TrAveL - home*

... Couldn't help but noticed these stylish ladies giggling & chitchatting as they 'sashay-ed' down the street of Seoul...what they wore intrigued LENORENEVERMORE... Had the feeling that they were some kind of uniforms of some sorts... Whatever they were, was so glad my camera had enough battery to click-click-click more picturesss... I followed them...errr more like 'stalking' for about 2 blocks! ...I'm dangerous like that!!! ~XOXO*
By the WinDow*
...it comes ALIVE !!! Fear of heights anyone???
I refused to close the curtains in my room...you understand why now...
mEET Me in My RooM*
~Everything can be operated from a touch of a button...lights-camera-action! ...hee* just kidding, no kinky camera, but really...almost everything- even drawing the heavy curtains from this monitor....ahhh how lazy can one be these daysss!
Cool & sleek bath room...amenities by Molton Browns London!...fabulousss!! But the best part is my new BEST friend TOTO...he's super cool...I think I'm in love! Can someone be in love with a toilet bowl??? ...okie, my pathetic level has just gone up a few levels!!! Anyway...
~Let me introduce TOTO :
First time I met TOTO, I almost freaked out!!! I thought there was a ghost in the bath room... "eeeck!!!" He greeted me by opening the toilet seat cover automatically! We got acquainted real fast as he warmed my heart errr...errr...I mean my backside! Literally, he comes with heated toilet seat...ahhh feels so-so good! He is really equipped to please my needs and more! If he could only massage my back and pay all my bills, I'd marry him!!! ...TOTO, I' d really miss you when I leave this country...
"Woo-Hoo!!!" (show-off leg*-time!)
Afterall TOTO really made me feel so clean-fresh & sexxxy! My-my-my...what has happened to LENORENEVERMORE ??!! ...doing a 'peep show' and falling in love with a toilet bowl!!! I think I had too much Kim-chi(Korean Pickled Cabbage). Errr...that's right, let's blame it on the food...and I'm sticking to that story!!!
~Next stop on the tour, the gorgeousss view from this Hotel room... especially at night- very Science Fictionesques... Really had so much FUN taking the photos...until then Darlings!
" Have A Lovely NEW* Week Everyone! "
'...need-to-turn-the-AC-on-full-blast! '- HOT Daddy!

.....Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh, Pax, Knox, Leon and Vivienne Marcheline call Brad Pit 'Daddy Dearest!"[...errr hope I didn't leave any names out?!] Well, a tiny-brief intermission from my usual 'Travel Photo Sharing' posts... It's Father's Day Darlings! Hoping you’re having a great time celebrating the dads in your lives today... ~Happy Father's Day to all you Fathers out there! Being a good Dad is truly important... Must admit that I'm still working on my rocky-bumpy relationship with my own... like I said before, "still work in progress...errr-errr..." Still the usual 'Papa Don't Preach' theme song playing for LENORENEVERMORE...sob-sob* But it's never too late to start repairing...I'd say~AMEN! Anyhow, as promised next post- hotel room, the dramatic view & super-cool toilet bowl...YES! Not a typo-Toilet Bowl Darlingsss... ~XOXO*
enters the Hotel Lobby~
FRESH FLOWERS were bountiful too!
(for sure they were real fresh, cos' I touched them!!!)