Fashion designer-cum-photographer or the other way around...?
Whatever it is we want Hedi! We want Hedi...!! We want Hedi...!!! (heehee! sorry...just my poor & pitiful imitation of a fan in a rock concert!). Hedi Slimane (ex-YSL & Dior Homme designer is coming out with his latest book, 'ROCK diarY'!

...Let us have question of the day(shall we?) : " How did the world/society show their rebellion before the rock & roll era? If my memory is still good, it would be around the 50s...wayyy back then. As usual, curious LENORENEVERMORE wants to know...what did people do before that??? According to the bible; Adam and Eve(& not Steve, hee!) showed their rebellion against God by munching on the forbidden fruit...(bad serpent, bad serpent!!) Whatever it is, what kind of rebellion do we play-perform/commit/participate each day in our daily lives? ...as an individual, do I plot and practice what the society consider 'rebellious' or morally wrong...hmmm...??? Do we still rebel against God's will on a daily basis? (repent! repent we sinners!!) hmm...Let us all ponder...shall we... And why do we typecast rock stars & their 'entourage' as rebellious individuals? What's up with that people?!

Anyhow, this new book promises images of rock stars and fans alike (sweats too!), all captured in their rebellious state of poses? rebelling against something!? (something that we all do in one form or another?) All these and more... captured in this beautiful three volume books(count 3!)- boxed as a set. Not to worry, LENORENEVERMORE is not about to become a book critic/promoter, I'll just leave that job to Oprah! hee!! ...simply admire & support those who continue to think outside the box...challenging their talents...minds & creativity...'coloring outside the line' so to speak... a form of 'rebellion'... LENORENEVERMORE is dangerous that way...heehee! Anyhow, this book is due out 9/1 as in a couple of days... All fans get ready Hedi Slimane is our 'Rock STAR' for now at least! OK...I Feel like wearing a pair of verrry... tight black leather pants out of a sudden...and smash some musical instruments!!! .


1 comment:

LenoreNeverM♡re said...
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