
Singapore is full of
...can't wait to devour more-more-more !!!
It's a FINE* CITY for exotic food loversss...
...do you know?
Singapore is also infamous
for being a 'FINE' country
found this Ad in the Singapore newspaper the other day...
of course I tore it up ...AND
shredded into piecesss...flushed the evidence down the toilet!
" Buh-bye Slim !!! " (I'm dangerous like that! ...whahhh*)
Well...Intend to eat, drink & be merry
in this very FINE Country! ~Yesss...
" Have a delicious weekend* Everyone! "


Gabbi said...

What fun Lenore! I love it when you travel, the funnest and yummiest posts ever.

poet said...

The measurements in that ad don't even make sense - what is that supposed to be? :) Good for you that food is so fabulous in Singapore!


Anonymous said...

*Drooling* the food!!! YES please! Can i live in your bag? So i can visit all those Fab places? Just kidding, love that ad, so NOT realistic. Have a great weekend!

Kay said...

All I really needed was the title to say "YES!" yet, you still managed to encourage me more! :) Have a great weekend yourself!

Sam said...

Super post sweetie!! I think you're spot on there about Singapore - I think it's famouse for it's food. As for that ad - that gal on the right looks a little *ahem* slim, no? ...and I also heard you get fined a couple of hundred bucks for spitting in the street - is that right? Have a glorious weekend! XX

Mekkan said...

Oh, I needed the Ad for my own warning!!! You don't need it now in Singapore. Enjoy the variety of food! How about dorian???

Formerly known as Frau said...

Eat drink and be merry my friend!Have a great time.

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Oh man, I just ate breakfast, but your photos made me hungry all over again. Absolutely luscious!

Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment on my giveaway, my friend. I count myself a lucky girl to have found you out here in blogland.


Magdalena said...

Greetings from rainy NJ. Every picture you posted is mouth watering perfection. Such a visual treat. I trust Lenorenevermore will not be fined for any inappropriate doings :)
If so please post all about it!! Sending lots of Bunny Kisses your way....

Yelena R. said...

After hearing all the great things about it, Singapore is now definitely on my list of places to visit :D

mina said...

this looks amazing! i can't wait to go to singapore

sofiasophie said...

I'm huuuuungry..

've been hungry all day long..... i'm gonna eat something!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Food glorious food! They do know how to indulge the senses there.

Don't eat anything too exotic. Sometime I wondering if they really do eat that themselves or just pull it out for the tourist to try.

Hope it's sunny where you are. It's rainy here, but the party must go on.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photos!! Thanks for sharing. I'm jealous!

Susan said...

Hey that photo is airbrushed! Have you been to the bird park yet? I strongly recommend a visit (so long as it's followed by one of your curiously clever and amusing blogs) See: http://www.birdpark.com.sg/

Have fun xx

Anna G said...

I love to travel to Asia. All the food looks amazing. :)

Iva Messy said...

such a fun and yummy post! I now MUST go eat hehe totally starving after this post!

Jan said...

Calling in for the second time today.
Had to leave quickly earlier - hadn't had breakfast !
Yummy pics x

Laura Trevey said...

Eat, Drink, and be Merry!!
What a wonderful motto ~~

Live it up :)

xo Laura

Jeannette Mariae said...

Lucky you... Love you travel posts ;-)

Gabby said...

Oooh, lucky girl! enjoy yourself!

muchlove said...

Oh, you're in Singapore! Yes, we will be closer together once I fly to Indonesia ;) I'm kind of looking forward to the heat and humidity (I'm sure I'll regret saying that once I get there, lol).

Great pictures, btw.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Heck yeah lady. Live it up! When I travel the food makes the trip for me, so if I was living abroad you bet your buns I would be majorly partaking in the cuisine!

Anonymous said...

mmm those drinkies look delicious :)

Kitty Stampede said...

Oh my...that food looks so yumyumyum...my goodness. i feel on the bloaty side myself today..i fluctuate too much.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!!!

Angela said...

did you also see the ones with no chewing gums?

josie(bean) said...

ahhh, amazing looking food!! i am drooling :d

Christina said...

this is not making my post lunch hunger any better!

Leigh said...

Wow, looks amazing! We were going to go to Singapore once for my husband's work but it never actually happened. His best friend lives there so we hear a lot of great things. Maybe one day we will go.

sallymandy said...

Wow. I'd be pretty happy if I looked like the "before" picture. I'm a tad lumpier.

But what on earth is that chocolate beverage?? Love love.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

With food like this around, I would be eating constantly! Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

ha ha ha! you are hilarious. i love it. those ads are all over asia in general, and the 'overweight' girl never looks big at all.