Hide 'n' Seek

" It's more interesting to have just a picture of a small detail,
 then you can dream all the rest around it. Because when you see 
the whole thing, what is there to imagine? " ~Dries Van Noten
I've been gathering inspiring quotes lately & would love to have them pinned up in my office.
errr...perhaps I've been inspired by my mom to decorate the wall? 
If you have any favorites, do share pretty please...

-Photos by Tommy Ton at Jak&Jil


Kwana said...

These details are so beautiful. Who would think of a watch at the collar?

Jan said...

"There is more to life than increasing its speed".
Ghandi ...
is a favourite of mine LNM.

Sarah said...

oooh the watch tied is very interesting and different. I like it a lot!

- Sarah

Shady Del Knight said...

That's a very sexy shoe! How's this for a quote: "Lenore Nevermore is one of the most versatile bloggers that I have ever known." I have a blog award waiting for you, dear friend, so please come over and pick it up at your earliest convenience.

shari said...

My favorite right now is: "Dwell in possibility..." by Emily Dickinson. A close second is: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Ghandi, of course!

love ya, cutie!

p.s. in college, a guy I dated told me that he sat behind me in class, noticing my bra strap barely visible every now and then, and had crazy fantasies about me, ha ha. That was such a funny thing to hear at the time, as I thought guys only noticed the most obvious kinds of seduction. I wasn't even trying!

Susan said...

I'm rather inspired by your wonderful watch-as-a-collar, what a cool idea, especially as we're always rushing around these days. So how about: "Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count."

Ana Degenaar said...

Perfect quote for this set of photos. I am loving it.

Jess said...

one of my faves is from teddy roosevelt:
"do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Tiffany Kadani said...

Love these photos. Wow. Incredible. Especially the last one.

Quotes? My personal motto is "Trying is succeeding. If you didn't succeed, you didn't try."

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

That's very sweet of you, thank you!

lurrve it, it's so true, ain't it?!

~Thank you & cheers everyone!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

oo that watch is clever.

Sécia Mischke said...

Love the mysteriousness of that last photo.

♥ sécia

Anonymous said...

the whisper draws more real attention than a scream, and these images are testaments to that morsel of knowing. as to the quotes, my forever favorite will always be from Calvin Coolidge of all people. "Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent". mmmm.. omnipotence. tasty.

stephiejane said...

that watch collar thing is amazing....love.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Tracy, haha!
I'll try to use that tasty 'word' in a sentence today!

Mekkan said...

"It's more interesting to have just a picture of a small detail,
then you can dream all the rest around it." I love this part. Your profile pic also makes me dream some day we would be able to see Lenore. How exciting!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous! I would love a decorative chalk board to write inspirational quotes on!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Let's continue to imagine...
plus, I'm still too shy for now(blushed*)

ooo...we've just painted a kitchen pantry door in chalkboard paint recently! Must take a pic of it & post/share one day!

Unknown said...

That watch 'tie' for want of a better word is so awesome I'm going to tell my clients about it!

Couture Carrie said...

Very cool pics, darling!
As Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said: God is in the details.


Anonymous said...

oh my. very impressive. i'd be curious to see what you do with it...curiouser curiouser even

Sam said...

Very lovely spread here - the watch neck piece is so quirky - I love it!

My favourite quote at the moment:

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" Helen Keller

jason said...

love that watch collar!

McVal said...

That hoodie is just odd... Pretty sure I wouldn't be able to carry it off... Love all else tho!

Unknown said...

These pictures are fun and I really love that quote! Thanks for sharing!

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

"A day with out laughter is a day wasted"- Charlie Chaplin. :)

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

aweome, i so love it <3 these are the perfect inspirations dear.

martinealison said...

Beaucoup de charme et de classe...

Juanita said...

“Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”
- Tolstoy

wishful nals said...

so pretty. that watch collar? amazing.

David Toms said...

These are some brilliant details and accessories that add just the right amount of panache! Prize = postcard?

Pet said...

Isn't it all about dreaming? How boring will it be if everything were a certainty.

Pet said...

And heels, aren't they fascinating!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Your fave 'quotes' have inspired me to do blog posts~ Big Thanks!

SabinePsynopsis said...

This quote is like a revelation... I will try to focus more on details from now on, yeap!

Diana Mieczan said...

Little details are always the best and that last image is stunning..Smitten with red lipstick:) Hugs

Ps: I’m hosting a beautiful dress GIVEAWAY today! Just in time for summer!

Tracey said...

Oh, I love the watch worn at the collar ... that's very clever and super stylish.