Homemaker Man said...

Sleep in. Take long baths/showers/ Take care!

Lauren said...

Oh no, feel better, take the time you need - feeling icky is never fun. Hope everything is ok!

Susan said...

You poor baby! Sending healing energy through the cyber-waves... is it working? xx

emily said...

oh my goodness!! feel better please!

Christina said...

i'm thing about you lenore and i hope you get to a better place (inside) soon. those moods happen a lot to me as well and a break always helps.

Laura Trevey said...

Take all the time you need :)
We will be here ~~


SabinePsynopsis said...

I bet it's the stress. Hope you get better soon! Take care... Sabine x

Magdalena said...

Please take care of yourself, if you need anything email me and I will do anything I can to help!! Hopefully this is a case of exhaustion/stress and if you get some rest it will pass.
Sending lots of love and hugs your way

Leah said...

Hope you feel better soon. Big hugs!

WendyB said...

Stress! Feel better soon.


Immediately after the holidays, I was laid out flat with plain old Nausea.

I lived off:
Fresh grated ginger,
Fresh squeezed lemon in warm water and honey.
...you can an cayenne, clove and/or cinnamon, even turmeric, to help raise your heat levels, and detox out.

Be well.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Ahhh my sweets! Just getting back and read this! Not good! Rest and find your happy place again....sending get well wishes your way!

Sam said...

Oh dear Lenore! So sorry you're feeling blue....it's very good that you're taking some time off - time to recharge those wonderful batteries of yours....May I reccommend watching back to back "Mad Men" or something similar?...with lots of gorgeous foodie treats thrown in aswell to get your appetite up ...and round the clock cuddles from pugs. Thinking of you sweetie and hope for a speedy recovery...XXXOOO's Sam.

Saving Capulet said...

Take all the time you need, we'll be here :3 c(",c) hope you feel better real soon :3

Gabby said...

I hope you take care of yourself. Sending positivity and love to you!

Ela said...

Oh honey, take all the time you need. You need to relax, unwind and just let all the bad stuff go.
Thoughts and hugs and prayers being sent your way!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Feel better soon- sometimes a mental break and you time is good :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

We're here for you...feel better soon love.

Cindy said...

i'm sorry you're feeling under the weather. this year needs a good reboot. rest yourself and feel better.

Caroline said...

Hang in there sweetie...you just went through some major stuff with the flood. Take care of yourself.

Taylor said...

Hopefully this will make you feel better:
You've got an award. :)

Kitty Stampede said...

awwww...i hope you feel better super soon. it happens to the best of us. take care of yourself and snuggle lots with your puggy babies and watch some funny movies and go take a nice long nature walk. its the simple things in life that can take you out of foggy brain funks. oh and spoil yourself with a lovely bath and get some of your favorite dessert. You'll be back to normal even better than normal in no time. just take your time!

AnnQ said...

Definitely take care of yourself...hope you feel better soon!

Diana said...

Take care of yourself first!! We will always be here. Take a bath, read a little, take a walk, I'm just naming things that make me feel better but whatever you want is best for you. Sending balanced and happy thoughts your way! XOXOXOXOXOX

English Muse said...

oh my darling, take care of yourself. i'm sending lots of love your way. everything will be ok...oxoxox

the spectator said...

I'm not all surprised considering what you've just been through. Take care.

Phoebe Limanta said...

oh my dear girl! please take all the time you need to take care of yourself! what you've been through was horrible and we all totally understand and await your return! we're all thinking of you, feel better soon dear!

TheBeautyFile said...

I can totally understand you....I've been SO out of it since I got back from my trip and have not wanted to blog at all!!!! I think they say that around this time of the year is the most depressing....have some hot cocoa and read a good book!

Seeker said...

So sorry to know that you're not feeling well, dear :(
Hope you'll start to feel better soon.
Much love and blessings.


Phoenix said...

Go take care of you!! ::Hugs::

Dumbwit Tellher said...

That's where I was last week. Good to step away for awhile and do what makes you healthy; even if that means starring at the wall for a few days!. Just know I care xoxo

stylefrontier said...

that's understandable dear
take your time
hope you will be okay soon
take care


trishie said...

Hope you feel better soon, when i'm feeling down myself, i find lots of sunlight and exercise helps, try it!

Melissa Blake said...

Awww, I hope you feel better soon. I'll miss your posts! xoxo

Tracie said...

Take care of yourself, my dear! I hope you feel better soon!

Simply Colette said...

Enjoy your break. Get some R&R. :) love and hugs,

Aline said...

take care of yourself and be sure to get lots of puggie love and kisses!

texassky said...

Don't be sad. Tomorrow will be better. Take care. Don't leave too long please because you will be missed.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You KNOW I understand lady. I was so in your spot. And my unplugged day of being parked on the couch did me a world of good. Take care of yourself!

nevin said...

Y O U W I L L B E O K . .

LPC said...

Take all the time you need. We will be here when you get back and we will miss you.

Mistress Maddie said...

Lenore, I'm sure it is a combo of everything hitting you at once. You should wrap up with a very stylish movie or two, a fine wine, and relax I say, and come back when you damn well feel like it! Take care. Tootles.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling so blue. Take care of yourself sweetie, we will all be here when you get back.

A~B said...

I know you'll be just fine very soon!
Is that your cute pugly?
so adorable!!

Amy said...

I missed this...so sorry!
I really hope you are okay, missy. I have had bouts of depression, and it's not easy. But there are always brighter days. This time of year does not help at all...that's what I find. Please know that you brighten many people's days with your amazing posts...you are funny, classy, real and smart as hell. Don't ever forget it! Sending you hugs, my dear!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you so much guys!!!

Unknown said...

I hope that things are a little better for you. We all have these moments and I think that when we go through them we have to take a time-out for ourselves - we have to nurture ourselves. xo