~Tropical fruit*

Have you ever tasted Mangosteen before?
Strange looking, isn't it? errr...let's just call it exotic!
They presented me with a platter of these exotic fruits in my room~
Mangosteen has no relation to a mango. Its origin is right here in the tropical 
climate of South East Asia. It's soft, sweet, quite citrusy and so delicioussssss...
" Ahhhhhh... I think i'm in Lurrrve..."
(as usual I can be such a drama queen like that!)
" YUM !  I want some more pretty please..."
from Singapore


amourissima said...

Looks fantastic! I love interesting food.

Karena said...

Hmmmmm Lenore I take it is good!? Isn't this one of the super fruits!!

Art by Karena

Cheryl Peters said...

A lovely treat hidden behind a rather ugly exterior. That makes it even more delicious--don't you think?

I love your dramatic side; it's what we love about you (among a bunch of other attributes you possess).

Helen said...

Wow, crazy looking fruit!

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Wow so interesting! I had heard of them but had never acutely seen one. So thanks.... lovely photos & great description!

Anonymous said...

it looks like garlic..=)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

hah, you are so right; white & segmented just like garlic!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I've never had it but I believe you! Enjoy!

Something Old, Something New said...

I've never heard of it but looks delicious! How fun!

shari said...

Well, I've heard of it, but I had no idea what it looked like! Is it like lychee? Looks very bizarre in a GOOD way. I will try ANY fruit!! You're so cute, I love the added pic with the legs folded under showing us you are REALLY enjoying the yummy new fruit!


Oh yes I have! It's good and it's a superfood so that's good enough for me :)

Mekkan said...

I like it. Did you open it with a knife? In Japan, some frozen mangosteens are sold but fresh is best for sure.

Sarah said...

Wow, that is very cool! I have to admit it almost looks scary at first, but you really can't loose with fruit. Now if it was a vegetable, I'd need some coaxing ;)

- Sarah

Shady Del Knight said...

I could eat a bushel and a peck right this minute, Lenore Nevermore! I never tasted them but your pictures and description make me curious...and hungry! Have fun and stay safe, dear friend!

www.janetteria.com said...



Diana Smith said...

What a cool looking fruit! haha

Tiffany Kadani said...

They sent them to your room like a queeen? I love your life!

Raven said...

Wow! There are so many interesting fruits out there in the world. It kinda looks like chopped up bananas are inside it. Hee hee. I would like to try one!

A~B said...

Exotic is the right description!

McVal said...

wOW! It's an awful lot of husk for such a bit of fruit! Someday I will find that.. Looks delish.

Martina said...

Hmmmm, these look so yummy - and exotic! Have never seen or tasted them. But, that's the nice thing about being in some far away country - discovering things we don't know! Have a fun day in Singapore - must be so exiting!

Jessica said...

Oh wow. So different looking. But it sounds delicious.

Kitty Stampede said...

WOWZA...never tried them...would love to. they do look very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it matters what they taste like when they are already such visual ecstasy. Once again, mother natures philosophy appears to be too much is barely enough.

Pretty Zesty said...

I've never heard of these. I'd love to find them and try one day!

ps I need guest posts in a few weeks if you are interested. stop by for details!

Kwana said...

Oh my. I've never seen it or heard of it. Now I want.

Sam said...

Pretty, pretty! I have tried it - a long time ago - is it a little like lychee by any chance? XO's

Phoenix said...

Mangosteen is awesome! And it helps with acid reflux :) Yay for random health tips!

Nikki said...

I've had freeze dried mangosteen before and didn't like it. But I guess I'll give fresh a try. It's so weird looking!

Angela said...

Yes, it is different but good uh....
Btw, on your header, is that a vintage Goyard trunk? Nice!

Susan said...

Curiously exotic and divinely fragrant. Love the photographs!

ben+alex said...

pretty photos:)
i want to try that ASAP
new to your blog. loving it!

Jo said...

I've heard of it, but have never seen it. Now I've just got to try it!!

Amy said...

wow those look delicious in the weirdest way!

wish i could taste them!


Pet said...

There is always a moment in any day to indulge ourselves. This looks like one of them, doesn't it?

The Snarky Narwhal said...

i've never had it, but I love your reaction!!!

Judy said...

I want to try this Mangosteen! I love exotic fruits!


Jess said...

woah, so interesting. i can't even imagine what it tastes like.

Saving Capulet said...

maww you made me smile! we have plenty of those here in the Philippines! I'm sure you'll love all the tropical fruits we have here! <3

Unknown said...

Those look INCREDIBLE!

jason said...

I've heard of it, but I've never had it. I must look for it at the local asian market.
I'm intrigued now!

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh Honey, sounds like you are having a great time already. The fruit looks intresting, and the inside reminds me of garlic cloves. But even better is your fabluous heels and that beautiful colored skirt!!!

littletiara said...

I LOOOOOVEEEEE Mangosteeeeen ♥

there's a game here to guess how many segments inside the mangosteen :P *because they're random, right?

aahhh... you make me wanna go to the nearest market and buy them! :D yes yes, we have lots of 'em here :P

little luxury list said...

I was obsessed with mangosteen ever since a NY Times article labeled it as the best fruit ever. I think I had my first one in Canada (US doesn't import though I think there are canned ones there). It is a fun fruit and delicious though it takes a lot of effort!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Nicole said...

I ate these when I was in China and they were delicious! I wish we could get them here. I didn't know the English name for them until now, so thank you! It's fun to remember them:)

Travel With Lulu said...

Lucky you. Really cool - would love to try it!

Thank you for joining Post Of The Month Club :) XOL

flowers on my table said...

What a curious looking fruit. I have never heard of it, it looks a bit like lychee inside. Popped over from Happy Homemaker's, love Linda x

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from Post of The Month Club, got to try these in China, but did not know this was what they were called.