....LENORENEVERMORE had BBQ... and feeling bloated right now... too much red meat, white meat, all kind of meat; a romantic carnivorous kind of affair... Meat galore, there I went all the way to you... prowling, stalking, attacking and devouring like a hungry tigress! It was a beautiful and sunny Labor Day weekend nevertheless...yay! The food was grrrrrr...reat (hee! my pitiful imitation of a tiger, more like a kitty pussycat!!). I Realized that sometimes too much of a good thing is never a good thing... (Hee...this also applies to a very heavy scented perfume! An important reminder to all ladies & gentlemen out there...less is definitely more!) Any home-remedies I should know about?
On that last 'scent' note, I have to share this artist, MIKE GENO (ex-butcher) who does the meat paintings... On other days I would certainly say that they are quite 'morbidly' beautiful...but just NOT today...I hope Mr Geno would understand my stomach condition at the moment... ( "Burrrp..." excuse me, wooh! ...just let some air out ...that was rude of moi! couldn't help my self...heehee!) I think I shall not even touch any meat for the next few days (hah! I'm pretty sure all the vegans out there are jumping for joy right now!) Hope I would feel better soon & rid of this bloating. Click here for some fresh meat...errr, paintings. What causes bloating anyway...? click here to find out the cause of the unladylike behavior..burrrrp...hee!