" just a second darling..."

step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
...and voilà!
Getting Dressed in the year 1860
I can imagine her man kept repeatedly glancing at his watch, 
whilst waiting impatiently for her!
errr...I guess nothing much has changed, huh?
I should email these pics to my man ~whah!
- Vintage photography via AcidCow


Meine Dinge Franka said...

The red dress in the post before is also very *voluminös*!

Men HAVE to WAIT for their pretty women!


♥ Franka

McVal said...

Wow! It's not like her man can even get anywhere close to her in that get up... For a bit I thought she was morphing into a papasan chair.

Jessi LaRue (Jessi Haish) said...

haha this is great!

drollgirl said...

omg! i am such a slacker! i could never put up with that nonsense!

then again i spent about 10 minutes this morning looking for a slip to wear under my THIN dress! lol

Christel @ Captivated by image said...

Hahaha, this is hilarious really. :) You're very humorous you know.

Jan said...

Crazy days.
You are funny LNM.

Cindy said...

won't get me in that get-up!

Unknown said...

i'd rather go naked!! Looks painfully uncomfortable!

Marisa A. said...

Yikes that looks intense. Nothing like feeling like a Barbie stuck in a cake...:)

Karena said...

Oh dear and here I am in my Yoga pants!

Art by Karena

Sécia Mischke said...

So do not envy women of this period.

♥ sécia

Jo said...

Wow...looking at these photos, I feel like such a slacker! ;) We do have it so much easier that the women who came before us. There's really no excuse not to make an effort to look good in this day and age. It would be nothing compared to what these women went through.

Phoebe Limanta said...

Gosh that is such a chore but I can't help but still wish I lived in that era sometimes!

Kwana said...

For real. What about getting undressed? Yikes.

Sam said...

Goodness me! I can't imagine how you would get around in that skirt! I'm quite glad we don't wear that sort of thing these days...