"feeling real good...yay!" ~ LENORENEVERMORE
song inspiration by Michael Buble' - Feeling Good - click HERE to get into the mood!


Seeker said...

Loving the picture!
And how great you're feeling better dear.


Anonymous said...

Thank you--you are so positive :]
And my vlog is comming as soon as it gets done loading in about five minutes! I hope you like it!

Susanna-Cole King said...

Love the illustration! And I'm glad you feel good! :) I'm always happy when other people are happy! Good feelings tend to be contagious (sp)! :D Aw, that video doesn't work... BUT I looked up that Michael Buble song on Rhapsody... and realized I already knew and love love love it! Just forgot the title! ;)


Susanna-Cole King said...

P.S. Forgot to say (I'm very forgetable today, aren't I? First song titles, now this...) thank you so much for your kind comment! I love to hear from you! :)

And oh I don't think I entered the contest (just cause I can't easily have things shipped to me) but it will be cool to see the winner annouced anyhow! Very cool of you to do a contest and send awesomeness in a box to someone else in the world! :D


designerman said...

hey lenorenevermore, thanks for the comment. have a good weekend too.

montague said...

i adore Michael Buble'...

Unknown said...

Loove it!