SMILE...it's Monday!

[ Police mug shots from the 1920s found via All The Mountains ]
[ celebrity mugshot metal case card holder ]
What SmiLe ???
Guilty as Charged!
[ Moschino Cheap Chic knits by photographer François Rotger for Marie Claire ]
~But hopefully...there's something to smile about today!
I received Starbucks gift certificate for my birthday last week. 
As I rarely drop by the Starbucks many locations...
I was delightfully surprised to discover that
Starbucks are now serving new deliciousness! ~take a look:
 yummm...Starbucks, really?!
Did you all know about this? ~I didn't!
later today, 'gift-cert' & I will be at the Starbucks 
queue line to get a bunch of them! I'd like to share these scrumptious 
sweet pops with the office peeps. Hopefully, by sharing bribing my colleagues,
they would finally stop stealing the pens from my desk! ~extremely high Hope, huh?!
-Photos found via All The Mountains, ShopKitsonFashiongonerougeStarbucks edited by me


Pet said...

You made me smile :-) Thanks.
How on earth can you find so many interesting things?

Linda [the young curator] said...

i have heard of those starbucks pops before, but i haven't had a chance to try them yet.

you'll have to tell me how they are!

Susana said...

So cool!!! I am afraid all this hasn't arrived in Spain yet!!!Enjoy for me!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Can't wait to try!

Helen said...

I love old photos- mugshots are especially interesting! Those starbucks things look great- I don't often go in because I'm not a huge fan of their coffee though!

Susan said...

I'm smiling from ear to ear on this sunny day in London. Have a happy week, Lenore - Susan x

Formerly known as Frau said...

I guess you know where I will be today at Starbucks....wow they look delish! Today is my teens birthday..birthday cake pops might be in order!

Shady Del Knight said...

Happy Monday, Lenore! Those are decadent delights being offered at Starbucks. It looks more like Dairy Queen. Have a super week, my dear friend!

Ann said...

Nice post...
those yummy treats sure would make me smile even on Mondays ♥
I ♥ those celebrity mugshots...

Diana Mieczan said...

I totally want to try those starbucks pops. They look yummy and you made me smile with the mug shots. Have a great MOnday, darling

Cindy said...

the mug shots from the 1920 are incredible, really good portraits. you can bribe me with a cake pop anytime!

Patchie said...

That first picture made me laugh!

David Toms said...

Saw these in China, and had to try one as I too usually do not go to Starbucks and China of all places. Feel like the first photo as I have a cold/flu/plague and am at home.

Tiffany Kadani said...

Tell me why their mugshots look so glamorous? Ha!

I missed these Monday series. Makes me happy!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love the new cake pops!! They are delicious!!! =) I'm going to try to smile today!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

thais said...

now this is a great find!
and I did not know about starbucks and these new treats, will also have to make a quick stop by. thx :)
and happy belated b-day. wishing you a 'personal new year' filled with happiness.

Something Old, Something New said...

Thanks for the smile :) These little cake-pops look delicious. I may have to pop over to Starbucks today to try one!

Kristen Victoria said...

YUM! Those tiramisu cake pops look divine... I might have to head over there after work today! :)

McVal said...

Please don't tell me that that's you in any of those shots!!!!
Unfortunately Starbucks is on our list of places we won't go. It's an extensive list for many and various reasons...

Jess said...

the petite sweet treats line is fabulous, my favorite (so far) is the salted caramel bar. yummy.

Sarah Swell Jewelry said...

the 1920's mug shots are amazing!

jdavissquared said...

I had no idea! I don't frequent Starby's either. Your office peeps are lucky!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hehe! Sooo fun! :)


Happy Monday, my dear!

Diana Smith said...

I seriously trying to smile that its monday, but its sooo hard! haha these smile less pictures were pretty funny!

Livy Love

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

i am totally addicted to starbucks :) happy monday :)

drollgirl said...

you'd think i was being arrested today based upon the look on my face!

and those starbucks treats look mighty tasty! nOM!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

I would love a lollipop cake right about now

Valentina Mantovani said...

fantastic shots


Jess said...

They certainly look delicious :)

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh Lenore, like you, I so enjoy Mondays!!! And I have heard of and tried the pops at Starbucks and they are delish! And just enough for a little pick me up.

Anonymous said...

Haha I love this! It definitely made me smile! :)

Tracey said...

Yum - I had no idea Starbucks were serving such tasty treats ... definitely worth a visit. Here's hoping they help lead to a reduction in the level of pen stealing.

PS. Those mug shots are hilarious! :)

Unknown said...

Drool!! I love cake anything so I would love to try one of those lol. Starbucks has pretty good treats, I must say. It's one of my fav places to go for a treat - though I can't do it often or I'll weigh 300lbs!

Sam said...

That top photo is totally me on Monday - particularly the shoulders! Gosh my poor colleagues! Love all the Starbuck's goodies - I'll have to pop in and try those - all of them of course! Although, it's possible we don't have them here...XOXO's