Is it Friday yet?

well...we're almost there!
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling quite restless,
I'm in the mood to dance !!!
...who is with me???
all we need =
a pair wooden sticks
basic sewing kit
yards & yards of fabric 
( preferably very light fabric ~I'm taking down my sheer curtains!)
click this video and...Let's Dance!
It's going to be fun-fun-fun~ I know it! 


Cherisse said...

hang in there... almost friday...

Jan said...

Too much Champagne - it's clear.
Won't people be able to see you through your curtainless windows?
You simply don't care, do you LNM?

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I know you're going to do this dance!! Remember to move all your furniture, don't hurt yourself okie!

Shady Del Knight said...

Strange but true, Lenore Nevermore: That very same lady will be the halftime entertainment at this year's Super Bowl!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

much better than Janet Jackson, yes?

Callie Grayson said...

I can not wait to the end of day on Friday!!! this week has been crazy! just crazy my friend.

Melanie's Randomness said...

I'm going to dancing tomorrow night!! I can't wait for tomorrow. This week has been too long!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

haha...you are so funny!:) i'm in the mood to throw plates.:))

it's almost friday.

have a wonderful weekend!


Gabbi said...

I'm with you Lenore! I'm feeling giddy happy today... adore weekends.

A~B said...

You're so creative,
please don't hurt yourself or your pug while doing the dance!

www.janetteria.com said...

So fun! :D


Unknown said...

Its is friday now!!!

Oooh I wonder what your are up to?

Diana Mieczan said...

I so want to dance right now...Its Friday:) hahaha
Hugs and kisses,sweetie

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Friday bring it on! i always feel like dancing :)

Ana Degenaar said...

Let's dance!!!!!!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

ha ha it's amazing what a couple of glasses of champagne can do! happy friday, darling Lenore! xo

Juanita said...

Have a good one...weekend that is...

Laura Mullins said...

i wish i had a dress like that for our party tonight!!!

Susan said...

A psychedelic butterfly, how flutterly charming. Thanks for the inspiration, Lenore - wishing you a wonderfully exotic weekend xx

Anonymous said...

I see an Olympic event in the making.
Let's call it synchronized chopstick curtain wushu

Anonymous said...

Hooray for dancing! HAHA! Love!

Caroline said...

Dancing is good :) Hoping you have a beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how fun!!! Now I wanna dance!

Camila F.

McVal said...

Yay it's Friday!!!! It is, isn't it?!
Have fun with your curtains, but chopsticks might not be the right thing to fix them up with... You'll have to show us how you do that.
Lovely video! Is one of those chicks you?

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!
I was a little cuckoo-cuckoo lately,
must be the recent full moon I guess...
Yup, let's blame it on the moon!


Sam said...

Oh adore! Yes, can I join you - I think that would be not only fun but incredibly cathartic! Not to mention glamorous! Hope work is a little more easy on our Lenore this week! P.S. Love that you watched Oprah!! She's so amazing - Sydney absolutely ground to a halt when she was here - the entire population was totally star struck!! XO's