Home Sweet Home

" Oh mommy dearest...is that really yooo??? "
." mommy, i'm so HAPPY you're finally home...
someone just pooped in the bedroom "

errr...you know all my babies can talk right? 



Shady Del Knight said...

Yay!!! The pugs have their mommy dearest back. Just look at those sweet faces. I'm so glad you showed us the happy reunion, Lenore Nevermore. This calls for a little pee in the living room to go with that poop in the bedroom!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Oh no, pretty please...
hah~ you're too much!
Welcome to my reality!

Meine Dinge Franka said...

O no .... - they are so cute!

♥ Franka

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh their faces are priceless!

Gabbi said...

They're too CUTE Lenore!! My George ignores me whenever I leave him for more than a week... ♥

Tiffany Kadani said...

Haha, Shady cracks me up everytime.

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh Lenore, that is such a cute post and look at those faces!!! They don't know if they should jump at you, pee, run around or what they should do, they are so over excited! When I leave for a extended time, it breaks my heart to leave Buster, even though they say they have no concept of time, but I get depressed. But the homecoming is oh so much more festive isn't it?

Phoebe Limanta said...

That is the best part of going home... seeing my baby's face at the front door! :)

Kwana said...

LOL. Oh they are so happy to see you. Welcome home.

martinealison said...

Au moins eux sont toujours sincères lorsqu'on rentrent...
Ils sont adorables...
Bienvenue chez vous!
Gros bisous

martinealison said...

Au moins eux sont toujours sincères lorsqu'on rentrent...
Ils sont adorables...
Bienvenue chez vous!
Gros bisous

Karena said...

Too adorable! I am sure they were so happy to have Mommy home!


Art by Karena

Sam said...

Awww! darling hearts! So earnest looking! They must be over the moon to see their Mummy again.


Oh yay! Welcome home! They must be thrilled! :) xoxo

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you everyone!
Home sweet home indeed, poops & all!

Christel @ Captivated by image said...


adireg said...

really lovely dog