" ...at first glance, I thought it was a charming & cute toy! "
This is a 160-guest rooms hotel! The Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam was designed
by Delft architects WAM Architecten. To view more angles of this marvelous architecture click HERE
-Via Dezeen.com
oh yeah it looks like a toy !
nice post !
What!! It's NOT a toy?!
That's so cool!! :) I'd love to stay in such a cartoonish, fun hotel :)
It definitely does NOT look real.... wow!
Wow...I want to stay there jut for the pictures!
Gosh. I thought it was a toy!
It's beautiful!
It does look like Legos or something!
oooh wow, so it's real??
This is the strangest concept - looks unsafe.
I'd need to see the inside before deciding whether to stay there.
How cool!
wow! this is amazing!
WOW i would LOVE to stay in a hotel like that! (:
oh gosh its real!!
That is pretty amazing! I did think it was blocks at first!
How cool is that? It's like Mr. Roger's neighborhood. Kind of. I think my perception of his neighborhood is a little screwy. But it is cool nonetheless!
No way. It's totally lego-fied. Awesome!
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It's wild. You find the best pics.
I don't think I'd feel very safe in that thing.
Constructed with permission from Fisher-Price?
WHOA seriously, is that for real? That's awesome!
that's a good one, very fisher-price!
Thank you everybody~xo*
Whoa...that is incredible!
This is nuts! I love it and want to stay there!
wow this building looks great
hah i thought it is a real building
I love architecture that doesn't take itself too seriously!
What a FUN building!
wow, i thought it was surely a little model or a toy myself. amazing!
This is really a hotel?? One that people can sleep in? I was looking for the lego lines at first -- I was convinced it wasn't real. The general setting does nothing to help that. I wonder what the rooms look like...
Oh I love this sweetie! I love fun and playfulness in architecture! XOXO's
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