
" ooohhh...have too many projects
going on at the same time...
feeling so overwhelmed at times!
What-to-do What-to-do...
errr-errr...??? "

[ another reminder 'BOSS' is actually a 'four-letter word'~hee* ]
ps: really-really sorry...can't reply back to your lovely comments at the moment...Thank you Darrrlings...~XOXO*


Dream Sequins said...

I agree with you :( I feel overstretched and underassisted. Eek! Hope you get your stuff done... and have some time to relax. BTW, I'm adding you to my Dreamy Blogroll! :)

Liv Bambola said...

haha, love that gif! Take some time out this weekend... just chill =) xx

Lola said...

Totally agree with you! Hope you manage to take some well-deserved time out for yourself!

Great post - and thanks for yr lovely comment over at my place. Hope you enjoyed the party fun there!

See you again soon,

PS Am yr newest follower!

Anonymous said...

Love this post! And the new header you put up, it is fabulous!

Aline said...

hahahahahahah you have me cracking up right now.

I hope you get through it!!!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

haha! hope you can have some relaxing time... some day... :) xoxo

Ela said...

OOOH I love the baby pic...want to kiss the baby's chubby cheeks :)

Sorry it's sooo busy for you :( Sending you some virtual elves to help out with some work :) xx

Mekkan said...

Take it easy! Why don't you use lavender candle? Glad you told me lots about candles. Thank you.

www.janetteria.com said...

LOL! & I love Ur new header...


Iva Messy said...

ohhh man ohhh man!!! I am so sorry! UGH!! {great post though!} I hope you catch a breather soon!! Maybe you can rest(<-- DO IT) a little this weekend :) LOL I hope so!

Cheryl Peters said...

Please take a few deep breaths, pat yourself on the back and know that you are doing the best you can and that all will be well.

suzi whitaker said...

just think..you can relax at your new pool soon!

Unknown said...

ugh, me too! and I just want it all DONE! love this gif! such a funny scene ...quote it often. DO IT.

Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohhh darling! I hate when you're so busy you can't breathe! Don't worry about your bloggies! We are always here! XO

Jan said...

Can't advise unfortunately - hopelessly stressed myself.x
I'm wondering if the header baby is related to Winston Churchill.

Lola said...

PS Me again! Am posting the latest LOLA'S LIFELINE COLUMN tomorrow - do hope you can find a moment to join us for some more fun! See you!


Gabbi said...

I know the feeling dear Lenore... 'Serenity Now!' xxoxo

AsianCajuns said...

Oh! I completely understand how you feel! I always feel a bit overwhelmed when the projects come flooding in! Good luck with your work!

josie(bean) said...

ahaha, this is the PERFECT motivation picture. i love that movie, ben stiller is a riot. good luck in accomplishing all your work, and as quoted by another infamous movie script - YOU CAN DO EET!

Magdalena said...

I'm way too busy today myself. I don't know where to begin..kids, work, flooded basement, dr's appts, I'm hitting the wine trail soon in The Finger Lakes. That will make everything better!! I hope you get a relaxing weekend and some peaceful time to yourself and keep staying fabulous!!

Helen said...

Bizarre! I watched Starsky and Hutch on Saturday night :D

Christina said...

i hope the feeling of being 'overwhelmed' let's up soon! margaritas usually help me:)

Sam said...

I looove that movie!! May you get all the things that you need to do in an efficient and speedy manner Lenore. P.S. Thank you for your lovely comments about my drawings by the way!! XX

Anonymous said...

Even harried you have a sense of humor LOL!

Yesterday I couldn't get on line till 10pm at night.

Lianne said...

The baby header is adorable. And yes, boss is a four letter word, and so is WORK!

drollgirl said...

hang in there, cutie!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous social worker said...

I love this little post!!
by the way I having a little giveaway, my first one

Karen said...

You are welcome girly :) and is that Ben Stiller?! Very hilarious looking haha.. Sorry to hear you are overwhelmed! Take a deep breath and prioritize, even if that means everything else before blogging!

Anna said...

Haha I love it! Such a great flick!

I totally feel you. BOSS is such a four-letter word.

Hope you have a good rest of the week :)

Diana said...

oh, man. that's is how i feel right now. is there such thing as being anti social even online??

Brian Miller said...

lol. hope you catch a break soon.

ticklishfromadistance said...

I hear ya. Hang in there. Smooches.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Jack and Coke. DO IT.